Players you had forgotten existed

Vedran Corluka

Agree with this one, vaguely remember he played for Spurs.

Mathieu Debuchy

Agreed, know he is a right back who played for Arsenal but couldn't pick him out from a lineup and wouldn't have come to mind if someone asked me to name Arsenal rightbacks.

Tyler Blackett.

Disagree with this one. It might be true for most football fans, but as a United supporter, clearly remember LVG playing him.
Disagree with this one. It might be true for most football fans, but as a United supporter, clearly remember LVG playing him.
Sorry - everytime this thread pops up I post "Tyler Blackett" because he cropped up every page in the thread. It amuses me but I should stop it really.

But, yes, I can't forget him.
For some reason he reminds me of his Everton team mate and fellow owner of an unnecessarily complicated last name, Denis Stracqualursi.

Could not have pulled that name out of my brain if you had a gun to my head but as soon as I read it I was like "Yep."
The Football Manger legend that was Andres D'Alessandro, loved him in the game and he was decent at Portsmouth.
Piotr Świerczewski. Remember him? Steve Bruce I think signed him and he played one game total for Birmingham I think
That I think I knew, but totally forgot and it's shocking all again.

I get the same feeling every time it's mentioned. Very good player. I was gutted when he joined Arsenal after seeing him at Sevilla tearing Real Madrid apart
Donny VdB. Saw today that he's still on our books. I'd completely forgotten about him.

And while I write this, Raphael Van der Vaat. Top player back when
Piotr Świerczewski. Remember him? Steve Bruce I think signed him and he played one game total for Birmingham I think
There's one video with him that's legendary in Poland. After retiring he got into coaching, so while he was a manager at one of the Polish clubs they invited him to the TV channel where he started bragging about his tactical acumen, how much he has learned about modern football while playing and studying in France, how developed his connections are in the world of football ("I could make a call to Avram Grant or Arsene Wenger any minute and ask them for opinions") and how much of a modern manager he is, only to be confronted with a video compilation of him shouting instructions from the side-line including "just lump it forward!" and stuff like "we just need to be more chaotic". Hilarious really
It probably has been said before, but this thread would get a lot more interesting if you would not randomly post a name but what actually remembered you of someones existence.
Mason Mount. I genuinely forgot he played for us until I saw his name mentioned in the Ugarte thread.
