Gaming Pokémon Go (Android, iOS)

I feel like 5k are always trash once you've been playing long enough. I only incubate them to get rid of them and increase my chances of getting more 10k's.
Yeah, it's a really annoying part of the game though :lol:

I would be so happy just to hatch a single Vulpix, Growlithe, Machop, or Grimer as that would put me very close to getting their final evolution, but it never seems to happen. I've never looked up the chances, but they must be far rarer.

2km and 10km seem to be much harder to come by at the moment as well, I'd wager that my last 30~ eggs have only included about three 2km and two 10km.

Is Grimer like one of the hardest Pokemon to catch and/or hatch?.

Feels like they are impossible to find in London anyway.

Yeah, I remember reading an article when it was double Candy for Buddy's. Grimer was stated as one of the better picks as for some reason it's very rare in most parts of the world.
Is Grimer like one of the hardest Pokemon to catch and/or hatch?.

Feels like they are impossible to find in London anyway.
I've seen the silhouette two or three times, and managed to finally catch one a month ago

This was over the main sewer line in Belfast, coincidence?
I've never looked up the chances, but they must be far rarer.

Just did some research for you / us...

Pokemon Hatch Rate (2k)

Weedle 12.3%
Caterpie 10.3%
Bulbasaur 9.8%
Magikarp 8.6%
Zubat 8.3%
Charmander 5.4%
Squirtle 4.8%
Pikachu 4.7%
Geodude 3.9%
Spearow 3.3%
Jigglypuff 1.7%
Clefairy 1.4%

Pokemon Hatch Rate (5k)

Ponyta 4.6%
Nidoran 4.2%
Sandshrew 4.1%
Paras 4.1%
Oddish 4.0%
Ekans 3.8%
Nidoran 3.8%
Tentacool 3.8%
Meowth 3.6%
Growlithe 3.5%
Bellsprout 3.3%
Eevee 3.3%
Poliwag 3.0%
Krabby 3.0%
Staryu 3.0%
Vulpix 2.8%
Goldeen 2.6%
Psyduck 2.4%
Abra 2.3%
Rhyhorn 2.3%
Magnemite 2.2%
Cubone 2.1%
Voltorb 2.0%
Venonat 2.0%
Drowzee 1.9%
Machop 1.8%
Gastly 1.8%
Slowpoke 1.8%
Exeggcute 1.7%
Horsea 1.6%
Shellder 1.6%
Doduo 1.4%
Mankey 1.4%
Seel 1.3%
Diglett 1.1%
Porygon 1.0%
Tangela 1.0%
Regional 0.9%
Lickitung 0.7%
Grimer 0.5%
Koffing 0.3%

Pokemon Hatch Rate (10K)

Magmar 8.8%
Pinsir 7.6%
Electabuzz 7.4%
Jynx 7.2%
Onix 7.0%
Scyther 6.4%
Snorlax 5.1%
Lapras 4.3%
Aerodactyl 4.2%
Chansey 3.7%
Dratini 3.5%
Hitmonlee 3.3%
Kabuto 3.3%
Omanyte 3.2%
Hitmonchan 2.8%
Regional 1.9%

From here:

0.5% of hatching a Grimer...bloody hell. No wonder I have never hatched one.
I have caught a good few grimers since I started playing, around Manchester and Altrincham, where they pop up sporadically. I had to walk it for about 30km to get enough candy to evolve though.
Just did some research for you / us...

Pokemon Hatch Rate (2k)

Weedle 12.3%
Caterpie 10.3%
Bulbasaur 9.8%
Magikarp 8.6%
Zubat 8.3%
Charmander 5.4%
Squirtle 4.8%
Pikachu 4.7%
Geodude 3.9%
Spearow 3.3%
Jigglypuff 1.7%
Clefairy 1.4%

Pokemon Hatch Rate (5k)

