Pre-Match Press Conference | Atalanta v Manchester United | Champions League | Solskjaer & Fernandes

The thing I don't get is his 'I was a sub here' rhetoric. He was a played often as a starter and often subbed on player. If he can't see the difference between his Utd playing career and VDB, then he really has lost the plot. To earn a start you have to be given playing time in the first place. I can see Sancho going down the same path. 2 year chase 74 mill down the drain.
Maybe he wants to keep his cards close to his chest, he's what 2, 3 years behind pep and klopp in building his team.

Sometimes the answer is pretty obvious, but sure keep on looking for excuses. There's a reason Cardiff City fans think he's one of their (forget United) worst managers ever. There's also a reason the press doesn't show him much respect. It's an open secret he's in over his head and the only reason he has the job is nepotism.
For the love of god go watch an interview with any of those three when asked about tactics then watch our manager answer a similar question.

I don't know if you're trolling or what.
Yeah, I saw a clip posted one there of Guardiola saying he set the team up differently for different opponents, and everyone was really impressed. Also the Stevenage manager do that, but still.
Ah, so it's the team.
Sometimes the answer is pretty obvious, but sure keep on looking for excuses. There's a reason Cardiff City fans think he's one of their (forget United) worst managers ever. There's also a reason the press doesn't show him much respect. It's an open secret he's in over his head and the only reason he has the job is nepotism.
I edited my earlier post instead of reposting, but here is what I said.

Seriously though, what you're asking from Ole is what I'm asking you from pep. Laporte got sent off, but it's Europe, is he playing? The team fell apart mentally after going behind, why is his win rate from behind so low, what is he doing to rectify it?

You're happy to talk about his pressers after a load of wins, but what about after a bad run? Pep's a twat.
Maybe he wants to keep his cards close to his chest, he's what 2, 3 years behind pep and klopp in building his team.

Seriously though, what you're asking from Ole is what I'm asking you from pep. Laporte got sent off, but it's Europe, is he playing? The team fell apart mentally after going behind, why is his win rate from behind so low, what is he doing to rectify it?

You're happy to talk about his pressers after a load of wins, but what about after a bad run? He's a twat.
Yeah 2-3 light-years.
I edited my earlier post instead of reposting, but here is what I said.

Seriously though, what you're asking from Ole is what I'm asking you from pep. Laporte got sent off, but it's Europe, is he playing? The team fell apart mentally after going behind, why is his win rate from behind so low, what is he doing to rectify it?

You're happy to talk about his pressers after a load of wins, but what about after a bad run? Pep's a twat.

I don't really care. Ole's never done it. At least Pep sounds intelligent when he talks about football. That's my point. Ole's entire existence as a manager is one giant PR stunt.
I don't really care. Ole's never done it. At least Pep sounds intelligent when he talks about football. That's my point. Ole's entire existence as a manager is one giant PR stunt.
Pep's whole thing is about trying to be the next "genius manager", that's why he fecks up CL finals. That's a pr stunt too.
Pep's whole thing is about trying to be the next "genius manager", that's why he fecks up CL finals. That's a pr stunt too.

I agree, his arrogance is sometimes his downfall. But he has a right to be arrogant and he's won plenty of things to make the occasional feck up worth it.

Ole hasn't. He doesn't get the benefit of the doubt because of his lack of pedigree, but now we're talking about the massive gap in managerial skills, I just started this discussion by wanting Ole to talk about football in a way other managers do. They explain how they think about the game and how it influences their tactics. Ole doesn't. He brushes off the questions and instead reverts to vibes.
I edited my earlier post instead of reposting, but here is what I said.

Seriously though, what you're asking from Ole is what I'm asking you from pep. Laporte got sent off, but it's Europe, is he playing? The team fell apart mentally after going behind, why is his win rate from behind so low, what is he doing to rectify it?

You're happy to talk about his pressers after a load of wins, but what about after a bad run? Pep's a twat.

I can't stand Pep and I can't stand City, same goes for Klopp and Liverpool to make that clear.

