Pokemon master
I'm haggling to death with eBay sellers here that give the Best Offer option.
Managed to get a Full Art Glaile EX for £4 with free delivery and a Full Art Mewtwo EX for £5.50 with £1.50 postage from America (will get this in about 6 weeks probably ha).
Also got my eye on a few others I'm missing due today and waiting on a few other counter offers for bids I put in. Looks like I should be able to complete the BreakPoint set for between £100-£110 which will include all EX, Full Art and Secret Rares. BreakThrough is different, the fact there are 2 Mega Mewtwo EX Full Arts as well as the 2 Secret Rares is going to make it difficult to finish for under £140.00, but I should be able to command £180.00-£200.00 for the set on eBay...at which point I'll start on Generations!![]()
I know someone who is selling the following (postage included in cost):
Full Art Sylveon EX £3.50 each
Regluar Art Sylveon EX £3.50
Secert Rare Gyarados EX £8.50
M Charizard EX X Generations £17 each
Golduck Break £3
Meowstic EX £3
Omastar Break £2
M Gyarados EX £8
Vaporeon EX £5
Emboar EX £3
Aggron EX £3