Playstation 3 Vs X-Box 360

How does it have better 1st person shooters, sports and fighting games? Also as it stands it does not have a better racing game.

As most 3rd party games are now multi-platform, and we are getting sort of towards the point where they run equal, or at least as equal as that most people couldn't tell the difference between the XB360 and PS3 versions, doesn't the weight and size of Sony's 1st party studios come into play here in terms of the number of exclusives? Microsoft's 1st party is almost nothing now since they went down the road of paying for exclusives (mostly timed) and exclusive DLC. It's the shear size and scope of the PS3 library that gives it quality games in genres that many 3rd party developers and publishers will not even touch.
As most 3rd party games are now multi-platform, and we are getting sort of towards the point where they run equal, or at least as equal as that most people couldn't tell the difference between the XB360 and PS3 versions, doesn't the weight and size of Sony's 1st party studios come into play here in terms of the number of exclusives? Microsoft's 1st party is almost nothing now since they went down the road of paying for exclusives (mostly timed) and exclusive DLC. It's the shear size and scope of the PS3 library that gives it quality games in genres that many 3rd party developers and publishers will not even touch.

And that's one of the key reasons I bought a PS3, even though the Xbox allows me to play downloaded games.
The best console title in the current generation is Mass Effect.

There are scant few titles that any consoles do that are not surpassed in every single way by a PC. The PC is superior in graphics, performance, controls.

The few console titles that are done better which spring to mind are your sports titles like Madden, NHL, Fifa, PES etc. Then it is a wash because console to console they are basically identical.

This returns us to the original point. The only title worth getting on a console that a PC doesn't do better is Mass Effect and that is 360 exclusive with a crumby PC port a year later.

Get a 360, get Mass Effect, get Mass Effect 2, get Fifa X or PES X, then get everything else on PC.
The best console title in the current generation is Mass Effect.

There are scant few titles that any consoles do that are not surpassed in every single way by a PC. The PC is superior in graphics, performance, controls.

The few console titles that are done better which spring to mind are your sports titles like Madden, NHL, Fifa, PES etc. Then it is a wash because console to console they are basically identical.

This returns us to the original point. The only title worth getting on a console that a PC doesn't do better is Mass Effect and that is 360 exclusive with a crumby PC port a year later.

Get a 360, get Mass Effect, get Mass Effect 2, get Fifa X or PES X, then get everything else on PC.

Your argument is strange as it's surely back to front. Most XB360 exclusives you can play on the PC. Surely for the widest choice of HD games, the PC-PS3 combo is the better option? You also seem to be very narrow in your gaming tastes. Western RPGs and Football games? Really? By the end of the financial year, PS3 players could have exclusively played Killzone 2, Infamous, Uncharted 2, WipeOut HD Fury, Ratchet & Clank A Crack in Time, Heavy Rain, GT5, God of War III, Final Fantasy XIII, Demon's Souls, White Knight Chronicles, EyePet, MLB: The Show, and almost everything that's on the XB360 as well. That's one hell of a genre spanning exclusive line-up, so whatever floats your boat!
Final Fantasy XIII will be on Xbox too

Also although your answer to the likes of Halo , Gears of War and Left 4 Dead will be that you do not rate them. Many people including myself love those titles
Isn't this a thread about which is the better console? as in the machine itself? hardware is a lot to do with it.

And lastly, where are these superior 360 games? games are subjective and hardly hold much weight in deciding which is a better console.

so what your saying is you base the idea of what a better console is based on how much power it has and not on which games it can and cannot play, its that much more powerful that the people who make the games cannot get them to look any better than they do on the lesser powered 360, whats the point in all the extra power and better hardware, people buy consoles to play games so the games are the most important part, anyone who thinks otherwise is obviously a cock

not going to argue about it though, opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, doesnt make yours right
Final Fantasy XIII will be on Xbox too

Also although your answer to the likes of Halo , Gears of War and Left 4 Dead will be that you do not rate them. Many people including myself love those titles

FFXIII will not be on XB360 in this financial year (Elvis could be playing it this Chrstmas if he wanted to), and nobody has a clue what they are going to do with the size of it. The other three series that you mention have all in some form or another appeared at some point on the PC, even though Microsoft published games are less and less so going to the PC as they've basically given up on PC gaming.
its that much more powerful that the people who make the games cannot get them to look any better than they do on the lesser powered 360

Ah, but that's the trick isn't it? Mutliplatform games actually run worse on the PS3 than they do on the XB360 because of the way that they are developed. I'd argue with you though that there are no games on the XB360 that look as good or run as well as certain PS3 exclusives where the software takes advantage of the platform. I suppose that you have a Wii?

As for your comments about it all being just about games, I think that you're being naive. These boxes are no longer simply games consoles, otherwise Microsoft wouldn't be pushing things such as Netflix, Facebook, Twitter, etc. as unique selling points of their platform. They wouldn't have made a HD-DVD add-on either. You do realise why Microsoft is in this business don't you?
The best console title in the current generation is Mass Effect.