I'm not one of those posters who will call Ole names, he's giving it his all of that I am 100% sure. I also understand his defensiveness, his denial outwards but I don't have to like it nor respect it. He has done a terribly poor job this season and I personally would respect it if he admitted it. I expect more from him, I expect honesty because of his history at the club, it might be unfair but that's simply how I feel.
I agree, his arrogance is sometimes his downfall. But he has a right to be arrogant and he's won plenty of things to make the occasional feck up worth it.

Ole hasn't. He doesn't get the benefit of the doubt because of his lack of pedigree, but now we're talking about the massive gap in managerial skills, I just started this discussion by wanting Ole to talk about football in a way other managers do. They explain how they think about the game and how it influences their tactics. Ole doesn't. He brushes off the questions and instead reverts to vibes.
As I said to some one earlier, his job is not to entertain you or your mates, it's to talk to the press who'll twist his words and translate it into any damn language in the world.

There are more Afghanis who know about the '99 CL final than 911.

What do you reckon got more retweets, Man City's PL wins or Man Utd's FA and UEFA cups? Close run I'd bet. He doesn't have to say anything to be top of the sports news.
I can't stand Pep and I can't stand City, same goes for Klopp and Liverpool to make that clear.

I'm not one of those posters who will call Ole names, he's giving it his all of that I am 100% sure. I also understand his defensiveness, his denial outwards but I don't have to like it nor respect it. He has done a terribly poor job this season and I personally would respect it if he admitted it. I expect more from him, I expect honesty because of his history at the club, it might be unfair but that's simply how I feel.
We're 3 points behind pep, level on points if win beat em, where's peps apology?
As I said to some one earlier, his job is not to entertain you or your mates, it's to talk to the press who'll twist his words and translate it into any damn language in the world.

There are more Afghanis who know about the '99 CL final than 911.

What do you reckon got more retweets, Man City's PL wins or Man Utd's FA and UEFA cups? Close run I'd bet. He doesn't have to say anything to be top of the sports news.

If you really think that's why he doesn't talk about his tactics fine, we'll just agree to disagree. It's not about entertainment, not sure why you keep relating it to that.
You spot nervosity in peoples eyes and by their body language. He didn´t look nervous to me. Not a bit.

The breathing while talking he does is something thats extremely common in Norway. We'll draw in breath and start a long sentence "on top" and go from there. Its also common to answer especially yes/no questions while breathing in, something im 70% sure its fairly uncommon elsewhere.

Just to explain why he talks the way he does. Thats not a comment on the contents of his words, just how they are delivered
If you really think that's why he doesn't talk about his tactics fine, we'll just agree to disagree. It's not about entertainment, not sure why you keep relating it to that.
Then what do you want from his chat with the press?
Any chance of a reply given you want the discussion?
there you go Rob Dawson ESPN: Solskjaer tells players he wants to implement a more attacking 4-3-3 this season. | and Man Utd news; Solskjaer planning attacking formation change (, discuss

To be honest, I'm surprised Ole inners are ready to have a discussion (not directed at you personally). Its usually hyperboles, condescending smug posts and "go support another club" BS. I gave an analogy of politicians using lies to get votes so that they can stay in power and keep making money through corruption, and this Reapersoul20 guy thought he can invalidate this argument by using using hyperboles of human rights as if all the politicians are involved in human rights abuse (at least not in the country I live in). This is the kind of BS that pits Ole inners against Ole outers. That's how human rights genocide came into this discussion Plant0x84 (address the point not the adjectives), while it was entirely possible to have reasoned discussion on points being outlined without these smug kind of BS posts.

I'll point it again, how can Ole say he encourages criticism when he had a go at RvP for pointing at his management style when his job was on the line. He just spouts BS without even recognizing the how much he contradicts himself.
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there you go Rob Dawson ESPN: Solskjaer tells players he wants to implement a more attacking 4-3-3 this season. | and Man Utd news; Solskjaer planning attacking formation change (, discuss

To be honest, I'm surprised Ole inners are ready to have a discussion (not directed at you personally). Its usually hyperboles, condescending smug posts and "go support another club" BS. I gave an analogy of politicians using lies to get votes so that they can stay in power and keep making money through corruption, and this Reapersoul20 guy thought he can invalidate this argument by using using hyperboles of human rights as if all the politicians are involved in human rights abuse (at least not in the country I live in). This is the kind of BS that pits Ole inners against Ole outers. That's how human rights genocide came into this discussion Plant0x84, while it was entirely possible to have reasoned discussion on points being outlined without these smug kind of BS posts.