Ponyta 4.6%
Nidoran 4.2%
Sandshrew 4.1%
Paras 4.1%
Oddish 4.0%
Ekans 3.8%
Nidoran 3.8%
Tentacool 3.8%
Meowth 3.6%
Growlithe 3.5%
Bellsprout 3.3%
Eevee 3.3%
Poliwag 3.0%
Krabby 3.0%
Staryu 3.0%
Vulpix 2.8%
Goldeen 2.6%
Psyduck 2.4%
Abra 2.3%
Rhyhorn 2.3%
Magnemite 2.2%
Cubone 2.1%
Voltorb 2.0%
Venonat 2.0%
Drowzee 1.9%
Machop 1.8%
Gastly 1.8%
Slowpoke 1.8%
Exeggcute 1.7%
Horsea 1.6%
Shellder 1.6%
Doduo 1.4%
Mankey 1.4%
Seel 1.3%
Diglett 1.1%
Porygon 1.0%
Tangela 1.0%
Regional 0.9%
Lickitung 0.7%
Grimer 0.5%
Koffing 0.3%

Pokemon Hatch Rate (10K)

Magmar 8.8%
Pinsir 7.6%
Electabuzz 7.4%
Jynx 7.2%
Onix 7.0%
Scyther 6.4%
Snorlax 5.1%
Lapras 4.3%
Aerodactyl 4.2%
Chansey 3.7%
Dratini 3.5%
Hitmonlee 3.3%
Kabuto 3.3%
Omanyte 3.2%
Hitmonchan 2.8%
Regional 1.9%

From here:

0.5% of hatching a Grimer...bloody hell. No wonder I have never hatched one.

Not surprising then!

A few of those are somewhat surprising on the other end of the spectrum though! Notably:

Magmar as the highest 10km chance and it's the only one on the list I haven't hatched. I hatched a Magby and instantly had enough Candy to evolve it.

Growthlite and Ponyta being so high up on the 5km doesn't seem right by what I tend to get either. Similar with Charmander as I've hatched more Pikachu and Squirtle by far, although that's less surprising due to the fact their % chance is very similar. Maybe Fire-types just don't like me? :lol:

Last point would be Clefairy which fits my findings as being the rarest 2km Egg chance.

It would also be interesting to know if you can even get Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Clefairy, Jynx, Electabuzz and Magmar from eggs any more at all. I would assume their Baby Forms have taken over - same will go for Hitmonchan, Lee, and Top when the full update happens too.
Not surprising then!
Growthlite and Ponyta being so high up on the 5km doesn't seem right by what I tend to get either. Similar with Charmander as I've hatched more Pikachu and Squirtle by far, although that's less surprising due to the fact their % chance is very similar. Maybe Fire-types just don't like me? :lol:

It's cos you're in rainy Manchester.
Yea, I'm convinced location of the pokestop where you get the egg influences the pokemon it hatches. Growlith, Ponyta, etc. appear so high because the test was probably carried out in one of the southern US states where they are really common.
Yea, I'm convinced location of the pokestop where you get the egg influences the pokemon it hatches. Growlith, Ponyta, etc. appear so high because the test was probably carried out in one of the southern US states where they are really common.
From the research that has been conducted it seems random. on Reddit is a good place to look if you want to delve deeper.
Is Grimer like one of the hardest Pokemon to catch and/or hatch?.

Feels like they are impossible to find in London anyway.
Yeah I caught one in Vauxhall. That's it. If I get another bloody Scyther off a 10km egg I'll be pissed.
From the research that has been conducted it seems random. on Reddit is a good place to look if you want to delve deeper.
I have read some threads on there about it, but they're so anal about their research. If the research hasn't been carried out flawlessly to their insanely high standards it gets dismissed and downvoted.

I just know that I used to regularly run the same water front pokestops and hatched a LOT of water pokemon from 5k eggs. I've started to intentionally collect eggs from fresh stops and I've got a noticeable variety of pokemon since.
So evee to Umberon is that possible in the latest version... is there a hack like with the names before or just random?
Nope no Umbreon or Espeon currently. I reckon there'll be some way of defining which you get. In the games it included night/day when evolving
More info here:

The double candy berry seems like a good idea.

How have you guys been getting on with catching the likes of Chansey during the Valentines event?

I have managed to rack up about 160 Chansey candies, however my best IV one is only around 70% which isn't great!
Looks like the new update came out today. Already found new pokemon just sitting on my bed lol
Looks like the new update came out today. Already found new pokemon just sitting on my bed lol

Yep, got a Wooper this morning. There's about four Swinub on my nearby thing too, so they're the Ratata of Gen 2 (tbh, I thought that'd be Zigzagoon).
Went out to Longford park with the kids today and we caught loads of new stuff including an Ursinring. Not sure what's going to prove rare eventually.
Last edited:
Went out to Longford park with the kids today and we caught loads of new stuff including an Updating. Not sure what's going to prove rare eventually.

