Gaming Pokémon Strumfest

Ahhh, this is why the other thread was quiet!

Yeah Charmander makes the start really hard but I love Charizard. Bulbasaur was my first ever and I'm not so keen now.
Never found it that hard, early gens you could always find a Mankey, Nodoran or something to mash Brock(later gens the fire starter always got a super effective move on Rock at about lv. 15, Charmanders was metal claw, IIRC), and plenty of good enough grass 'mons before Misty. I just trained up that 500$ Magikarp for Misty though. :lol:

Once I did assault Brock with a Pidgey, Rattata and a Butterfree, I still won, but it took like an hour and a half of sand attacks and tackling for one hp per hit.....
Ahhh, this is why the other thread was quiet!

Never found it that hard, early gens you could always find a Mankey, Nodoran or something to mash Brock(later gens the fire starter always got a super effective move on Rock at about lv. 15, Charmanders was metal claw, IIRC), and plenty of good enough grass 'mons before Misty. I just trained up that 500$ Magikarp for Misty though. :lol:

Once I did assault Brock with a Pidgey, Rattata and a Butterfree, I still won, but it took like an hour and a half of sand attacks and tackling for one hp per hit.....

Butterfree should learn Confusion at like level 12 which fecks Brock's shit up no end.
Ridiculously so. Pokemon in battle gets 100% exp, everyone on the team gets 50%. Each. My gift Torchic/Combusken is level 29, while my team average is 25, despite me not using it since it was level 13.

Yeah it's madness, my team ranges from level 31-37, the level 37s were traded in at level 5 and I've used them about 5 times each!
Yeah it's madness, my team ranges from level 31-37, the level 37s were traded in at level 5 and I've used them about 5 times each!
On the upside, you can have say 3 good pokemon, and a carterpie, magikarp and whatever to be all trained at once without having to rotate an exp share or have them in battle.

EDIT: And by upside, I mean extra upside, it's all upside! :lol:
That would have been too simple, so I went in dry at level 10. :D

I remember when I first had Red when I was like 6 I didn't pay any attention to what anyone was saying so I ended up stuck in Viridian for ages because I didn't realise you had to go back to Pallet. I had a Blastoise before I'd even gone through the forest so Brock was a bit fecked to say the least when my friend told me what to do. I also once went in with just a level 8 Bulbasaur, possibly accompanied by some level 2-4 pokes that I picked up on the way. I thought leech seed would see me through because it was super effective.
I remember when I first had Red when I was like 6 I didn't pay any attention to what anyone was saying so I ended up stuck in Viridian for ages because I didn't realise you had to go back to Pallet. I had a Blastoise before I'd even gone through the forest so Brock was a bit fecked to say the least when my friend told me what to do. I also once went in with just a level 8 Bulbasaur, possibly accompanied by some level 2-4 pokes that I picked up on the way. I thought leech seed would see me through because it was super effective.
:lol: A freaking Blastoise on the first gym! That must have been fun!
Jesus Mega Lucario is savage, with it getting an attack boost every turn I just 1hit KO'd a pokemon 4 levels lower than me with a not very effective move. Ouch.
:lol: A freaking Blastoise on the first gym! That must have been fun!

Hours of battering Spearows and Nidorans in that little patch of grass just before victory road. No idea why I persisted with it. I think I just got it into my head that I had to be a certain level before the bloke wanting coffee would let me through.
Ah feck it. I have succumbed and downloaded Red!

Started with Charmander. Want to pick up some unusual pokemon though to make it different. Any ideas? Thinking Spearow for fly and perhaps one or both the nidorans.
The Sandshrew/Sandslash are pretty cool I think, I always liked a cheeky Dewgong as well.
The Sandshrew/Sandslash are pretty cool I think, I always liked a cheeky Dewgong as well.

Where do you get Dewgong? Think I'll have to wait a long time to get a seal or dewgong. Don't think you can fish them out
Ah feck it. I have succumbed and downloaded Red!

Started with Charmander. Want to pick up some unusual pokemon though to make it different. Any ideas? Thinking Spearow for fly and perhaps one or both the nidorans.

Last few times I've played through Red I've done themed teams based on the starters. Tend to do a Grass/Poison/Bug team, a Fire/Ground/Electric team, and a Water/Ice/Rock team. Think my line-ups were Venusaur, Beedrill, Venomoth, Vileplume, Arbok, Golbat; Charizard, Arcanine, Ryhorn, Raichu, Jolteon, Dugtrio; Blastoise, Lapras, Vaporeon, Jynx, Onix, Kaputops
Last few times I've played through Red I've done themed teams based on the starters. Tend to do a Grass/Poison/Bug team, a Fire/Ground/Electric team, and a Water/Ice/Rock team. Think my line-ups were Venusaur, Beedrill, Venomoth, Vileplume, Arbok, Golbat; Charizard, Arcanine, Ryhorn, Raichu, Jolteon, Dugtrio; Blastoise, Lapras, Vaporeon, Jynx, Onix, Kaputops

Just realised Charizard can use fly so I don't need Spearow. I like your Fire/Ground/electric setup. Where do you get Ryhorn?

Dunno if anyone ever did this but I once crossed the dark cave without flash. Was quite young at the time and didn't know where to find it
:lol: that's why I still haven't tried it!

I was just trying it out, not knowing what to expect so didn't want to give away anything too good.. now I feel like an arsehole. Poor kid was probably hoping for another starter pokemon and now his day has been ruined.

I'm sure when I transfer all my pokemon from Pearl (assuming you can) I'll give away some decent pokemon
Just realised Charizard can use fly so I don't need Spearow. I like your Fire/Ground/electric setup. Where do you get Ryhorn?

Dunno if anyone ever did this but I once crossed the dark cave without flash. Was quite young at the time and didn't know where to find it

You get Ryhorn in the Pokemon Safari Park if I recall correctly.
I'm sorry to say, Super Nerd Miguel, but one of those fossils will soon be mine.
feck me. I have Pikachu and Charmander and neither will help me much against Brock. Can't even get Mankey in this
My first six are now, Pikachu, Rattata, Mankey, Nidoran, Spearow and Pidgey. Interesting start for me, i usually end up with boring Caterpie's and what not.
I got lucky on Brock. Last night I accidentally hit full screen so I lost all the stuff I'd done to prepare to beat him. This morning I had another bash from my save from before losing to him and he used defence curl on Geodude exclusively and then with Onyx, he only used rock tomb once so all I had to do was use a potion and metal claw them to death.
I've just realised beating a fecking Kakuna with scratch is not a very good idea.
In X and Y you encounter abra at level 5 so you should be able to just send it to sleep and ultra ball the little cnut.

I'm playing FireRed. I don't believe anyone ever truly captures Abra, what with its teleport, who knows what it gets up to when it's in the Pokeball? Schrodinger's Abra.
Cheeky Dragonball Z reference.