There are scant few titles that any consoles do that are not surpassed in every single way by a PC. The PC is superior in graphics, performance, controls.

The few console titles that are done better which spring to mind are your sports titles like Madden, NHL, Fifa, PES etc. Then it is a wash because console to console they are basically identical.

This returns us to the original point. The only title worth getting on a console that a PC doesn't do better is Mass Effect and that is 360 exclusive with a crumby PC port a year later.

Get a 360, get Mass Effect, get Mass Effect 2, get Fifa X or PES X, then get everything else on PC.

All the bits in bold are subjective, and in my opinion, incorrect.
Ps3 = Not paying for online gaming.
Ps3 = Blu-Ray Player (I love films)
Ps3 = Reliability compared to Xbox
Ps3 = Good exclusive titles

These are the reasons I chose it over the Xbox.
I just typed out contrary reasons, for getting a 360 Bill. Then decided against getting into this console wars bollocks again.
I just typed out contrary reasons, for getting a 360 Bill. Then decided against getting into this console wars bollocks again.

Oh, I'm relatively neutral. They were my reasons but as you say other people will be contrary. It's all down to what suits the individual which is why people will always argue.
I have an xbox, and i also wish to get a ps3. I've had no problems with my 360 (touch wood) and i've loved the games i've played on there so far. The big points for me when choosing was 1) Most of my mates have 360's so getting a ps3 would be less social gaming. 2) I'm a big JRPG fan and i didn't see a title on the PS3 that excited me in that genre.

That being said i do want to get a PS3, mainly so i have a blu-ray player. But also because playing a final fantasy game with an xbox controller would feel very strange (a console for one game, i know i'm a sucker).

Now i'm not a fan of racing games, or shooters (i'll play with mates, but i just don't see the appeal myself) and the majority of games that i want to play are multi platform. But i think getting a PS3 is a definite for the future, mainly for the blu-ray player but also the exclusives. I'll still probably play on my xbox more often though, as like i said i know more people who own them.
According to a reader survey by Game Informer (via The Consumerist), 54.2 percent of Xbox 360s have crashed and burned, meaning that — conversely — 45.8 percent have yet to see the red, glowing face of untimely death.

PS3 and Wii, meanwhile, cause far fewer headaches, sporting failure rates of 10.6 percent and 6.8 percent, respectively.

It's known that there were design problems with the XB360 in terms of the mobo and the cooling (with the PS3 it's mostly the BD drives that go pop), but an interesting thought is that a lot of failures on XB360 could probably have been avoided by people not turning the thing off straight after playing a game.

Think of it this way, and I'd suggest that PS3 owners think about this as well. When playing a game that is utilizing all of the silicon at once, the heat builds up, the fans crank up to high speed to try and get that heat out. Now, you have finished playing and put the thing into standby or turn it off completely, what happens? Well, the silicon is still very hot and you're turning the fans off, leaving a lot of heat within the box. Turn off your oven when it's at 250 degrees celsius and see how long it takes to get down below 150! Quite a while.

Now, if people, after playing would simply quit to the Dashboard or the XMB for 10 minutes and let the fans ramp down before turning the thing off, would that help prolong the life of the machine?

Wii doesn't come into this, it's over 10 year old technology and now on such a small process that you could probably fit its innards into a phone.
The Wii may be primitive in comparison, but damn it's fun, especially when drunk!

Also on the cooling issue, it's not the case if you install the game onto the HD. I see that as a big step the 360 has made in trying to combat the issue, also being able to download whole games online now off the store is great.
The Wii may be primitive in comparison, but damn it's fun, especially when drunk!

I was referring to the heat it generates.

Also on the cooling issue, it's not the case if you install the game onto the HD. I see that as a big step the 360 has made in trying to combat the issue, also being able to download whole games online now off the store is great.

Well, not much, the CPU and the GPU still get damn hot. I suppose that in terms of heat one thing the XB360 does have is that at least it's outside the box. Imagine if they had put the HDD and the power supply inside the box itself. :nervous:
I was referring to the heat it generates.

Oh, right you are. Carry on.

Well, not much, the CPU and the GPU still get damn hot. I suppose that in terms of heat one thing the XB360 does have is that at least it's outside the box. Imagine if they had put the HDD and the power supply inside the box itself. :nervous:

Lord, it would explode.
It's known that there were design problems with the XB360 in terms of the mobo and the cooling (with the PS3 it's mostly the BD drives that go pop), but an interesting thought is that a lot of failures on XB360 could probably have been avoided by people not turning the thing off straight after playing a game.

Think of it this way, and I'd suggest that PS3 owners think about this as well. When playing a game that is utilizing all of the silicon at once, the heat builds up, the fans crank up to high speed to try and get that heat out. Now, you have finished playing and put the thing into standby or turn it off completely, what happens? Well, the silicon is still very hot and you're turning the fans off, leaving a lot of heat within the box. Turn off your oven when it's at 250 degrees celsius and see how long it takes to get down below 150! Quite a while.

