Pre-Match Press Conference | Atalanta v Manchester United | Champions League | Solskjaer & Fernandes

In the book "The Barcelona Way" DNA of achievers, Pep moved out Deco and all those lot. He would bench them and see who was sulking on the bench. Deco et all would not celebrate from the bench when the team scored. He would end up shipping them out.

When you have a big squad you're going to bench big players its part of the game. Sancho hasn't impressed its okay for him to be on the bench he is a 20 year old boy, furthermore Pep spends 60m on Laporte, 100m on Grealish sits em on the bench not an utterance from the press. We put Sancho on the bench "no forward planning" headlines ring out. And we have a section of our so called fanbase who fall for it hook line and sinker.
In the book "The Barcelona Way" DNA of achievers, Pep moved out Deco and all those lot. He would bench them and see who was sulking on the bench. Deco et all would not celebrate from the bench when the team scored. He would end up shipping them out.

When you have a big squad you're going to bench big players its part of the game. Sancho hasn't impressed its okay for him to be on the bench he is a 20 year old boy, furthermore Pep spends 60m on Laporte, 100m on Grealish sits em on the bench not an utterance from the press. We put Sancho on the bench "no forward planning" headlines ring out. And we have a section of our so called fanbase who fall for it hook line and sinker.
This is a good point well made.
For the love of god go watch an interview with any of those three when asked about tactics then watch our manager answer a similar question.

I don't know if you're trolling or what.
I understand you want Ole out as do a majority of others on the forum. There are plenty of other threads you can vent about Ole. Judging Ole on his performances in a presser is surely pushing it to another level.
I think Ole's press conferences are heavily scripted. I think he trips over his words because he is trying to remember which scripted reply to give. You see very little personality, humour, honesty or emotion. I have never watched one of his press conference the whole way through. I usually last about 2 minutes then turn off from boredom. I find other manager's pressers quite fascinating.
Yes agree with you. He doesn't flow well with his words as if it's his brain running through scripted scenario answers to match the question. I also think the press are told the tone of the interview. All the questions are bland and not taxing. Why doesn't anyone ask why Sancho was chased for 2 years cost a fortune but can't get in the side. Why Bailley was given a 3 year deal, why VDB wasn't allowed to leave, and why buy in the first place etc
Right now his empty words and soulless approach works against him.

Supporters are making fun of things he says and even media starts to get annoyed with so much BS.

Maybe at this point when results and people’s perception of him is changing to the worse it’s time to change approach how to use meaningless words and phrases.
We get it already, you hate him. Good for you. Now move on
You really don't want much controversy to come out prior to a match which could likely be a mood changer for the squad and be next mornings headlines.

Keegan's rant is now a standard-bearer of how not to conduct a press conference.
In the book "The Barcelona Way" DNA of achievers, Pep moved out Deco and all those lot. He would bench them and see who was sulking on the bench. Deco et all would not celebrate from the bench when the team scored. He would end up shipping them out.

When you have a big squad you're going to bench big players its part of the game. Sancho hasn't impressed its okay for him to be on the bench he is a 20 year old boy, furthermore Pep spends 60m on Laporte, 100m on Grealish sits em on the bench not an utterance from the press. We put Sancho on the bench "no forward planning" headlines ring out. And we have a section of our so called fanbase who fall for it hook line and sinker.
True. Especially the bolded, a large section of United fans keep some journo’s in a job.
In the book "The Barcelona Way" DNA of achievers, Pep moved out Deco and all those lot. He would bench them and see who was sulking on the bench. Deco et all would not celebrate from the bench when the team scored. He would end up shipping them out.

