Caf is a scary place. Some posters genuinely read like they're his family or something. Psychos.
Let's be objective:
- He can't stay fit - problem.
- Even when he's fit, he's prone to blunders (I would rather we didn't have a comedy act protecting our goalkeeper) - problem.
- Even when he's fit, his positioning is suspect at best - problem.
- Even when he's fit, his tackling is WILD and DANGEROUS to both himself and others - problem.
Sorry but I just don't get
the need to persist with him. I don't see a top centre-back in him and I never have. He also doesn't look like an athlete (a bit like Rooney) and doesn't have the ability on the ball to make up for it.
The fact that members of this forum also have
the cheek to harshly criticise the likes of Blind and McNair at times makes this 'hope' for Jones all the more inconsistent with reality. If you're going to have a go at Blind for not being good enough...then Jones
must be shite? Because Blind doesn't balls up anywhere near the amount Jones does.