Playstation 3 Vs X-Box 360

Kinky Melinky

Full Member
Nov 8, 2000
Sorry if there has already been a thread about this. The missus has asked me what I want for Christmas and I'm toying between the 2 of them. I can't have both by the way !

So which is better ? I know they're both fecking good but getting comparisons would be great

Next up, Jesus vs Mohammed vs Dawkins in the current events!
Ah feck that ! I can't be arsed looking through lists of games. I'm sure both have as good a games as the next.

Thing is, mates of mine back in Ireland have the X-Box 360. If I get one myself I can play against them where as I couldn't with the Playstation 3
that's a huge factor kinks. i asked the missus for a 360 as it was cheaper at the time, but the price difference has fallen, so I'd just say the same console as your mates.
that's a huge factor kinks. i asked the missus for a 360 as it was cheaper at the time, but the price difference has fallen, so I'd just say the same console as your mates.

We are just as good of mates for gaming, aren't we? :(
if its your mates you wanna play then yeah go with the 360

but do consider checking out some of the games you would enjoy playing and see who has the better titles
Games are identical. Do not let anyone kid you into thinking otherwise. Multi platform games such as COD and GTA are exactly the same. As for exclusives they both have their fair share.

I have an Xbox. If I did not already have a blu ray player this may have swayed me towards PS3 instead.

Reason for Xbox, was I preferred their exclusives like Halo, Gears of War and Left 4 Dead. Also most of my mates have an Xbox thus enhancing online gaming which is a big plus!

Also quite a few on here have X-Boxes and I'd like to think I could join in the online gaming. Also loads of my mates back home back x-boxes

I think I'll go with the X-Box 360.
Sigh. Even i have grown tired of these threads.

Just get a Wii Kinky. It can't play DVDs, nor blu-ray, doesn't have very good graphics and doesn't have a browser nor an on-line community but your mum will love you for it.
Sigh. Even i have grown tired of these threads.

Just get a Wii Kinky. It can't play DVDs, nor blu-ray, doesn't have very good graphics and doesn't have a browser nor an on-line community but your mum will love you for it.

I've got a Wii :)
Kinky not sure if you know, but you have to pay a fee to play online on the Xbox. PS3 is free though.

Also quite a few on here have X-Boxes and I'd like to think I could join in the online gaming. Also loads of my mates back home back x-boxes

I think I'll go with the X-Box 360.

ha..your coining of the word X-box has swung me around. :)

If the majority of your mates have xbox's and you plan on playing online with them, than i would suggest getting an Xbox 360. Do note, it will cost you £39.99 per year for the online, compared to the PS3 which is free, and the xbox console can't play blu-rays. Besides that there is very little to chose between the two, and for me one of the main reasons behind getting a console is to have a laugh with your mates. If you're on the PS3 and they're all on the 360, than you won't enjoy it as much.
Has anyone played World of Warcraft on the Xbox ? Yeah I know....nerd, geek and all that. I'd be interested to know what it's like
Honestly Kinks, If all your mates use the XBox and you don't mind the extra fee they charge for online gaming then by all means I recommend the Xbox.

As for the better piece of kit I have to say the PS3 wins out comfortably IMO.

Either way they're both cheap now so whichever one you go for your gonna love it:D
I don't think either Xbox 360 or PS3 do World of Warcraft so I guess I could just leave that one for the laptop
quick question for all the playstation 3 owners, how many blurays do you own? the first point you hear everytime from ps3 owners is that it plays blurays but i doubt that many actually buy them regulary
Yes. I bought Blade Runner on blu ray the other day. .still haven't checked it out mind you.

I would like to buy a stand alone bluray player - which one should I get?

no idea, havnt got one, not really planing too, got way to many dvds to start rebuying in a new format

you getting forza? it looks miles better the GT5 :smirk:
no idea, havnt got one, not really planing too, got way to many dvds to start rebuying in a new format

you getting forza? it looks miles better the GT5 :smirk:

I've got loads of DVDs. . .but blurays look a lot sharper.

And yeah, Forza on my 50inch 1080p > Weaste's little monitor and GT5.