When you have a big squad you're going to bench big players its part of the game. Sancho hasn't impressed its okay for him to be on the bench he is a 20 year old boy, furthermore Pep spends 60m on Laporte, 100m on Grealish sits em on the bench not an utterance from the press. We put Sancho on the bench "no forward planning" headlines ring out. And we have a section of our so called fanbase who fall for it hook line and sinker.
You have to understand Pep will get a pass for some of these decisions because a) hate him of love him, we can all agree that he is one of the best managers around (b) He has won everywhere he has gone, so even when he might get a decision wrong, he is likely to get it right. He is a proven winner

I think we can all also agree that Ole's managerial career has proved only that he is nowhere the required standard to manage at Man United Level. His decisions will be questioned and should be. If he sings a player he chased for 2 years for 75 million to keep his 40 million signing company on the bench, fine, but he best be winning for those decisions to be justified.
Can I hijack this thread a bit to encourage unity and tolerance. I know the Caf veers from extreme to extreme, from siiiiiiiiuuuuuu to Infighting. Right now, most of us reluctantly accept that Ole, a hero of the club, is not a top manager and we need to move on. I watched the presser. It was alright. Bruno is the players leader. The symbolism was ‘the players are behind OGS’, but I have the sense that won’t last forever.

Some in here were annoyed by the vibe of Ole, Ole-try-too-hard, the way an ex can suddenly seem deeply unattractive, once infatuation fades. Others think that’s irrelevant. Both views are understandable. Any true supporter will celebrate when we win. It was weird last match seeing Ole playing Conte-Ball then the team we beat getting Actual Conte. Peace, sisters and brothers (and trolling oppo fans).
Can I hijack this thread a bit to encourage unity and tolerance. I know the Caf veers from extreme to extreme, from siiiiiiiiuuuuuu to Infighting. Right now, most of us reluctantly accept that Ole, a hero of the club, is not a top manager and we need to move on. I watched the presser. It was alright. Bruno is the players leader. The symbolism was ‘the players are behind OGS’, but I have the sense that won’t last forever.

Some in here were annoyed by the vibe of Ole, Ole-try-too-hard, the way an ex can suddenly seem deeply unattractive, once infatuation fades. Others think that’s irrelevant. Both views are understandable. Any true supporter will celebrate when we win. It was weird last match seeing Ole playing Conte-Ball then the team we beat getting Actual Conte. Peace, sisters and brothers (and trolling oppo fans).
You're right, I think the senior players such as Bruno, Ronaldo, Maguire, Varane(maybe?) and Scott are behind Ole. The rest I'm not so sure. All it takes is another bad result and civil war will break out.
He’s not once said himself “We’re shifting to a 433 this season.” Notice how they all say “according to sources/reports” without a single direct quote?

And so I struggle to see how that constitutes him spouting lies (the implication being that he’s regularly publicly suggested these things will happen).

The other point I’d like to raise with you is that let’s say Ole did want to play 4-3-3 in July 2021 and was hoping to have a DM, CB and RW to help make that happen do you not think missing out on a DM and getting Ronaldo instead may significantly change those plans?

And next question if the situation changes (e.g. Ronaldo as a lone striker won’t work) abs that no longer becomes the best formation do you try to stick to it regardless?

Or do you want a manager that adapts to get the best out of the players he currently has not the players he (or you) wishes he had?

I believe your analogy was poor and over the top but we’ll put that to one side for now. I think you’ll find there’s a lot of good discussion to be had from fans if you engage without resorting to hyperbole or poor analogies too. Sometimes people do get fed up of seeing personal attacks which aren’t substantiated by any fact only feeling and I’d imagine that’s half of the problem here.
There's an entire thread here about the supposed switch to 433 or at least a more attacking style, and you come back with not a single direct quote. How then are you suggesting that Ole was hoping for a DM? There had been a few stories linking to us looking at some DMs but nothing was really concrete. Infact, Ole has come out and said himself he's happy with midfield options. How are making up that because he couldn't get a DM that he had moved away from the supposed 433 switch?

It constitutes spouting lies, because he has constantly spoke about attacking play and Utd way and all that jazz but had to employ a system with 7 defensive players 3 yrs into his managerial appointment. He speaks about youth, but none of Amad, pallestri, mejbri, etc. have gotten much chance. It's all just hollow words without any conviction. And you didn't address the main point, he said he welcomes criticism but he's had a go at RvP, Ince, LvG, and even fans etc. for criticizing him.

