Pre-season friendly Manchester United - Borussia Dortmund

Why is Lingard on the pitch? I've posted this so many times but will have to repeat myself in stating that he offers very little as a forward. He's one footed, weak, cant beat a man and is today highlighting once again how poor of a finisher he is.

Needs to work harder on the training ground instead of posting silly dabbing videos on social media. Should be shipped out whilst we can still command a decent fee for him.
No point in saying it anymore, he'll probably surpass our attendance record and become club ambassador. He's absolute shite.
Does playing some friendlies against lower league side where the entire team gets subbed at half time really signify such a huge difference?

Yes. That's why just by training players don't gain Match fitness and sharpness.
Thats not De Gea in there ,no? Its just, whenever i watch an english team, be it clubwise or the national, its always something with the keeper,always. A little bit funny.
:lol: Fantastic statement on a forum for the club who has De Gea.
Not much has happened so far. Attacking midfield 3 haven't gotten into game at all. Even though he's getting stick I've noticed Lingard more in the game than either Mkhitaryan or Mata. Disappointed by both sides.
You guys are harping on like Depay and Lingard is our first choice LW\RW. They are both second\third choice.
no one is saying he is useless. but that was very poor from him.

Are you reading the thread? He's copped some abuse and apparently Pereira should be ahead even though most probably haven't seen him play.
Everyone getting worked up when we have Martial, De Gea, Zlatan, Smalling, Darmian, Rooney, and hopefully Pogba to come back in the team.
Ppl were over the moon from the first Bailly's performance but so far in terms of passing he's really disappointing. It's a bit worrying if he starts with Smalling, we need a real playmaker there then in midfield.. Pogba is not playmaker either, hopefully Jose knows what he's doing, Bonucci would fix the problem partly... that's just first thoughts
Hope Rashford gets some playing time in the 2nd half, there’s no-one making runs and Memphis couldn’t capitalize on the two times Dortmund’s defence gave the chances on a silver platter.
Alot of these players are playing for their futures. Said it before Mourinho will have a huge cull if he needs to.. he wants to win everything.
No player should be judged on pre-season. It looks like they are playing in the sun. It's all about building fitness and the new players integrating with the squad.
Dortmund players will Obviously play better. Some of them are still hoping to sign for bigger clubs
State of this refereeing...which part of the handball rule does that come down to?