Pokemon expert
Bit disappointed, was breeding Pangoro and Hawlucha, trying to see if Hawlucha could get Body Slam. It can't.
It's always worth getting Gyarados. Not training a Magikarp in Gold so much.
You can catch a wild and shiny level 30 Gyarados during the storyline.
I always bought the $500 one. Gyarados before the 2nd Gym, game over.Who actually catches a Magikarp for any other reason than catching them all? It's one of the most useless Pokemon ever.
Imagine if they kept it as the original Water/Dragon plan....I still hate Gyrados, if you haven't got the right moveset it can be a pain in the ass to take out. I always used to buy that one though!
Tonight between 8-9 I'm gonna go get the Mega Stones for Gengar and Alakazam, shits gonna be mental.
Imagine if they kept it as the original Water/Dragon plan....
Can you not get the Gengarite anytime, IIRC somone in the town with the Fairy Gym gives it to you.
Just got another Ditto on WT, not a good nature to pass on this time though.
I think that's only for post-game ones, but you can get Gengarite and the Abomnasnow one during play. Unless by pure chance I was in both areas between 8-9 on different days.I thought they were all between those times, I tried to find the person yesterday but couldn't, will have another scout in a bit.
I like Flareon, though it's arguably the worst. Espeon is pretty immense, but I find it bland. Leafeon, Jolteon and Vaporeon are all fantastic depending on what you need. Apparently Sylveon is pretty beastly.Just caught an eevee, thinking of trying to breed some more! Any recommendations about evolving eevee?! Which form(s) are best?
I like your cat. Bet it was a boss.I had a cat called Umbreon, he was the best cat I've ever had
I like your cat. Bet it was a boss.
Vaporeon has the best, I think. Espeon has a great shiny sprite too.I've always been keen on Vaporeon, has an awesome shiny sprite too.
If I'm successful in breeding a shiny Eevee it'll be so hard to decide what to evolve it into.
A ridiculously rare shiny(alt colour) Sylveon. Each pokeomn has one, most players never see them.What am I looking at in the pic?
They're usually pink.Cheers earthquake! Living up to your tag line!! I saw that Sylveon was available, but can't say I knew its colouring.
A shiny Caterpie, most likely.If Quakey was a Pokemon, he would be a shiny.
A shiny Caterpie, most likely.
The most beautiful!Perhaps, but i'm sure you'd make a beautiful Butterfree.