This may be helpful:

Ziggazoon was Gen 3 if I recal correctly. Sentret & Hoothoot should be the two encounter everywhere ones if the Gameboy games are any indication.

Oops, got mixed up. For some reason my recollection of Gen 2 is pretty poor, even though I played it enough times as a kid (whereas I could probably name every Gen 1 Pokemon even now).
Im happy it was sunny today as I went for a walk during lunch. Its so nice to see shadows again in the radar, and managing to pick up about 7 or 8 new stuff. There was one area my character went for a walkabout and it had two new stuff. I picked the first one, and maybe I should have gone for the other as I havent seen that since (but seen loads of Swinub since, lol)
Turned on this game for the first time in weeks and quite excited to see new stuff everywhere. :D
I actually went for an hour drive after work today and before dinner. It was so good to see shadows everywhere, different things everywhere. Quite fun to have this update. It being sunny in London helped too :)
I started playing again once the Valentine's event started (after stopping around the end of the New Year event). Unfortunately, I only found one Clefairy throughout the whole event so I'm still missing Clefable by about four Candy. I used the halved Buddy steps to get Ninetails at last and then onto Growlithe (but still need another 4 Candy to get Arcanine). Rather than Buddy-up Clefairy though, I think I'll just wait to hatch a Cleffa. Once I've got those sorted, I'll only need Charizard, Machamp, Muk, Omastar and Dragonite to finish all possible Kanto Pokémon.

It is refreshing to see the Johto Pokémon now, I'm off work this weekend and for the first time since August last year I actually feel like going on a walk just to capture some new monsters. Obviously, this hype will wear off again within a month or so but it's still a nice feeling and a way to kill some time. So far, I've managed to get: Sentret, Furret, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Ledyba, Ledian, Spinarak, Crobat, Chinchou, Igglybuff, Natu, Xatu, Marill, Azumarill, Hoppip, Aipom, Wooper, Espeon, Umbreon, Murkrow, Swinub, Piloswine, Elekid, Magby, and Blissey from Gen 2 - and that's just from walking to/from work once and booting up the game in my house a few times.

I'm a little disappointed at some of the 10km Egg Pokémon though, which I really think should be 5km Eggs, mainly Mareep and Pineco. I think Wobbuffet should have been 10km and those two 5km. I also don't get why Smoochum has stayed as a 10km Egg when the rest of the Baby Pokémon were moved to 2 or 5km, especially as Jynx is more common than the others.

I like some of the new Trainer Style options, but I can't see myself paying so many PokéCoins for them when I'd rather get Incubators.
Anyone got any of the new evolution items yet?

Just trying to work out how rare they are as I found a kings rock I didn't know I had in my inventory and I'm only 5 candy off evolving a Slowbro (and I've got a nearly max CP Wonder Slowbro ready and waiting :drool:)
Anyone got any of the new evolution items yet?

Just trying to work out how rare they are as I found a kings rock I didn't know I had in my inventory and I'm only 5 candy off evolving a Slowbro (and I've got a nearly max CP Wonder Slowbro ready and waiting :drool:)

I got the metal jacket / film whatever its called - can evolve Scyther / Onyx I think. Got it from a pokestop, probably the day of the update, but not seen anything else.
Anyone got any of the new evolution items yet?

Just trying to work out how rare they are as I found a kings rock I didn't know I had in my inventory and I'm only 5 candy off evolving a Slowbro (and I've got a nearly max CP Wonder Slowbro ready and waiting :drool:)

They are pretty uncommon - people were saying that they received evolution items on their 7 day pokestop streak, but it looks like that's not the case 100% of the time.

I have the dragon scale, king's rock, sun stone and upgrade - all of which I got from normal pokestop spins. I'd estimate you're likely to get an evolution item once in 50-75 pokestop spins.

