Pre-Match Press Conference | Atalanta v Manchester United | Champions League | Solskjaer & Fernandes

Honestly guys, do yourselves a favour and stop watching these press conferences. Ole always talks shite and if he isn't contradicting himself he just uses cliches.
"I have always enjoyed criticism. Keep that coming. That's fine."

How can someone enjoy criticism? It only comes when you're not doing well.

He doesn't actually mean it - it's just something people say when they survive the storm and want to look strong when they are feeling weak. He hates criticism, especially criticism that could see him lose his dream job.
No but I genuinely think he wakes up and goes:

"Man I'm really struggling to keep myself in the job, how can I lessen the pressure? How can I get people to my side". It's not as insidious but it's the same outcome and reasoning to do it. If not him, then his PR tells him to. Either way he does it. Maybe I just don't have any faith in humanity but I genuinely think that's how it goes, especially in a club that is run like us.

You are overthinking things just a tad too much.
Honestly guys, do yourselves a favour and stop watching these press conferences. Ole always talks shite and if he isn't contradicting himself he just uses cliches.
To be fair 90% of all manager and player interviews or conferences are cliche ridden bollocks
You've got some threads asking if our fans are too nice and then you open this cess pit of a thread and get your answer :lol:
Honestly guys, do yourselves a favour and stop watching these press conferences. Ole always talks shite and if he isn't contradicting himself he just uses cliches.

This is sage advice. It's not worth getting worked up over what a manager says in public. Best to just read up on the team news (if you're interested) and disregard the rest of it - there's absolutely no insight to be found in these kind of public pronouncements.
I don't like his press-conferences, it was nice after Mourinho's meltdowns but now I would rather see him being more honest with himself and us.
I don't like his press-conferences, it was nice after Mourinho's meltdowns but now I would rather see him being more honest with himself and us.

You can't really be honest in these conferences. It's a PR exercise with a bit of team news thrown in. A waste of time for everyone concerned - they'd do as well to put out a weekly statement with a list of available players on it and leave it at that.
You can't really be honest in these conferences. It's a PR exercise with a bit of team news thrown in. A waste of time for everyone concerned - they'd do as well to put out a weekly statement with a list of available players on it and leave it at that.

That is true to an extent but for fans it's the only "contact" we get with the manager and at times some genuine questions are asked, that's when I would appriciate honesty.
Have you ever clogged up a toilet and not dealt with it? And just allowed it to sit, fester, and brew for a few days and weeks? That's what we're doing with the Ole situation.

And the stink doesn't somehow go away. It just gets worse and worse and worse, until you deal with it. Evidenced by all the "irrational" comments, which really are the culmination of 3 years of cluelessness from the board, topped off by a lack of reaction after being given the worst drubbing in the modern era by our fiercest rivals. A drubbing that everyone and their dog saw coming.

Truth is the situation is untenable, and pretending it isn't will only lead to more reactions like we see in this thread. All this PR and pretending we're doing is just an insult to everyone's intelligence, and ultimately a waste of time.
Ah, now you want to chat. A minute ago you were telling me to go and support another club. No thanks mate.
So to be clear you saw his smile and felt compelled to go online and post about how you don’t like his smile?

Do we have a “Physical features I hate about Ole thread”? Because I’m not entirely sure it was a relevant comment to make @UnofficialDevil.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about his hair do you think it’s too grey now? Or what about his eyes far too blue aren’t they like Man City’s colours? Please enlighten us.
So to be clear you saw his smile and felt compelled to go online and post about how you don’t like his smile?

Do we have a “Physical features I hate about Ole thread”? Because I’m not entirely sure it was a relevant comment to make @UnofficialDevil.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about his hair do you think it’s too grey now? Or what about his eyes far too blue aren’t they like Man City’s colours? Please enlighten us.
Not a very funny post to be honest.
You've got some threads asking if our fans are too nice and then you open this cess pit of a thread and get your answer :lol:

So true. Particularly because Ole genuinely seems a bit deluded in what he's done/how we've been playing so he's hardly going to come out and not fight his corner/give generic answers as other managers do.
Ok. Looks like Ole is here for the season. I have some constructive criticism for him..