I'll point it again, how can Ole say he encourages criticism when he had a go at RvP for pointing at his management style when his job was on the line. He just spouts BS without even recognizing the how much he contradicts himself.
We´re talking football. From that to human rights abuse?

The old hide-the-pill-under-the-tongue-trick, I see. Stupid nurse.
It’s football! All this talk about Sancho this, Lindgard that, Pogba this, rashford that… if we win 4-0 tomorrow and they all score then what excuse for hate do you have
I like Fernandez. He may be my favourite player. I would like to see him win things.
Then why do you need Ole to tell you that?

So I can like his press conferences, that's how this conversation started. I said I dislike his press conferences because I feel I'm being fed BS. Then I got asked what I wanted him to say and somewhere further in the conversation you jumped in.

I dislike Ole's press-conferences, I have told you why, if you've already forgotten the conversation, please read it again.
So I can like his press conferences, that's how this conversation started. I said I dislike his press conferences because I feel I'm being fed BS. Then I got asked what I wanted him to say and somewhere further in the conversation you jumped in.

I dislike Ole's press-conferences, I have told you why, if you've already forgotten the conversation, please read it again.
Ok, so because you aren't entertained with the way he talks to the press, and because he doesn't save you money on a coaching tactics course, you're Ole out.
Ok, so because you aren't entertained with the way he talks to the press, and because he doesn't save you money on a coaching tactics course, you're Ole out.

What are you on about?

We never discussed his tactics nor anything about Ole in or Out and especially not anything about a coaching course. I said I dislike his press-conferences because I feel he's feeding me BS,

Have you been drinking? :lol:
What are you on about?

We never discussed his tactics nor anything about Ole in or Out and especially not anything about a coaching course. I said I dislike his press-conferences because I feel he's feeding me BS,

Have you been drinking? :lol:

What exactly do you want him to say? All managers deflect with BS. Klopp has his "the grass was too long", "the rain was falling sideways instead of straight down", type BS post-match conferences.

BS is part and parcel of press conferences, I just don't understand why everyone's getting worked up about this. Ole knows he's under pressure, he knows the team has failed these first 10 rounds, he knows there's no cohesion/fluidity to our play. The fact he changed formation should be testament to Ole knowing things aren't right and that he's under pressure.

You don't need a press conference to see what Ole really thinks.
I think Ole's press conferences are heavily scripted. I think he trips over his words because he is trying to remember which scripted reply to give. You see very little personality, humour, honesty or emotion. I have never watched one of his press conference the whole way through. I usually last about 2 minutes then turn off from boredom. I find other manager's pressers more interesting.
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I actually dislike him as a person now. I don't care what he's done for United in the past. He's emotionally blackmailing fans and treats his players that aren't his favorites like trash

Jesus. Emotionally blackmailing fans??

Come on, grow up. You've ranted towards him for ages now, are you harassing him then?

He is right, sulking backup players isn't needed and they need to step up to be here. It's a completely fair statement. Fergie wouldnt tolerate it either
I don’t agree with personal attacks on Ole’s character. But this I agree with, using nostalgia, United DNA, SAF , the United Way etc he’s done that from when he was interim to gain support and does now when he’s in
a pickle.

Treating players badly. Could just be he’s greedy and likes having more toys than he needs

He's emotionally blackmailing fans and treats his players that aren't his favorites like trash
I think Ole's press conferences are heavily scripted. I think he trips over his words because he is trying to remember which scripted reply to give. You see very little personality, humour, honesty or emotion. I have never watched one of his press conference the whole way through. I usually last about 2 minutes then turn off from boredom. I find other manager's pressers quite fascinating.