Recently evolved my 100% IV Slowpoke into a Slowking using the king's rock which was kind of cool.
yeah i got a metal jacket too which is annoying as since launch of this game i've caught a grand total of 1 onix and 3 scyther
i've got a great slowbro and candy ready to go aswell but no kings rock

it's been good seeing the new pokemon though, my interest in the franchise ended after gen 1 and save a couple who were in the earlier cartoons (wobbafett, togepi) i've no idea who any of the new ones are,

caught a skarmory this morning which i'd never seen before and a party hat pikachu!
BTW - You can only evolve a Slowpoke in to a Slowking, not from a Slowbro.
Anyone got any of the new evolution items yet?

Just trying to work out how rare they are as I found a kings rock I didn't know I had in my inventory and I'm only 5 candy off evolving a Slowbro (and I've got a nearly max CP Wonder Slowbro ready and waiting :drool:)
I've had a kings rock from my first post update 7 day spin, and got a metal coat from a normal spin yesterday.

At the start they were guaranteed (or at least a very high percentage chance) on 7 day streaks. They seem to have changed that and upped the chance of them dropping on a normal pokestop spin. I read on the silphroad it's about a 1 in 100 chance, although there were plenty of people saying they hadn't received an item in over 200 spins.
yeah i got a metal jacket too which is annoying as since launch of this game i've caught a grand total of 1 onix and 3 scyther
i've got a great slowbro and candy ready to go aswell but no kings rock

it's been good seeing the new pokemon though, my interest in the franchise ended after gen 1 and save a couple who were in the earlier cartoons (wobbafett, togepi) i've no idea who any of the new ones are,

caught a skarmory this morning which i'd never seen before and a party hat pikachu!

See that's the one I need. I have like 70 Onix candies because I don't know if it was a glitch but I kept getting Onix from a 10km egg at least 4 times in a row. Ended up with loads. I have 3 of the stones but annoyingly I don't have the ones I need the other to evolve my Onix and Slowpoke.

Im so close to evolving my Kabuto, 2 away. Had it as my buddy for so long walked 90km with it.
See that's the one I need. I have like 70 Onix candies because I don't know if it was a glitch but I kept getting Onix from a 10km egg at least 4 times in a row. Ended up with loads. I have 3 of the stones but annoyingly I don't have the ones I need the other to evolve my Onix and Slowpoke.

Im so close to evolving my Kabuto, 2 away. Had it as my buddy for so long walked 90km with it.
I'm the same with the mass Onix and also Scyther candies. They are all I ever hatched from 10k's with the odd Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan :mad: I'm nearly lvl33 still with no Snorlax, so I'd happily swap egg luck with you there @Red_Aaron! Even worse I transferred all my Onix a few months back as I didn't realise Onix got an evolve in gen2, so I don't even have a decent Onix to evolve now -.-
I'm the same with the mass Onix and also Scyther candies. They are all I ever hatched from 10k's with the odd Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan :mad: I'm nearly lvl33 still with no Snorlax, so I'd happily swap egg luck with you there @Red_Aaron! Even worse I transferred all my Onix a few months back as I didn't realise Onix got an evolve in gen2, so I don't even have a decent Onix to evolve now -.-

Were you getting your 10k eggs from the same few pokestops?

If so, that could be the reason as certain pokestops have specific pokemon allocated within the eggs.
Were you getting your 10k eggs from the same few pokestops?

If so, that could be the reason as certain pokestops have specific pokemon allocated within the eggs.
The guys who did the research on the silphroad reckon otherwise, but I'm with you on that. I've always tried to vary the pokestops I spin when I have free egg slots. I once got a lapras so I'm sticking with this tactic, despite it still mostly yielding onix and scyther!
I've had two king's rocks and an upgrade, and have used them to get a politoed, a slowking and a porygon 2. Need a couple of the others and I can evolve some more, but like someone else mentioned, I've only ever caught a single onyx. They just don't spawn around Manchester. Makes for a boring commute.

From Gen 1 I still have yet to even see a tangela. I have seen Lapras and Aerodactyl on my scanner but not caught either. They are the only ones available in the UK I'm missing.

The Gen 2s are already getting dull, there's only one I've seen recently that is a silhouette, everything else around here I've caught. It's frustrating that a big city like Manchester only has a small amount of variation on what spawns here.
Oh God I'm a moron. I've been ignoring Zubat for ages because I've already got a Golbat, so I don't need any more.

Forgot about Crobat :(