Gaming Playstation VR2 | Discounted in the UK to around £330

Genuinely excited about online VR racing. Imagine how exciting that will be.

Memories of Wipeout VR online looking over at your mates vehicle and smack talking, can't wait!

I wonder if mine is broken or if I need to do something on PS5. I'll hook it back up to PC tomorrow and see if that's working then go from there. Ta
First thing I always do is dial in my settings tbh
Whats the RRP for this?

Been burnt twice by VR i love the technology and when stuff is designed specifically for the hardware its incredible (Half life: Alyx)

The rendering where your eye focus sound's great love the huge strides being made in better framerates, higher resolutions by using new techniques which massively cut down on processing power.

will need to find out to test just to see what the clarity and detail is like on this one.
Good luck. Maybe me, you and @afrocentricity can have a redcafe GT7 tear up.
Why not. I found out that I can just buy a wheelbase, and keep my existing pedals and rim so I'm gonna get the TGT II as that'll work on PC as well.
If you have the t150 it should work. It showes up and you can setup in the options screen. If you aren't seeing that then maybe flick the pc/ps switch a few times. Strange...

If you have the t150 it should work. It showes up and you can setup in the options screen. If you aren't seeing that then maybe flick the pc/ps switch a few times. Strange...

I had a look and there's a video of a guy using it, but it's hard to tell if his FFB is working, though he doesn't say it isn't. I've ordered the base now, but am gonna try it again if other Thrustmaster PS4 wheels are working as I didn't really want to spend the cash.

Edit, nah it's not having it. It's possible the wheel itself is broken. The PS5 doesn't recognise it per se, but the gmae does show the right wheel under controllers. But still zero FFB.
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A game utilising the eye tracking - if you've seen the weeping angels in Doctor Who then you get the idea of what the mechanic is in the game.

Review embargo has been lifted for this.

General consensus seems to be that the tech is amazing, but launch line up isn't really too strong for the price you're paying.

Money for European peeps meant to be taken tomorrow, and I'm still contemplating whether to keep my order or wait and see how the VR pans out...
It was on sale so I bought Resident evil 8. That's getting a VR mode. I now have two games to play.
It was on sale so I bought Resident evil 8. That's getting a VR mode. I now have two games to play.

Resi8 was always made for VR, but would never run on PSVR. That is why they went 1st person as they knew this was coming.

And as much as RE7 VR was the best game on the system, let's hope 8 does the new one justice. Though 4vr on the Quest is absolutely outstanding, they should really do the remake in PSVR2 to show it off properly.
Review embargo has been lifted for this.

General consensus seems to be that the tech is amazing, but launch line up isn't really too strong for the price you're paying.

Money for European peeps meant to be taken tomorrow, and I'm still contemplating whether to keep my order or wait and see how the VR pans out...

I'm still looking forward and not going to cancel my pre-order, but I agree about the launch lineup and have mentioned it before. I had hoped some more titles would appear (PSVR without parole quoted the Sony Germany blog which leaked some more launch window titles, but even so).

When PSVR came out I think I bought every launch day title, or at least the majority. This time I've picked up three (and two of those are flat games converted to VR).
I'm still looking forward and not going to cancel my pre-order, but I agree about the launch lineup and have mentioned it before. I had hoped some more titles would appear (PSVR without parole quoted the Sony Germany blog which leaked some more launch window titles, but even so).

When PSVR came out I think I bought every launch day title, or at least the majority. This time I've picked up three (and two of those are flat games converted to VR).
I get what you guys are saying but show me a better launch lineup? Especially if you are new to VR or coming from PSVR1?

If they match the first for games I'll be happy, and the landscape is different now, I'm expecting much more.
Watching the review for it makes me really want it. Must. Resist.
Very positive reviews so far.

Personally I think the release lineup is good. From day one I’ll have GT7, NMS, Horizon and Resi 8, with Walking Dead on pre order. Those alone will keep me busy for a while.

I’m looking forward to seeing what’s released going forward.
I've only bought 2 games, but between those and the games I already have (receiving PSVR2 updates) I'll be occupied for a good while before I purchase more. Although I think I'll get Horizon based of the reviews tbh
I haven't looked this forward to a console release since the Nintendo Gamecube when I was 18. I had no interest in racing games or GT7 but it seems like VR is incorporated so well that it piqued my interest, now I purchased the game, I'm getting all the tracks and even grabbed a cheap G29 wheel from craigslist. That along with Horizon & Kayak VR will keep me busy for a while. The most random games I would generally have zero interest in (Kayaking?!?) make me look at them different if they're in VR and done well
I read some reviews that said the included ear buds were crap. So, I bought that pulse headset.

I've just wasted (more) money, haven't i?!