Gaming Pokémon Strumfest

Just started black, never actually played it before!
They really gayed up the pokemon between red and black, i've a team of pansies here.
Yeah I'm still not sure about those generation, hardly any pokemon I actually wanted.
It's bloody difficult to actually settle for a team of 6 pokemon now, I love charizard, crobat and pikachu and the lucario and lapras that is given is so bloody useful, that leaves me with one spot left which i'm rotating between chesnaught/bagon/gibile. :(
Yeah I'm still not sure about those generation, hardly any pokemon I actually wanted.

Just did a bit of research, some of the new ones look really cool, but there's a lot of dross too!
It's bloody difficult to actually settle for a team of 6 pokemon now, I love charizard, crobat and pikachu and the lucario and lapras that is given is so bloody useful, that leaves me with one spot left which i'm rotating between chesnaught/bagon/gibile. :(

The Zubat line should never be used.

What are these? I've never heard of them.
It's bloody difficult to actually settle for a team of 6 pokemon now, I love charizard, crobat and pikachu and the lucario and lapras that is given is so bloody useful, that leaves me with one spot left which i'm rotating between chesnaught/bagon/gibile. :(

I'm probably going to be the same. I've not got very far in the game yet (one badge) but still got a lot of pokemon. My starting six at the moment is: Frogadier, Pidgeotto, Pansage, Charmeleon, Pikachu, Dunsparce (last one is a bit weird I know) but I'm sure a couple of hours after I pick my 3DS back up that lineup will change a lot. I've not even picked up the mystery gift Torchic yet.

Nice to have so many pokemon available, but does make it hard to choose.
Chesnaught is the new grass starter's final form I think. The other two are the first forms of two dragon lines.
The trick with Pokémon is to not let your Pokémon faint, that way they like you more and are stronger in battle. Then if they like you enough, they come alive and will be friends with you and take you to the world of Pokémon where you can become a real Pokémon master.
You're missing out on crobat, give it a proper moveset and it'll wreck teams up in the game and competitive battling. Bagon and gible are basically the different gens version of dratini.

Crobat is a fecking bitch. Always some elite four douche using it then spamming double team, toxic and confuse ray, dick.

Gible evolution line is pretty bad ass, one of my favorites. Though I think my alltime favorite is Scizor.
The trick with Pokémon is to not let your Pokémon faint, that way they like you more and are stronger in battle. Then if they like you enough, they come alive and will be friends with you and take you to the world of Pokémon where you can become a real Pokémon master.

Good advice.
The trick with Pokémon is to not let your Pokémon faint, that way they like you more and are stronger in battle. Then if they like you enough, they come alive and will be friends with you and take you to the world of Pokémon where you can become a real Pokémon master.

Well I've reached the lavender town which reminded of how much I hated the music here
Is it worth playing Pokémon past Leafgreen, Firered, Ruby and Saphire? None of those 3 were perfect, it would have been nice if there was a GBA remake of Gold and Silver, but they were good and it was cool to be able to trade between the 2 continents.

So was DS versions worth playing?
Is it worth playing Pokémon past Leafgreen, Firered, Ruby and Saphire? None of those 3 were perfect, it would have been nice if there was a GBA remake of Gold and Silver, but they were good and it was cool to be able to trade between the 2 continents.

So was DS versions worth playing?

There is a DS remake of Gold/Silver.
So depressing

Well it is the place where people bury their dead pokemon. There is a video on youtube about pokemon black(not the last generation one but a supposed hack version for the GB) where you can play as ghost and the only music is a slowed down version of lavender town's music. It's even creepier.
Does anyone know if you could trade pokemon or use their online features when playing on emulator?

I've read people who can but not sure if it's true.
Does anyone know if you could trade pokemon or use their online features when playing on emulator?

I've read people who can but not sure if it's true.

Windows users can I think but not Mac users.

Where can I get a Pikachu in FireRed?
Pikachus are shit on Firered FWIW.
Thought so, I'm all the way in Cerulean. Misty just dicked all over me. You can't get to the Power Plant unless you have Surf though, right?
Does anyone know if you could trade pokemon or use their online features when playing on emulator?

I've read people who can but not sure if it's true.
Believe it or not I wrote a good on how to trade with VBA 10 years back

You can 100% trade and battle with VBA, with anyone on the same computer. Between Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire red and Lead green. Never got No$GBA to trade. No idea how on DS games.

Also, of you had the right cable you could write the save or the game to a rom and trade with real GBA devices. I think if your clever you can concert the save to No$GBA and back too
fecking Moltres! Months ago (maybe a year) I got to Moltres, saved in front of it so that I could easily restart if I accidentally KOed it and try to catch it again. Yesterday and today I've gone back to the game to try again and I still can't catch that fecker.

EDIT: Talking about Heart Gold BTW.