Ominously close to getting banned
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That's Clauncher. fecking boss, so it is.
That's Clauncher. fecking boss, so it is.
Oh, feck that thing.Corphish
Crap. Now I've evolved Togepi I can't show him to Elm can I? Just realised...
Also, the 8th gym in SS is SO hard. Regretting now having a strong electric Pokemon now.
You didn't get a Pikachu?
Isn't the 8th Gym Dragon? Electric wouldn't be much help there, besides paralysing junk.
That Kingdra is a bastard, only weak to Dragon, just have to bash him.
Get a Shiny Stone from the Pokeathlon, and evolve your Togetic.Nope, never came across one.
I can't even get to it! It's the damn Lvl 38 Gyarados which gets me. Togetic can hold all his attacks off but because Dragon Rage does 40hp damage each time and Togetic only has 88hp, it hurts me. Would love a bit of Electric to just rip through this piece of arse thing.
Get a Shiny Stone from the Pokeathlon, and evolve your Togetic.
Damn, I forgot it doesn't show up in the Pokeathelon until after you get the national dex. Sorry mate.Would love it but I read that they're super super rare to get? That's why I never tried. Same with a Leaf Stone
Damn, I forgot it doesn't show up in the Pokeathelon until after you get the national dex. Sorry mate.
Extrasensory is the 2nd best Psychic attack, next to Psychic. I prefer Extrasensory myself, tbh.Meh I'll just have to tank up my Togetic and Gyarados. Maybe teach Togetic Psybeam or some other powerful psychic attack, Extrasensory seems to do naff all to these guys.
Extrasensory is the 2nd best Psychic attack, next to Psychic. I prefer Extrasensory myself, tbh.
Any good Rock pokemon? It's a dangerous tactic, but Rock moves wallop Gyarados.
I have a Graveller that's decent. I used it once but they immediately swapped Gyarados for that Kingdra... you can imagine what happened next. That poor Graveller
It's surprisingly well done....
I can't stop listening to it now!
Been doing this through the Vikings/Giants NFL game.Damn.....
Breeding Clauncher at the moment, to be my X "starter".
First box done, was excited for a moment, 29 gone, not one Weedle, Caterpie or *shudders* Combee male.Been doing this through the Vikings/Giants NFL game.
I have a few spare Modest Claunchers, 78 to be precise.
Another round of Wonder Trades, perhaps....
Yup, it's not that bad, got the odd one I didn't have and ok Torchic, Fennekin, Eevee and another Japanese Ditto.
I find if i've bred a fair few of one Pokemon and start Wonder trading i usually come out with things i haven't got. If i get a Pokemon i already have i just trade that out straight away so it works out fairly nicely for filling your Pokedex easily.
Nice team, bit of double coverage on both fire and fighting, but there's nothing wrong with that in game. Often play with an entire team of one type for a laugh.Currently working with Mega Blaziken, Mega Charizard, Mega Lucario, Pikachu, Greninja and Venusaur!
All level 38-44 and have 3 badges! Probably Need to vary my team going forward, but really enjoying the game so far!
Nice team, bit of double coverage on both fire and fighting, but there's nothing wrong with that in game. Often play with an entire team of one type for a laugh.
You won't get Mewtwo until the postgame, if you have another Psychic you like, I'd go for it now.Yeah I have Blaziken as Torchic came with the Mega Stone. I've got him loaded with Cut Strength and Rock Smash for now! I probably need some psychic in my team, but holding out for Mewtwo I think.
No affinity to Lucario really, but got given him at the top of the tower.
Any recommendations about who to include? Who are you working with, when you're not working with a single type team?
Great pokemon, nature isn't the best, as it cuts its best stat by 10%, it's speed. Then again, it's so fast it can take the cut without issue.Just got a Froakie on wonder trade with Brave nature, is this any good?
They're both pretty good, though I'd say Cobalion is the better it's fairly close. Grass/Fighting is very useful IMO, except for the 4x damage from Flying attacks.
EDIT: Agree about Serperior, great design, mediocre mon. Have to spend too much time Coil boosting.
Heh, sounds like fun, someday(once the Bank is active) I must build a team with all for of the musketeers.They are destroying everything so far, iccirus city gym was laughable.
Yeah, bit gutting, when I saw it's evolution it actually reminded me of dratini/dragonair, crying out for a grass/dragon type. Very average in reality.
It's alright, but I wouldn't be pushed about it. I'd only have it if I was looking to fill an empty space. Of course, the other B/W dragon is a cnut. Evolves at level 65, what the feck were they thinking?Any real point in picking up a druddigon? Surely the worst dragon type... but a dragon type...
It's alright, but I wouldn't be pushed about it. I'd only have it if I was looking to fill an empty space. Of course, the other B/W dragon is a cnut. Evolves at level 65, what the feck were they thinking?
64, heh, you'd think I'd remember that, just evolved one yesterday.64! And in fairness there's haxorus too... na you're right.
64, heh, you'd think I'd remember that, just evolved one yesterday.
Forgot about Haxorus, quite like that, but there's something about it, it's boring, I dunno.....
Yup, it's stats are mental, and Mold Breaker Earthquake, vicious. Heh, now that you mention it, I couldn't say what it actually looks like, perhaps a malnourished elf in heavy armour?Stats wise it's still one of the strongest in the game, but you're right, I think it's the fact that it couldn't look less like a dragon.