Portsmouth vs Manchester United

Aston Villa have a shite central midfield.

Portsmouth, like City, have a good and physical midfield.

True and therefore we should field Anderson because he's much more physical than both, OShea and Fletcher.
No he's not.

Fact is both Anderson and Scholes are used to having a more defense minded midfield behind/alongside them and as a combination one or both of them will have to compromise their game.

Their central midfield that day: Gareth Barry, Craig Gardner, Nigel Reo-Coker. Gardner was subbed off for Isiah Osbourne in the second half. Reo Coker was sent off. Barry spent most of the match tracking back to help mark our attackers.

That is what I call a shit midfield. Okay? :wenger:
Why does everyone always stick Scholes Right-Centre Midfield on their line-ups? That's never his postition lol.

Anyway, hopefully we'll have some more players back and we can win this match. Our record there sucks, this is a perfect time to change that.
Well that's probably bull, but I can see your points of him playing in the centre and it's probabyl really the best choice.

I rate Fletcher out on the wing, don't you?
bugger we are near the bottom of the table right now, we must beat pompey.
please tell me that was sarcasm
Their central midfield that day: Gareth Barry, Craig Gardner, Nigel Reo-Coker. Gardner was subbed off for Isiah Osbourne in the second half. Reo Coker was sent off. Barry spent most of the match tracking back to help mark our attackers.

That is what I call a shit midfield. Okay? :wenger:

Rowem is right plus Barry goes missing against any team that has a half decent midfield. He was never going to match up to Scholes on his own.
They will treat this as their cup final and play out of their skins

We are miles better than them

We will win.

Portsmouth 1-3 United

Anderson, despite the travelling will be much more match fit than Hargreaves.

I say start with Scholes and Anderson in central midfield with Fletcher right and Giggs left.

Tevez and Rooney up front.

If that doesn't work. Sub anderson, bring on Hargreaves at RM, move fletch to centre, or play a sort of 4-5-1

Scholes Fletch

Rooney Tevez Giggs

bugger we are near the bottom of the table right now, we must beat pompey.

So we won't win the league if we draw, yeah?

Funny how people think that we can repeat what we did last season in the league. We rather dont lose stupid points now and get a better start, the thing is prove ourselves now that Ronaldo is not available and look how we work as a team.
Neville Ferdinand Vidic Evra
Hargreaves Scholes Anderson Giggs
Rooney Tevez

Which will more or less become

Neville Ferdinand Vidic Evra
Rooney Scholes Anderson Giggs

Since Pompey will crowd the midfield.
If Pompey go 4-4-2 with Crouch & Defoe up top I reckon we'll win 3-0. Roon, Tevez & Scholes to get the goals. If they put 5 in the middle hopefully we'll still nick it.
Neville Ferdinand Vidic Evra
Hargreaves Scholes Anderson Giggs
Rooney Tevez

Yes please.

If Pompey go 4-4-2 with Crouch & Defoe up top I reckon we'll win 3-0. Roon, Tevez & Scholes to get the goals. If they put 5 in the middle hopefully we'll still nick it.

Redknapp said after the Chelsea match that it was a mistake to go with two up front, as they were overcrowded in midfield. He'll probably play it safe this time and go with 5 in midfield.
Redknapp said after the Chelsea match that it was a mistake to go with two up front, as they were overcrowded in midfield. He'll probably play it safe this time and go with 5 in midfield.
Bollox - in that case 1-0 to us Scholes to score.
if ando is in contention for this, thhe following has to be our fomation:


i hope it is this though


if ando is in contention then it has to be these six in there.
and well if not, then either rodrigo or rafeal should fill in,cause O'shea in our midfield simply screws our gameplay up(atleast against the bracodes he did)

looking forward to have hargo, park and nani back for the next one.

i hope rooney and tevez open their accounts in this one
I'm expecting this to be extremely tight but if we win by two clear goals, we'll go third.
Gaz Rio Vidic Evra
Fletcher Scholes O'Shea
Rooney Campbell Tevez


That's presuming Anderson and Hargreaves arn't in there. Can't see Giggsy being in from the start so soon after pulling his hamstring.

Glad we have this supercup thing on Friday. Gives us another much needed week to piece a proper team together
Gaz Rio Vidic Evra
Fletcher Scholes O'Shea
Rooney Campbell Tevez


That's presuming Anderson and Hargreaves arn't in there. Can't see Giggsy being in from the start so soon after pulling his hamstring.

Glad we have this supercup thing on Friday. Gives us another much needed week to piece a proper team together

GOddamn that's horrible. Hopefully Anderson and/or Hargreaves will start.
Can we expect Hargreaves to be fully fit?
If so I would put him on the right wing and leave campbell out.

Thing is, Ando is match fit having played in the Olympics. Tiredness could be an issue, but if we are struggling for bodies, surely it is best to play him in the knowledge that he can miss the Super Cup game and then have two weeks to rest and recuperate before our visit to Anfailed.

Hargreaves will be fresh in the sense that he has had a prolonged absence from training and having just returned to training. Of course, the problem is a lack of match sharpness.

In summary, Ando should be available with Hargreaves on the bench. I'd love to see Possebon in ahead of O'Shea - not an O'Shea rant, it's just that CM is not his natural position.