The PlayStation Plus version of DriveClub contains 10 cars and one country (India), containing 5 tracks with a total of 11 distinct layouts. Rustchynsky tells us he objects to it being called a demo, however.
"I think anyone who calls it a demo is definitely underselling the experience," he explained. "You've got full multiplayer and you've got part of the single-player: you can go into Single Event and set it up with any car and track available in the PS Plus edition. You can join a club, create a club, set challenges, it's a feature-complete version of the game ultimately. You can even unlock all the trophies, including the Platinum, and play through it as a normal player would."
He went on to confirm to CVG that the full game features 50 cars and five countries, offering a total of 25 tracks with a total of 55 layouts. This essentially means the Plus version is exactly one-fifth the size of the full game.