I notice that he half says one word then changes is mind and says another word. He does this with sentences too, half saying one sentence and changing his mind. This makes him look unconvincing and nervous which is not a good thing, especially for the players.

I would like Ole to speak less, maybe even pause longer before answering, but with less hesitation and more purpose. Utd could surely pay someone to train him to speak better. I think it would help him immeasurably in delivery of his instruction to the players and speaking to the media.
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Again with the «one swallow does not make a summer»-bullshit in his fake Manc-accent, have to say, the guy is so incredibly annoying. All about him and his enormous ability to turn it around, carefully steering away from the fact that the results are lousy, the football is painful and the stability is non-existent. Only Man Utd would throw away this incredible squad on such a shit manager.
Ignoring the rest of your bullshit, what the feck are you taking about in bolded? He lived in Manchester for 15 years, its the only English city he's lived in, what other accent is he supposed have a brummy one?!
People seem to have confused being "nice" as being a good man manager. Let's take Fergie for example, the definition of a man manager. He was anything but nice during his time as a manager, let's not pretend otherwise. but he knew how to make every player feel like they are part of something, that they are part of the squad and have contributed. What Ole does is the definition of anti-management - he alienates half of his squad, delivers promises he has no intention to keep and tells them to "man up, i also sat on the bench" when he is questioned.
He did. And played on the right when asked. And got sent off making a last ditch tackle as the last line of defence. And scored a goal in a champions league final.
It’s been like this all season. Coupled with the sheer arrogance to smile and pretend like nothing’s wrong after every point dropped.
What would you prefer, crying, ranting or a more measured, stoic approach?
Your pulling points behind out of thin air though for this season.

As things stand a win against Man City would put us level with them (of course behind in goal difference)
Bu.. Bu.. But Pep if far superior tactically, he doesn't even play a striker, working towards that 0-10-0 formation...
"I have always enjoyed criticism. Keep that coming. That's fine."

How can someone enjoy criticism? It only comes when you're not doing well.
Improvement? In high pressure, competitive work environments, those that seek criticism tend to be the best off.

Jaysus, some of these posters have been walking in the moon too much. Amusing though
I actually dislike him as a person now. I don't care what he's done for United in the past. He's emotionally blackmailing fans and treats his players that aren't his favorites like trash
Yes, feck the CL trophy and all that. I love Donny a lot more. He´s awesome.
Ok. Looks like Ole is here for the season. I have some constructive criticism for him..

I notice that he half says one word then changes is mind and says another word. He does this with sentences too, half saying one sentence and changing his mind. This makes him look unconvincing and nervous which is not a good thing, especially for the players.

I would like Ole to speak less, maybe even pause longer before answering, but with less hesitation and more purpose. Utd could surely pay someone to train him to speak better. I think it would help him immeasurably in delivery of his instruction to the players and speaking to the media.
You spot nervosity in peoples eyes and by their body language. He didn´t look nervous to me. Not a bit.
Quality control
He doesn't actually mean it - it's just something people say when they survive the storm and want to look strong when they are feeling weak. He hates criticism, especially criticism that could see him lose his dream job.
This. It was just a year or so ago that he was going against RvP saying only thing he'll take is his no. 20 shirt. He's such a phychopathic liar that he himself doesn't recognize how many times he has contradicted himself, not to mention he uses every opportunity to bring his time as player to keep the nostalgia going. And some here still refuse to come out of this fraud's arse. Ole deserves same kind of ridicule that politicians get for lying using race, religion, etc. to manipulate general public
He did. And played on the right when asked. And got sent off making a last ditch tackle as the last line of defence. And scored a goal in a champions league final.
When will Ole inners stop using his time as a player to justify his time as a manager? These are entirely separate career apths. Ole's time as a player has never been questioned.
This. It was just a year or so ago that he was going against RvP saying only thing he'll take is his no. 20 shirt. He's such a phychopathic liar that he himself doesn't recognize how many times he has contradicted himself, not to mention he uses every opportunity to bring his time as player to keep the nostalgia going. And some here still refuse to come out of this fraud's arse. Ole deserves same kind of ridicule that politicians get for lying using race, religion, etc. to manipulate general public
Well this seems a really well thought out view point based on a press conference.
I don't like his press-conferences, it was nice after Mourinho's meltdowns but now I would rather see him being more honest with himself and us.
I rather think you should be honest to yourself. You´d love his pressers if we were top of the league. The situation considered, he handled it really well.
I support United, not Ole. But thanks. Maybe when he is eventually sacked, you can support which ever club hires him.
So, how many games will it take then, before you start hoping for us to win again?
This. It was just a year or so ago that he was going against RvP saying only thing he'll take is his no. 20 shirt. He's such a phychopathic liar that he himself doesn't recognize how many times he has contradicted himself, not to mention he uses every opportunity to bring his time as player to keep the nostalgia going. And some here still refuse to come out of this fraud's arse. Ole deserves same kind of ridicule that politicians get for lying using race, religion, etc. to manipulate general public