Nope. He’s just genuinely not that bright or spontaneously witty. And makes very childlike analogies. There are clearly things he anticipates & answers he’s thought of is advance but you can always tell by the way he blurts them
out like his “ I’m great I’m talking to you guys” to break the silence after Liverpool.

He’s not a natural talker or even leader, look at videos of him with other players his age socially or during interviews etc or when he was playing .
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He does boring pressers whereas LVG while boring us to tears with his football was engaging and very funny in his pressers.
All you winey winey winey insufferable gits, get over yourselves. Can't enter any sort of thread here any more without the continuing crying.

Grow up if you are old and I hope that those of you who are young learn one day to understand.....
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What exactly do you want him to say? All managers deflect with BS. Klopp has his "the grass was too long", "the rain was falling sideways instead of straight down", type BS post-match conferences.

BS is part and parcel of press conferences, I just don't understand why everyone's getting worked up about this. Ole knows he's under pressure, he knows the team has failed these first 10 rounds, he knows there's no cohesion/fluidity to our play. The fact he changed formation should be testament to Ole knowing things aren't right and that he's under pressure.

You don't need a press conference to see what Ole really thinks.
Jesus. Emotionally blackmailing fans??

Come on, grow up. You've ranted towards him for ages now, are you harassing him then?

He is right, sulking backup players isn't needed and they need to step up to be here. It's a completely fair statement. Fergie wouldnt tolerate it either

Right now his empty words and soulless approach works against him.

Supporters are making fun of things he says and even media starts to get annoyed with so much BS.

Maybe at this point when results and people’s perception of him is changing to the worse it’s time to change approach how to use meaningless words and phrases.
If Ole had Evra and Vidic when they first started, he would've benched them and sold them within a year. How are Sancho and VDB supposed to get used to the PL when they don't play?

Did you get any answer for this yet?
This is leaving aside all the lies he's spouted regarding changing to 433 this season that was apparently being worked on in pre-season which never materialized,
there you go Rob Dawson ESPN: Solskjaer tells players he wants to implement a more attacking 4-3-3 this season. | and Man Utd news; Solskjaer planning attacking formation change (, discuss

To be honest, I'm surprised Ole inners are ready to have a discussion (not directed at you personally). Its usually hyperboles, condescending smug posts and "go support another club" BS. I gave an analogy of politicians using lies to get votes so that they can stay in power and keep making money through corruption, and this Reapersoul20 guy thought he can invalidate this argument by using using hyperboles of human rights as if all the politicians are involved in human rights abuse (at least not in the country I live in). This is the kind of BS that pits Ole inners against Ole outers. That's how human rights genocide came into this discussion Plant0x84 (address the point not the adjectives), while it was entirely possible to have reasoned discussion on points being outlined without these smug kind of BS posts.

I'll point it again, how can Ole say he encourages criticism when he had a go at RvP for pointing at his management style when his job was on the line. He just spouts BS without even recognizing the how much he contradicts himself.
He’s not once said himself “We’re shifting to a 433 this season.” Notice how they all say “according to sources/reports” without a single direct quote?

And so I struggle to see how that constitutes him spouting lies (the implication being that he’s regularly publicly suggested these things will happen).

The other point I’d like to raise with you is that let’s say Ole did want to play 4-3-3 in July 2021 and was hoping to have a DM, CB and RW to help make that happen do you not think missing out on a DM and getting Ronaldo instead may significantly change those plans?

And next question if the situation changes (e.g. Ronaldo as a lone striker won’t work) abs that no longer becomes the best formation do you try to stick to it regardless?

Or do you want a manager that adapts to get the best out of the players he currently has not the players he (or you) wishes he had?

I believe your analogy was poor and over the top but we’ll put that to one side for now. I think you’ll find there’s a lot of good discussion to be had from fans if you engage without resorting to hyperbole or poor analogies too. Sometimes people do get fed up of seeing personal attacks which aren’t substantiated by any fact only feeling and I’d imagine that’s half of the problem here.