Playstation 3 Vs X-Box 360

The motion control shit is a gimmick. The 360 one is apparently TERRIBLE.
As a game machine, the Xbox is better. Everything from the controller to the online is better for someone who is serious about gaming, and considering this is a games machine primarily, that matters. What I will say though is that in 2 years time I will have only a PS3.
As a game machine, the Xbox is better. Everything from the controller to the online is better for someone who is serious about gaming, and considering this is a games machine primarily, that matters. What I will say though is that in 2 years time I will have only a PS3.

Why? Is there a law on the number of Xbox's you are aloud to own which you have broken?
feck off Wibble, your just to ashamed to admit you're 10th prestige level 70 on Cod Mod 2 :D

You pwn those noobs like Geebs does shit. And we know how much Geebs likes a good shit.


I play Modern Warfare 2 with my son very occasionally and he kicks the crap out of me. Since he is 11 this is a bit embarrasing.

He bought FIFA 2009 for $8 at JB HiFi last week and I can beat him at that but it won't last.

I play Modern Warfare 2 with my son very occasionally and he kicks the crap out of me. Since he is 11 this is a bit embarrasing.

He bought FIFA 2009 for $8 at JB HiFi last week and I can beat him at that but it won't last.

Yeah MW is a game you need to play for a while to get good at. Unless you're biccy.

When the World cup game gets down, pick that up for cheap. One of the best football games created.
As a game machine, the Xbox is better. Everything from the controller to the online is better for someone who is serious about gaming, and considering this is a games machine primarily, that matters. What I will say though is that in 2 years time I will have only a PS3.

I agree with this. I have both and right now my Ps3 is collecting dust except for when I want to watch a movie.

Everything from Online, Controllers and I even much prefer achievements than trophies. Apart from 2 games and the blu ray (which is very good) I have really not got much out of my Ps3 experience thus far. I got it for free though so its all good. Although I am still revovering from the shock of MGS4 which is probably the most disappointing game I have ever played.
I have had a PS3 since 2007 and a 360 elite since March. Have had some cracking times on both to be honest.

If I could only own one I'd probably just about opt for the PS3, but in terms of games I've played I'd say both have their excellent exclusives and I am glad I decided to get an xbox now so I can pick up and play the exclusives at bargain prices.

Mass Effect kept me busy for about a month.
Am thinking of picking one a the new 4GB Xbox's, anyone else got one? Have been reading that they are finished in matte rather then the 250gb gloss, anyone know of any other differences?

Also am I correct in saying that the hard drive can be now be upgrading with a standard sata 2.5 hard drive, no need for Microsoft's own HDs. If so, what is the largest capacity that it can take?

I use skyplayer quite a bit so is part of the reason of thinking of getting a xbox, but do you need gold the membership to use it or can you use the silver? (knowing Microsoft am guessing its the gold).
Am thinking of picking one a the new 4GB Xbox's, anyone else got one? Have been reading that they are finished in matte rather then the 250gb gloss, anyone know of any other differences?

Also am I correct in saying that the hard drive can be now be upgrading with a standard sata 2.5 hard drive, no need for Microsoft's own HDs. If so, what is the largest capacity that it can take?

I use skyplayer quite a bit so is part of the reason of thinking of getting a xbox, but do you need gold the membership to use it or can you use the silver? (knowing Microsoft am guessing its the gold).

1.Matte seems the only difference, in fact I probably prefer matte seeing as it attracts less dust.

2. It appears you can, just need to make you own caddy or get one from laptop with "pullout" ribbon.

3. Gold is needed, as expected, also I would need to signup to sky broadband or mulitrooms for livetv:rolleyes:. greedy bastards! I can't see what the point is when I can already watch it on my laptop.

Just saw a poster for Best buy (never even knew they were in England) they are having a 20% off most of their stock bank holiday sale. 250GB Xbox £159. 4GB £111...