Prefers blue over red, loathed by Spurs fans
Just read a leaked edge review, sounds excellent.
EA have announced Rory McIlroy PGA Tour coming out in June
Teaser trailer
Any idea when Bloodborne reviews will land? I bought a PS4 a few months after launch and sold it pretty quickly afterwards after knowing what I knew in the first place - No games for me. But now Bloodborne is just a few days away, it's going to be hard to keep away from another PS4 impulse buy if it reviews well![]()
Ewww sony. Half the studio gone. Other half most likely working on DLC and I wonder how long they will last.
Just do not get Sony.
You don't get why Sony would trim a studio that delivered a faulty game several months late, and still haven't delivered a PS+ version?
The ps plus version being delayed isn't down to just evolution you know. If they let millions of people on the servers then the servers would die. It's not evolutions fault that Sony won't provide them with better servers.
It's not their fault that Sony sent out the game to die on day one by promising a free version. Imagine how many orders they must have lost because everyone was waiting for the so called ps plus version.
And if we closing down studios on the basis of faulty games. Then no studios would exist. At the end of the day nearly every game comes out with some faults.
Doesn't forgive the netcode issues the game still has. If they'd got that right in the first place, server demand wouldn't be as high, and they could have launched the PS+ version on a region by region basis. As it stands, the game has been out for 6 months, and there's still no news on the PS+ version.
Preorders are stupid, so if anything, I'm glad people waiting for the f2p version showed them how dodgy the full release actually was. My plan when I saw the reveal was to play the PS+ version, and upgrade if I liked it. Sadly, there's still no PS+ version, but I know to avoid it based on the hour or so I spent with it.
The difference is Sony can't afford it. Despite a few positive results as of late, the company is still doing pretty cruddy, and while getting rid of 55 unnecessary employees might not generate much money for them overall, it's the little steps that count. Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves.
Sony wanted a graphically demanding game to show off the console. Same with The Order and both suffered because of it. Both should have been launch games with Ryse.
Not the case at all. Yes they pushed the envelope graphically with The Order, but Driveclub was marred with issues throughout development and would never have been ready for launch. Plus it's isn't that pretty, certainly doesn't give a true reflection of the graphical power of the system. Really both the next gen consoles released a year earlier than they should have, more so with Sony, but they didn't want to give Microsoft another year long headstart in sales again so rushed the console out when no games were really ready for release.
It should've been fine on launch.
I don't care about the PS+ anymore. I've played the game, and I know it isn't for me. The way they worded it... Supporting Driveclub as a service going forward, kinda makes it sound like it'll get carpet bombed with DLC. Maybe it'll end up fully f2p in the long run? Who knows.
But we're not just talking about a few minor hitches with Driveclub. We're talking about major delays, major issues, and major damage done to the studios reputation. I accept that a lot of games (pretty much anything non-Nintendo) release with a lot more bugs than they should do nowadays, but there's a limit, y'know?
Sony have crap servers - That's not news, but Evolution still put out a crap game several months after it was expected to go out. They were in over their heads, and yeah, maybe that is Sony's fault, but I don't really sympathize because it's only Evolution. I do feel sorry for those who lost their jobs, as I've been there, and it's not a nice place to be, but the Studio itself means nothing to me. Sony already killed my favourite racing game studio, and those games launched in beautiful states.
I actually agree that it's not as pretty. I actually don't think it looks as good as what I saw on youtube which is very weird. I guess I just processed in my head that it was youtube and would be a lot better in person but the difference doesn't seem to be as big as I imagined.
I'm not sure how that's proof that it wasn't meant to be a graphical showcase for the console though. The scope for it is incredibly limited. Everything it does is middle of the road. I don't think it's a bad game it just lacks ambition beyond the look of it. To me it screams launch title.
Plus Xbox had some good exclusives within a year of it's release. Dead Rising, Forza 5 and Titanfall were all well received. They weren't great (well, I think Titanfall was but it definitely had content issues) but they were good solid games, the standard you expect around launch.
Well apparently the next Gran Turismo will be open world. So wouldn't make sense to have Driveclub open world. It was basically their answer to Forza 5.
I wonder though how long it will take Polyphony to release an open world racer, if it is true. Because the amount of time it took them to develop GT5 was ridiculous.
And do people really think developers purposely rush out their games? At the end of the day publishers set the date of release and they want their games before xmas. Nothing developers can do even if it is broken.
One thing not many know, is also that Kazunori Yamauchi already thought about some kind of free-roaming open world aspect for his games. Just after the launch of Gran Turismo 5, he revealed on Twitter that he would have liked to include a mode where one could drive freely in the game’s cities, but wasn’t able to.
Can't find the quote. But insider was teasing it on gaf and also said Sony have some first party games to release this fall. So we will see at E3.
As at the moment without Uncharted it is rather empty.
They're probably preparing it for the launch of PlayStation 9.Well apparently the next Gran Turismo will be open world. So wouldn't make sense to have Driveclub open world. It was basically their answer to Forza 5.
I wonder though how long it will take Polyphony to release an open world racer, if it is true. Because the amount of time it took them to develop GT5 was ridiculous.
It is literally empty. They'll definitely have some stuff though I'm sure. Luckily there's a lot of multi-plat and Xbox exclusives I'm after.
Apparently Arkham Asylum/City have been remastered for next gen, ffs. When will it end?
And yep, fully expecting Uncharted trilogy. I still expect something else but maybe not. The last 2 years they didn't have anything particularly good either and more than got away with it but nailed in terms of sales.
I don't expect Gran Turismo to come out this year. Guerilla will announce their new game, but I heard that is a rpg. And if it is, I don't expect that to come out this year.
So all I can think of is a remaster of a certain trilogy.![]()
My friend works at Guerilla. He doesn't expect their game to release this year but that could change if Sony need a big exclusive around Xmas.
If it's not likely to be ready this year they'd be better just leaving it. The project they're on now is meant to be some big ambitious open world RPG right? So I'd rather it not rushed.