If it was the case that Ronaldo signing made him not continue with 433, was the whole pre-season training in vain? Doesn't that tell more about how clueless the entire coaching setup is that a single unexpected signing can ruin their entire plan. Not to mention Ronaldo would suit a 433 more than a 4231 with 2 defensive mids while the latter would have 2 mids to supply balls through channels?

I want a manager that has a philosophy of how his team wants to play, so that players are then just interchangeable without the overall quality of the team's play dropping significantly. Why is Ole having to adapt to so many different formations 3 yrs into the appointment and still there isn't any identity to the team. Was the weekend's defensive 5212 some grand plan or last-ditch attempt to save his job?

My analogy is good, because in what other profession does one lie to the masses and get away with it. And they get rightly ridiculed for it. That's all what I've said. But Ole somehow is exempt from it.
I don't really care. Ole's never done it. At least Pep sounds intelligent when he talks about football. That's my point. Ole's entire existence as a manager is one giant PR stunt.

Did you hear Klopp talk about his shouting at VVD and the tactics? look at the details for just a small aspect of defending, makes you realise how simple Ole of manager ole is.

“ So, there is never one explanation, you cannot now make a massive story of that because I said before we didn’t defend the half-spaces right. That’s the problem.

‘When the guy on the ball is not under pressure, you cannot have a high last line, so then the last line drops in that moment and all of a sudden we put pressure on it and then they have to push up again.

‘So, these kind of things, we have clear rules, clear moments for when we do what. It’s not an easy one.

Now I know it [what the exchange was about], it was the one where [Solly] March was pretty much the only player up-front for Brighton and Virgil was too far away.

‘In that moment it was about that but yes, a normal coach-player talk.“
Right now his empty words and soulless approach works against him.

Supporters are making fun of things he says and even media starts to get annoyed with so much BS.

Maybe at this point when results and people’s perception of him is changing to the worse it’s time to change approach how to use meaningless words and phrases.

Cmon mate, serious?

Look at the replies in this thread.

Fans are baying for his blood, you're really suggesting that if Ole gave press conferences the way people wanted it would lessen the heat on him?

There's only one thing that's going to save Oles neck, to get the team to play good football and win games.

Nothing else is going to save him nor change the perception of him by our fans. Fans that are adamantly against him will find any reason to have a go at him
What exactly do you want him to say? All managers deflect with BS. Klopp has his "the grass was too long", "the rain was falling sideways instead of straight down", type BS post-match conferences.

BS is part and parcel of press conferences, I just don't understand why everyone's getting worked up about this. Ole knows he's under pressure, he knows the team has failed these first 10 rounds, he knows there's no cohesion/fluidity to our play. The fact he changed formation should be testament to Ole knowing things aren't right and that he's under pressure.

You don't need a press conference to see what Ole really thinks.

I answered this same question a few posts back.
How would you describe the lot that got beat at home by Villa, failed to beat Everton at home, spanked by Leicester and humiliated by Liverpool?

If I’m not mistaken Donny’s played five minutes of league football this season, FIVE fecking minutes. He was also decent against West Ham in the league cup. It’s not even about VDB for me, it’s about calling out the sheer incompetency of this management.

This is a good point actually. Ole's over-reliance on 14-15 players will have consequences come April/May and I think we saw that last season.

I don't understand why Utd. don't arrange say a behind closed doors midweek match in an empty week (like last week) vs Preston or Bury, some local team also out of the Carabou Cup where a whole 2nd 11 gets to play as a team. This will give the coaches and the manager time to see these players perform (or not). Hopefully he can then bring them on into PL/CL matches with more confidence so the current 1st 11 aren't burnt out by spring. This is especially important when the two top strikers have a combined age of 70 - even though they are both brilliant - they need to have their game-time moderated over the next 6 months.
This thread is full of cnuts. The whole forum stinks of it. Lets face it, Ole could now go on and win the Champions League and would still get called out by a section of our "support", based upon stuff that nobody really knows anything about, such as "man management". Unless you're in the training ground, day in day out, you know nothing about his man management.

Just support the team and Ole until he's no longer the manager. Then you support the new manager. Rinse and repeat.

