Premier League ain’t ready for bald Martial

The bald Martial reminds me of Bryan Cranston from Breaking Bad. It all goes wild after he shaves his head. I hope to see the same from Martial. I really wish good things for him because right from the moment he walked through the doors of Manchester United and scored that beauty of a goal against the Scousers, I've been a fan of his. He's a great player but works very little on the pitch which is of huge concern in the modern era. He needs to run beyond defenders, work his way into spaces and shoot whenever possible. I think after Messi he's the only one in world I see who has that kind of close control on the ball what with the little touches while dribbling to shift direction quickly. He can become one of the best players this season and cause havoc in the opponent half. I hope Ole's trust pays off. Can't wait for the season starter!
Love it. Looks angry.
Will be interesting to see how he responds to last season. Bad season all around, injury problems but also lost his place to Cavani. I can see a comeback season and performing like he did in 19/20 which would be huge for us, and us rotating him and Cavani. But also with Rashford out, can see a decent amount of LW Martial too. I don't think he'll ever become our set in stone starting striker, but I think he can get back to a level where we feel OK between him and Cavani up top and not feel like it's a problem position this year.
Didn’t do Bobby Charlton any harm either.

Not sure what you mean, Bobby had a full head of hair during his playing days.

Looks more like Dion Dublin and I expect him to play like Dion Dublin.
Probably given the Bald Rooney DVDs from Ole to study.

He probably took it too seriously.

We have a proud history of baldies, be their baldness enforced by nature or otherwise, absolutely balling for us. I hope Martial sticks with the look and is ready to write his own chapter :drool:
Keane went bald, went up a level.
Becks went bald, went up a level.
Rio went bald, went up a level.
Rooney Went bald, went up a level.
Luke went bald, went up level.
Let the season commence.
All the best people in the world are bald. Not just the ones you've mentioned but also Terry Henry, Vin Diesel, Wallace from Wallace and Gromit. As you can see the list is literally endless.

Jimmy Saville had hair. Hitler too. Basically strengthens my argument.
He was bald previously before we signed him. Looked like a crazy dude you would not mess around with. He should go bald again - reverse Samson.
Ole needs to shave the heads of Maguire, Varane, AWB and Shaw (well, maybe not Shaw). No one will dare come near that area to try to score.
Is getting your hair bald, a sign of optimal determination?

You getting me excited for new season!

Are you trying to obliquely suggest that his skin color is keeping many here from divining the true question behind his new 'do, which is not why he cut his hair, but where he got it cut?
Ole needs to shave the heads of Maguire, Varane, AWB and Shaw (well, maybe not Shaw). No one will dare come near that area to try to score.

Aerial shot of players in the penalty area during corners would be hilarious
He was our player of the year a couple years ago, he has never played in a more complete United team than this year. He could have a very good season and I imagine he will.
Needs to grow the tache now to make it complete.
He is our very own Baldie.
Man on a mission. He's going to storm defences this coming season.