Gaming Pokémon Strumfest

Does anyone still hold down whatever buttons they believed help you catch a pokemon when they throw a ball? To this day I still hold down down and B.


Someone once told me that if you hold down the A button it becomes a master ball :lol:
Does anyone still hold down whatever buttons they believed help you catch a pokemon when they throw a ball? To this day I still hold down down and B.

I continually tap be and go round the d-pad clockwise.
Nope, i want to have a go at doing all that again though. I was a bit of an idiot with Pokemon when i was younger, it was all about running through it fast and usually using like 1 Pokemon all the time. So i often ended up with one absolute monster and all the others mega underlevelled :lol:

:lol: I never played like that, I always used to hand-train them as I believed the stats are better doing that as opposed to using the rare candy exploit, which my friends all did.
Cool but...

Where is Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle?!

Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle weren't the starters for those games, although you did get given one of them much much much later in the game.
Not anymore, but I highly recommend you steal it from your kid and hijack it for yourself.

I was going to give you this GIF until I saw the white text!

You should have seen what I was going to put!

Rock Paper Scissors.

You forgot: Lizard Spock.
Yep, the Pidgey line is definitely a go-to Pokemon. Particularly for Fly.

Does anyone else have a single slave Pokemon for their TM/HM?
I can never decide which starter to get, I'm about to pick one of the Gen 1 ones, in the new one that is. Got the new Water one, and picked up Torchic from the Mystery Gift, so the logical thing would be to go for Bulbasaur, but Charizard is so badass!
I can never decide which starter to get, I'm about to pick one of the Gen 1 ones, in the new one that is. Got the new Water one, and picked up Torchic from the Mystery Gift, so the logical thing would be to go for Bulbasaur, but Charizard is so badass!

Yeah me and my brother have always had one of us receive them by trade while the other keeps restarting. Now we have all the starters to breed from. I've never grown up from nerding out at these games.
Yeah me and my brother have always had one of us receive them by trade while the other keeps restarting. Now we have all the starters to breed from. I've never grown up from nerding out at these games.

It's the same here, my brother bought the other game so we'll do some breeding. It's great. In my soulsilver I've got all starters from all gens, except the new ones obviously. It's the perfect game to play while doing other stuff in my opinion.

I think I'll end up bagging Bulbasaur, will be a decent team I suppose. No idea which new pokemons I can encounter so hard to plan ahead teamwise.
Yeah for sure, I wanted Charmander but with the Torchic and having the 3 starters already it's a fire overload! So went Squirtle instead and will breed from my brothers.

My friend code is 4682-8830-9413 for anyone who wants it.
How do you add? Need to leave the game right?

I always save before selecting pokemon in case it's a female, no idea why, I want all my pokemons to be male, am I alone doing that?
Yeah you have to do it in the main menu rather than the game I think which is annoying, and both people need to add the others code, I don't think it sends a prompt which is annoying too.
Yeah the same place, its along the very very top row of the home screen.
Sound, sorted. I'll update OP with codes so people don't have to sift through all this.

In other news, I just got a harsh reminder of how big a cnut Abras are. feck OFF TELEPORT.
I never have the patience to train a whole team of high level Pokemon. I usually have 2-3 main, high level ones and then a few others that I caught that were already high.
Oh great now I want to start playing pokemon again. Probably go with Charmander because I can't be arsed to wait until vulpix/growlithe is available for a decent fire pokemon.
Sound, sorted. I'll update OP with codes so people don't have to sift through all this.

In other news, I just got a harsh reminder of how big a cnut Abras are. feck OFF TELEPORT.

:lol: There are times when I've been tempted to just Master Ball them, the wankers
Will the cards ever be worth anything? I've got a first edition rare jigglypuff in a box somewhere...
Some will be.

Are you sure your Jigglypuff is rare? They all seem to be common/uncommon -

Kin hell.

Yeah it's probably been 10 years since I put it away but I thought it was. All I can remember is that it was a first edition shiney from an early set (when they first started selling in the UK) although I've started to question whether it was Jigglypuff now! I'll get into the attic and dig it out tomorrow, hopefully nothing has got to it...
Kin hell.

Yeah it's probably been 10 years since I put it away but I thought it was. All I can remember is that it was a first edition shiney from an early set (when they first started selling in the UK) although I've started to question whether it was Jigglypuff now! I'll get into the attic and dig it out tomorrow, hopefully nothing has got to it...
Maybe it was Wigglytuff. That came as a shiny and was one of the "Rare" labelled ones -
I never have the patience to train a whole team of high level Pokemon. I usually have 2-3 main, high level ones and then a few others that I caught that were already high.

The new exp share gives everyone on the team exp when you capture/ko the opponent, it's much easier to train a team now.