Isn't it the RAM that is holding the PS3 back though?
Surely for the widest choice of HD games, the PC-PS3 combo is the better option?
The Cell processor has one traditional CPU core that is almost exactly the same at the 3 that the XB360 has - this is called the PPU (Power Processing Unit - IBM technology). However, on top of that it has 8 (only 7 in the PS3) specialist processors with their own 256KB of RAM and very fast communication lines between them (this is called a BUS). These are the SPEs or SPUs (It's an SPE when you include that 256KB of RAM and some other logic). At 3.2GHz, these little things are processing monsters - SIMD (single instruction multiple data), but you have to code for them specifically, and they do not have direct access to the main system RAM.
Isn't it the RAM that is holding the PS3 back though?
Isn't it the RAM that is holding the PS3 back though?
In what sense? I was always under the impression it was the game developers who were holding the PS3 back.
Microsoft Planning Blu-ray Xbox 360 Add-on
Steve Ballmer dismisses built-in drive, says accessories are coming.
by Jim Reilly
October 21, 2009 - It seems Microsoft hasn't given up on adding high-definition disc movie playback to the Xbox 360.
In an interview with Gizmodo, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer was asked if we'll ever see a Xbox 360 with a built in Blu-ray disc drive.
"Well I don't know if we need to put Blu-ray in there—you'll be able to get Blu-ray drives as accessories," said Ballmer
"I think the future of movies is on-demand actually, as opposed to via distribution on physical media. So we're just going to keep driving forward and try to make [Xbox 360] the best overall entertainment experience, and not just gaming."
Whoops, looks like this is another case of Steve letting information slip out a little too early. Microsoft quickly tried to cover Ballmer's statement saying, "Our solution for HD quality video on an Xbox 360 is coming this fall with Zune Video and 1080p instant-on HD streaming. As far as our future plans are concerned, we're not ready to comment.
Microsoft previously supported the now extinct HD-DVD format by releasing a drive add-on in November 2006.
Ballmer earlier this year mispoke during a conference in Chicago, saying a 'new' Xbox 360 was coming next year. He would later retract his statement, telling IGN, "I confused the issue with my poorly chosen words. There is no news in my comments," said Ballmer.
I'd personally rather spend the extra £50 and get a PS3, than a stand alone, however, I'd rather update the 360 than get a PS3 if that makes any sense?
I understand, didn't the HD-DVD add-on also work with the PC over USB? Sort of makes sense then.
It's known that there were design problems with the XB360 in terms of the mobo and the cooling (with the PS3 it's mostly the BD drives that go pop), but an interesting thought is that a lot of failures on XB360 could probably have been avoided by people not turning the thing off straight after playing a game.
Think of it this way, and I'd suggest that PS3 owners think about this as well. When playing a game that is utilizing all of the silicon at once, the heat builds up, the fans crank up to high speed to try and get that heat out. Now, you have finished playing and put the thing into standby or turn it off completely, what happens? Well, the silicon is still very hot and you're turning the fans off, leaving a lot of heat within the box. Turn off your oven when it's at 250 degrees celsius and see how long it takes to get down below 150! Quite a while.
Now, if people, after playing would simply quit to the Dashboard or the XMB for 10 minutes and let the fans ramp down before turning the thing off, would that help prolong the life of the machine?
Wii doesn't come into this, it's over 10 year old technology and now on such a small process that you could probably fit its innards into a phone.
Yeah, I've got both and I agree with that.I've had both, now just the PS3.
Advantages of 360 -
Online is generally better, hence you have to pay for it.
Cross game chat. If I were on MW2 I could speak to my mate on FIFA.
Layout of menus is nicer than PS3, easier to navigate.
Video, music, movie marketplace to buy various stuff.
You can change your gamertag on your account, although it does cost £8.
Controller is heavier, but feels nicer on the hand imo.
Advantages of PS3 -
Online is free. You can create multiple online accounts which costs nothing.
The internet is surprisingly very good. If you buy a keyboard to connect to the controller, it's like another computer. All video sites work, (including Porn!) and the Caf works too.
The console is quieter than the 360, less noise.
Controllers have chargers, much easier than playing around with batteries with the 360.
Overall, they're pretty close. It's down to personal preference.
If you play mainly online, I reccomend the 360. If you want a console which can be used for more than just playing games, i.e internet, blu-ray, take the ps3.
righto, im considering buying a new slimline Xbox 360 (250gb edition)
anyone got one? I've heard that they are MUCH quieter?
red dot of death?
PS3 has the best games in almost every genre. Is the best Blu-ray player in its price range. Has free online gaming. Has a Web browser. Can run Linux. Uses standard HDDs and USB storage. etc.
Both Sony and Microsoft will see how they go with the introduction of their movement controllers, thats the next battle on the horizon for the time being. The advantage Sony has is they have a juggernaut title in Gran Turismo 5 coming in time for Christmas which will obviously be packaged with consoles, people will buy PS3's in their masses for that game worldwide.
True, but MS have Kinect coming in time for Christmas so its swings and roundabouts really
You are really placing Kinect in the same bracket as GT5?
I don't think there is really much contest.
PS3 is so much more than merely a game playing box, free online play, loads of free content as well such as music videos, bluray player, brilliant DVD player, great download player (barring mkv's), networks brillantly and is far more reliable than the 360.
Most of my son's mates who had 360's have now got rid and switched to PS3s and the one's who haven't want to.