The absolute state of this:lol::wenger::wenger:
When will Ole inners stop using his time as a player to justify his time as a manager? These are entirely separate career apths. Ole's time as a player has never been questioned.
But he does know how important bench players are. Maybe these guys need to be super subs before they are first team regulars?
This. It was just a year or so ago that he was going against RvP saying only thing he'll take is his no. 20 shirt. He's such a phychopathic liar that he himself doesn't recognize how many times he has contradicted himself, not to mention he uses every opportunity to bring his time as player to keep the nostalgia going. And some here still refuse to come out of this fraud's arse. Ole deserves same kind of ridicule that politicians get for lying using race, religion, etc. to manipulate general public
Maybe the worst post I’ve seen on here, well done.
Well let's hope you like the new manager's smile otherwise you'll have another problem on your hands.
I feel a new thread coming….

“Which Ole replacement has the best smile?”
So, how many games will it take then, before you start hoping for us to win again?
You fool it’s not about the games winning or losing or patterns of play. It’s the teeth! Don’t you see!?

If Ole can’t produce the correct ratio of tooth to gum during press conferences then how on earth will he balance our attack and defence? If the man can’t control his own face to the satisfaction of some on here how can we ever hope to control the midfield?
You spot nervosity in peoples eyes and by their body language. He didn´t look nervous to me. Not a bit.
If not nerves then maybe he is over-thinking his answers. He mixes up his pronouns too, particularly "we" and "I". When I watch his old Cardiff interviews he speaks with much more ease so it is not a second language issue. He needs speech training.

Polygraph tests do not use eye movements to detect lies. There are more ways to detect nervosity than eye movements.
Such tremendous gowlishness on display all over this thread. Ole says the right things generally. There are many sticks you can beat him with, but for god sake you just look pathetic trying to pick him apart for a few words before a game. Gowls.
I feel a new thread coming….

“Which Ole replacement has the best smile?”

You fool it’s not about the games winning or losing or patterns of play. It’s the teeth! Don’t you see!?

If Ole can’t produce the correct ratio of tooth to gum during press conferences then how on earth will he balance our attack and defence? If the man can’t control his own face to the satisfaction of some on here how can we ever hope to control the midfield?

Have you ever clogged up a toilet and not dealt with it? And just allowed it to sit, fester, and brew for a few days and weeks? That's what we're doing with the Ole situation.

And the stink doesn't somehow go away. It just gets worse and worse and worse, until you deal with it. Evidenced by all the "irrational" comments, which really are the culmination of 3 years of cluelessness from the board, topped off by a lack of reaction after being given the worst drubbing in the modern era by our fiercest rivals. A drubbing that everyone and their dog saw coming.

Truth is the situation is untenable, and pretending it isn't will only lead to more reactions like we see in this thread. All this PR and pretending we're doing is just an insult to everyone's intelligence, and ultimately a waste of time.

No, I haven’t.
I feel a new thread coming….

“Which Ole replacement has the best smile?”

You fool it’s not about the games winning or losing or patterns of play. It’s the teeth! Don’t you see!?

If Ole can’t produce the correct ratio of tooth to gum during press conferences then how on earth will he balance our attack and defence? If the man can’t control his own face to the satisfaction of some on here how can we ever hope to control the midfield?
Didn't Rodgers get his done for the Liverpool job?
(Liverpool... job... Håh! )