Now, if people, after playing would simply quit to the Dashboard or the XMB for 10 minutes and let the fans ramp down before turning the thing off, would that help prolong the life of the machine?

Wii doesn't come into this, it's over 10 year old technology and now on such a small process that you could probably fit its innards into a phone.

This is a very good point actually. You'd think the game console manufacturers would have developed some sort of cooling system, that continues if necessary even once the console is turned off or especially if its put on Standby. My microwave for example, keeps the fans rolling after its finished cooking until it gets cooler enough.
Depends what you want from your console Kinky. Think of the PS3 as an all in one super console, and think of a 360 as a peripheral heavy piece of junk.
Oh i'm not doubting a PS3 is a better piece of kit, but i must be part of a rare breed that only uses my console for gaming purposes. It's quite funny i can now watch Sky through my xbox, why would i want to? It's connected to the same bloody telly as my skybox!! And the internet and Facebook? What's the point! I've got a laptop that does that job perfectly well thanks.

My 360 has caused me no trouble, but i as i've said before i'm getting a ps3 anywho basically as a blu-ray and an exlcusives playing machine. So i suppose i've contradicted myself there by saying i'll use the PS3 as a blu-ray player, but i'll hardly buy a seperate blu-ray for the sake of being pedantic.
But isn't the Playstation's Blu-ray player the only one that can receive software upgrades?

My Samsung Blu Ray can up upgraded. When I 1st got I had to do it with nearly every new release. Thankfully it seems up to date now
But isn't the Playstation's Blu-ray player the only one that can receive software upgrades?

It's long been acknowledged that it is the best Blu-ray player at a reasonable price because of just that - it's totally software based and does not involve any specialised silicon (PS3 doesn't even have any sound hardware). It's also always the first to get new BD features when they release them as it's very easy to do. The Cell processor was designed to be a multimedia monster, and can outclass any other chip at this. No expensive PC owners, not even your latest Intel jobby can outdo the Cell here.
These threads are always fun.

I chose a PS3 because of the blu-ray drive, I preferred the controller and I wanted grand turismo. I also considered the PS3 to be much more reliable.

Oh and whoever it was that mentioned watchdog's report on the PS3 - there was a thread about it on here at the time and that report was basically a load of rubbish.
The reason that the Cell processor has not been included into consumer electronics up until now is the silly amount of heat it generates, thus needing a fan. It's almost at the point now where that is no longer an issue.
I think Weaste should be banned from all future threads regarding tech mumbo jumbo.

It hurts my brain
I think Weaste should be banned from all future threads regarding tech mumbo jumbo.

It hurts my brain

You just need to merge them all in to one and you can generally get the picture.

If i'm not mistaken, the cell processor is like the intel processor on your pc, mixed with the mother board and computes shit load faster and, and, and the ps3 has 10 of these little processors or something like that.
You just need to merge them all in to one and you can generally get the picture.

If i'm not mistaken, the cell processor is like the intel processor on your pc, mixed with the mother board and computes shit load faster and, and, and the ps3 has 10 of these little processors or something like that.

The Cell processor has one traditional CPU core that is almost exactly the same at the 3 that the XB360 has - this is called the PPU (Power Processing Unit - IBM technology). However, on top of that it has 8 (only 7 in the PS3) specialist processors with their own 256KB of RAM and very fast communication lines between them (this is called a BUS). These are the SPEs or SPUs (It's an SPE when you include that 256KB of RAM and some other logic). At 3.2GHz, these little things are processing monsters - SIMD (single instruction multiple data), but you have to code for them specifically, and they do not have direct access to the main system RAM.
The Cell processor has one traditional CPU core that is almost exactly the same at the 3 that the XB360 has - this is called the PPU (Power Processing Unit - IBM technology). However, on top of that it has 8 (only 7 in the PS3) specialist processors with their own 256KB of RAM and very fast communication lines between them (this is called a BUS). These are the SPEs or SPUs (It's an SPE when you include that 256KB of RAM and some other logic). At 3.2GHz, these little things are processing monsters - SIMD (single instruction multiple data), but you have to code for them specifically, and they do not have direct access to the main system RAM.

So in other words.........
The Cell processor has one traditional CPU core that is almost exactly the same at the 3 that the XB360 has - this is called the PPU (Power Processing Unit - IBM technology). However, on top of that it has 8 (only 7 in the PS3) specialist processors with their own 256KB of RAM and very fast communication lines between them (this is called a BUS). These are the SPEs or SPUs (It's an SPE when you include that 256KB of RAM and some other logic). At 3.2GHz, these little things are processing monsters - SIMD (single instruction multiple data), but you have to code for them specifically, and they do not have direct access to the main system RAM.