Venting your spleen all over the forum gains absolutely nothing, other than making you look like a cnut.

Was the same with Mourinho. Same with LVG, Same with Moyes.
I do not understand in what type of games is he going to play VDB? I do not accept that substituting one player i.e. Fred for VdB is going to make a massive difference to the team. If they play a double-pivot then McT can support VdB and cover in case his defensive work is not as good as Fred's - which might not even be the case. It just cannot be true that Fred is significantly superior to VdB...does not make any logical sense. We are not talking a position like a goalkeeper here where you are really exposed, this is a CDM position which is part of a double pivot. Surely it is the easiest position to integrate a new player into? When will VdB ever be able to show what he can do? It is borderline ridiculous and I am beginning to feel his ego is getting to his head and he is out to prove pundits and media wrong more than anything.
This thread is full of cnuts. The whole forum stinks of it. Lets face it, Ole could now go on and win the Champions League and would still get called out by a section of our "support", based upon stuff that nobody really knows anything about, such as "man management". Unless you're in the training ground, day in day out, you know nothing about his man management.

Just support the team and Ole until he's no longer the manager. Then you support the new manager. Rinse and repeat.

Venting your spleen all over the forum gains absolutely nothing, other than making you look like a cnut.

Was the same with Mourinho. Same with LVG, Same with Moyes.
‘Top Red’ Bingo aside. You’ve just ‘vented your spleen’ on this ‘forum’, which ‘gains absolutely nothing’ & called other posters ‘cnuts’. You’re correct though, this forum stinks.
I do not understand in what type of games is he going to play VDB? I do not accept that substituting one player i.e. Fred for VdB is going to make a massive difference to the team. If they play a double-pivot then McT can support VdB and cover in case his defensive work is not as good as Fred's - which might not even be the case. It just cannot be true that Fred is significantly superior to VdB...does not make any logical sense. We are not talking a position like a goalkeeper here where you are really exposed, this is a CDM position which is part of a double pivot. Surely it is the easiest position to integrate a new player into? When will VdB ever be able to show what he can do? It is borderline ridiculous and I am beginning to feel his ego is getting to his head and he is out to prove pundits and media wrong more than anything.
Ole trusts Fred to put a shift in. He clearly doesn't trust Donny to do the same.
Yes agree with you. He doesn't flow well with his words as if it's his brain running through scripted scenario answers to match the question. I also think the press are told the tone of the interview. All the questions are bland and not taxing. Why doesn't anyone ask why Sancho was chased for 2 years cost a fortune but can't get in the side. Why Bailley was given a 3 year deal, why VDB wasn't allowed to leave, and why buy in the first place etc
Because the journalist wouldn’t get invited back again?

And even if those questions were asked, what would you expect him to say? Imagine he’s already answered them previosuly. Sancho, struggling, young, his time will come. Bailly, options, big squad, lots of games (although in reality contract is probably nothing to do with Ole, board protecting asset price like they always do). VDB, long season, lots of games, will get his minutes eventually.

It’s a pointless press conference where they turn up because they have to, anyone expecting any real nuggets/potentially controversial comments need to look elsewhere. Don’t get why fans even bother paying attention to press conferences, it’s just so newspapers can create more online content about nothing really.

And before all the OleIn stuff kicks in, we all know he needs replacing, but expecting anything of note from a pre-match press conference is a bit stupid ain’t it.
In the book "The Barcelona Way" DNA of achievers, Pep moved out Deco and all those lot. He would bench them and see who was sulking on the bench. Deco et all would not celebrate from the bench when the team scored. He would end up shipping them out.

When you have a big squad you're going to bench big players its part of the game. Sancho hasn't impressed its okay for him to be on the bench he is a 20 year old boy, furthermore Pep spends 60m on Laporte, 100m on Grealish sits em on the bench not an utterance from the press. We put Sancho on the bench "no forward planning" headlines ring out. And we have a section of our so called fanbase who fall for it hook line and sinker.
Good point, but Ole literally isn't worth a fraction of the players he's benching. Pep was, and is.

