Premier League ain’t ready for bald Martial

Same energy

The thread title should he changed to bald Martial ain’t ready for the Premier League.

Because based on his first half display vs Everton he most definitely ain’t.


Sadly the Martial zealots will take this more seriously than it should and scream ‘agenda’ in response
Thought he was very poor but first outing like 5 months.
Gave up on the lad a long time ago.
You guys need to chill. Hasnt played in 5 months ffs. Hopefully he is more ch sharper by the time we face Leeds.
The thread title should he changed to bald Martial ain’t ready for the Premier League.

Because based on his first half display vs Everton he most definitely ain’t.
Player who plays his first match in over 5 months in poor performance shock
It would have been more of a shock if the performance had been any different to what we saw throughout last season tbh.
It was different though. It was so blatantly obvious that he was rusty today that it was fecking painful.
I kept forgetting it was him, and then wondering why Ashley Young was playing out of position and refusing to run.
Why!? Because it’s pre-season. When professional footballers haven’t played a competitive game for a few weeks they tend to be rusty. I don’t think they get progressively more and more rusty until they forget how to kick a football.
Accept they do. Being out for a few weeks and 4 months are totally different. Also that wasnt Evertons first game
Well I'm gonna say even though Martial isn't fit and is rusty from not playing, I don't think he's gonna have a good season,
He'll score but I expect Bruno, Sancho, Cavani, Greenwood and Rashford to all score more than him.
I agree it was painful to watch.

Shouldn’t the defenders he was up against have been similarly rusty?
Not really if they have some pre season minutes under their belt? Weird time to have a go at someone in their first pre season game after being injured for 4 months.
In the first 20 minutes I hadn’t get used to it but I kept imagining that he is Ashley Young when I watched it on TV.
Pre-season friendly. If he's still putting performances in like that in a few weeks time, aye sharpen the knives, but bit unfair right now. And that's coming from someone who doesn't truly believe he'll ever be consistently good enough for us!
Yes. Twice. I scored my best ever five a side goal my first game after an ACL repair. True story.

Which has precisely nothing to do with Martial’s diabolical performances last season and again today.
In my experience, I feel fecked after returning from a long term injury. Touch is gone, fitness is gone and I generally end up frustrated.

It has a lot to do with it (although seemingly injuries don't effect you like they do us mere mortals), which is why so many in this thread had a problem with your comment.
He’s not good enough, been obvious for a few years.
In my experience, I feel fecked after returning from a long term injury. Touch is gone, fitness is gone and I generally end up frustrated.

It has a lot to do with it (although seemingly injuries don't effect you like they do us mere mortals), which is why so many in this thread had a problem with your comment.

I know you’ve made it one of your redcafe goals to defend Martial against any and all criticism but I mainly bumped this thread to make a silly joke about the title. And that point remains. He ain’t ready. He seems woefully undercooked for our imminent league campaign. Which isn’t ideal.

Obviously it’s impossible to know how much is down to the injury lay-off and how much is just a continuation of the frankly abysmal displays from last season. We all hope the former is the only issue here but it’s hard not to worry that this is a wildly optimistic take.