I can't believe you guys still play pokemon. That shit was cool, maybe 6 months ago.
I can't believe you guys still play pokemon. That shit was cool, maybe 6 months ago.
I can't believe you guys still play pokemon. That shit was cool, maybe 6 months ago.
I can't believe you guys still play pokemon. That shit was cool, maybe 6 months ago.
fecking Moltres! Months ago (maybe a year) I got to Moltres, saved in front of it so that I could easily restart if I accidentally KOed it and try to catch it again. Yesterday and today I've gone back to the game to try again and I still can't catch that fecker.
EDIT: Talking about Heart Gold BTW.
Are you using any paralyse moves?
I'm only familiar with the first generation stuff where there was 150 Pokemon so is there any difference between Heartgold and Soulsilver games? Is one better than the other?
I've decided to get one after reading this thread. Bloody nostalgia.
Cheers, Olly. Will probably end up getting Heartgold or Soulsilver.
Restarted heartgold again, Whitney's miltank, that fecking cnut is so broken shit aint even funny.![]()
My 3DS XL and Pokemon X didn't come today
Tomorrow it is then!
Rich bastard.
No Pokemon DLC or micro-transactions...
At least, alongside Nintendo, there are people who think like this still. Although it could be argued giving slightly different versions of the same game to get different pokemon was iffy, at least that was mainly for sharing which is free. Imagine having to pay for legendary pokemon? Shudders...
"We have a team of 20 different graphic designers who are responsible for coming up with the Pokémon design themselves, and then there’s a team of five people who actually judge the designs, and are responsible for deciding which Pokémon go into the final games," he revealed.
feck's sake. I decided to forget about Moltres for a while and go and do some other stuff, then I end up at the Power Plant and bump into Zapdos, so now I'll be spending ages with him instead.
Well, not "bump" into them, but walking along and there it is just hanging around outside the door.How the feck do you just bump into them? It's not like they jump out from the grass.
Anyone got Tyrantrum yet?
Well, not "bump" into them, but walking along and there it is just hanging around outside the door.
Well, not "bump" into them, but walking along and there it is just hanging around outside the door.
3DS. 3DS plays all (well, 99.9%) of DS gamesAre you playing on your DS or your 3DS? Because if you can get Heartgold on the 3DS i will be extremely happy.
Well, i am definitely getting Heartgold then! I freakin' loved Gold back in the day. I might even go so far as to say it's my favourite Pokemon game.