Both Sancho and VdB are worth more to 99% of football clubs than Ole will ever be, to anyone.
You really don't want much controversy to come out prior to a match which could likely be a mood changer for the squad and be next mornings headlines.

Keegan's rant is now a standard-bearer of how not to conduct a press conference.

I would just love it, love it...
In the book "The Barcelona Way" DNA of achievers, Pep moved out Deco and all those lot. He would bench them and see who was sulking on the bench. Deco et all would not celebrate from the bench when the team scored. He would end up shipping them out.

When you have a big squad you're going to bench big players its part of the game. Sancho hasn't impressed its okay for him to be on the bench he is a 20 year old boy, furthermore Pep spends 60m on Laporte, 100m on Grealish sits em on the bench not an utterance from the press. We put Sancho on the bench "no forward planning" headlines ring out. And we have a section of our so called fanbase who fall for it hook line and sinker.

1. Guardiola has improved all those players.

2. Guardiola has improved almost every player he’s managed.

3. Guardiola has a brand of football that is attractive, functional and attacking and requires regular rotation due to insane amounts of pressing and workrate.

None of these are true for OGS.

More players regress under him than progress, he has no style of football and his players don’t work hard compared to Guardiola, Klopp or Tuchel.

OGS signs players that are performing well, then fails to get a tune out of them and leaves them on the bench like a child who can’t work out how to play a game so leaves it to go dusty.

Your points are basically redundant.
I think Ole's press conferences are heavily scripted. I think he trips over his words because he is trying to remember which scripted reply to give. You see very little personality, humour, honesty or emotion. I have never watched one of his press conference the whole way through. I usually last about 2 minutes then turn off from boredom. I find other manager's pressers more interesting.

Bingo. I have never actually watched a full press conference for him and I don't understand why anyone would. At best some clips here and there, the guy is so boring. Zero charisma in front of the camera.
This thread is full of cnuts. The whole forum stinks of it. Lets face it, Ole could now go on and win the Champions League and would still get called out by a section of our "support", based upon stuff that nobody really knows anything about, such as "man management". Unless you're in the training ground, day in day out, you know nothing about his man management.

Just support the team and Ole until he's no longer the manager. Then you support the new manager. Rinse and repeat.

Venting your spleen all over the forum gains absolutely nothing, other than making you look like a cnut.

Was the same with Mourinho. Same with LVG, Same with Moyes.

I support the team. No reason why I should I support the manager when I think he's awful. He's just an employee. Enough of combining the team and Ole in same sentence.
In the book "The Barcelona Way" DNA of achievers, Pep moved out Deco and all those lot. He would bench them and see who was sulking on the bench. Deco et all would not celebrate from the bench when the team scored. He would end up shipping them out.

When you have a big squad you're going to bench big players its part of the game. Sancho hasn't impressed its okay for him to be on the bench he is a 20 year old boy, furthermore Pep spends 60m on Laporte, 100m on Grealish sits em on the bench not an utterance from the press. We put Sancho on the bench "no forward planning" headlines ring out. And we have a section of our so called fanbase who fall for it hook line and sinker.

Why do you think we fall for it? It's simple Ole hasn't won horseshit even after spending close to 400m.
Because the journalist wouldn’t get invited back again?

And even if those questions were asked, what would you expect him to say? Imagine he’s already answered them previosuly. Sancho, struggling, young, his time will come. Bailly, options, big squad, lots of games (although in reality contract is probably nothing to do with Ole, board protecting asset price like they always do). VDB, long season, lots of games, will get his minutes eventually.

It’s a pointless press conference where they turn up because they have to, anyone expecting any real nuggets/potentially controversial comments need to look elsewhere. Don’t get why fans even bother paying attention to press conferences, it’s just so newspapers can create more online content about nothing really.

And before all the OleIn stuff kicks in, we all know he needs replacing, but expecting anything of note from a pre-match press conference is a bit stupid ain’t it.
True. Really a waste of the journalists time as they know what the answer is to the question before its asked, but would love to watch Ole squirm just once if he was asked why so crap