nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions
also amazon couldnt replace the post office. most right wingers dont understand anything about the post office
also amazon couldnt replace the post office. most right wingers dont understand anything about the post office
I think he comes out of this ok. Always good to see someone admit they’re wrong.
The Libertarian stuff about "the government does nothing good" is particularly fecking stupid coming from Americans, where the states are given a load more autonomy than sub-regions in European countries and end up in ludicrous situations like state capitals going bankrupt when they try and upgrade a fecking rubbish dump.
Peterson is clearly right wing and while he's obviously incredibly intelligent I find him very disingenuous. His generalisations of anyone he views on the left and his hysteria over "neo-Marxists" as if that's even an issue is incredibly off-putting. And his stupid voice.
Harris is actually pretty reasonable. He's firmly a centrist although by US standards probably left leaning. I agree that some of the more mainstream liberal ideas towards Islam are quite ridiculous given the conservative positions it inspires among huge portions of the Muslim population. There are ideas to be challenged and criticised by any progressive society.
Peterson is clearly right wing and while he's obviously incredibly intelligent I find him very disingenuous. His generalisations of anyone he views on the left and his hysteria over "neo-Marxists" as if that's even an issue is incredibly off-putting. And his stupid voice.
Harris is actually pretty reasonable. He's firmly a centrist although by US standards probably left leaning. I agree that some of the more mainstream liberal ideas towards Islam are quite ridiculous given the conservative positions it inspires among huge portions of the Muslim population. There are ideas to be challenged and criticised by any progressive society.
Sam Harris can be a snide prick, but putting in the title with Peterson is a bit strange. They hold quite different viewpoints.
The title should be 'Social discourse - public academics' or something.
he clearly hasnt thought about basically any of the things he says which is why people promoting him as an interesting thinker or whatever or delusional. this an emperors new clothes situation where they dont want to admit that the guy who told them to clean their room might not be a brilliant thinker
100% this he is paper thin
There's also the pseudo lawyer response of:What surprised me is that there *is* a standard right-wing defence for this, one he is especially equipped to use.
"Serving blacks does not violate Christian faith in the same way as writing a celebratory message for an abominable wedding."
There's also the pseudo lawyer response of:
"I'm against gay cakes so jews don't have to bake swastikas"
There's also the pseudo lawyer response of:
"I'm against gay cakes so jews don't have to bake swastikas"
cake isnt even good
I dont think Joe Rogans political views matter that much. He tends to give his guests a lot of slack to put their view across without getting confrontational about it or trying to pick their argument apart to protect his own views (unless you criticise weed, then he loses his shit)I wouldn't have Harris down as far-right or even that right at all since his views seem to be mixed on various matters - Peterson however is a staunch conservative and fairly unabashedly right-wing. Rogan I believe has a bit of a libertarian streak if I remember correctly, albeit with some sympathies towards the left.
I dont think Joe Rogans political views matter that much. He tends to give his guests a lot of slack to put their view across without getting confrontational about it or trying to pick their argument apart to protect his own views (unless you criticise weed, then he loses his shit)
Anti-Weed and Veganism are definitely two of his sore spots. Otherwise he let's his guests ramble on to their heart's content. Rubin let's his guests say whatever they want all the while agreeably absorbing their views.
Its an interview style and he does it well. They generally seem pretty at ease and willing to throw ideas out there. I cant imagine him ever really grilling a guest.
I've never given Rubin more than 5 minutes of my time tbh
This is amazing.
Niall Ferguson about leftist control of academia that was worth a watch.
Niall Ferguson, a controversial British historian who has been criticized for his support of British imperialism, announced he was resigning from his position with Cardinal Conversations, a speaker series at Stanford University, after leaked emails revealed he asked Republican students to conduct "opposition research" on a left-wing student activist.
On Feb. 23, Ferguson wrote to Minshull and Rice-Cameron: "A famous victory. Now we turn to the more subtle game of grinding them down on the committee. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance." He later wrote, "Some opposition research on Mr. O might also be worthwhile."
"I will get on the opposition research for Mr. O," Minshull replied.
Following that email, Ferguson listed the names of Cardinal Conversations' committee members who, he wrote, "should all be allies against O."
"Whatever your past differences, bury them," Ferguson wrote. "Unite against the SJW [social justice warriors.]"
Ferguson remains a senior fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution.
I don't find this sort of selective cherry picking to be particularly helpful as it doesn't offer much fidelity. It also seems to be the preferred method of random twitter trolls. Want to discredit someone ? Just cherry pick a sentence or two and pretend it applies to an entire career of work.
His work of imperial glorification should discredit itself.
What I'm looking to attack is the hypocrisy, the cheek, of trying to organise professors and students against opposing viewpoints and then claiming to be fighting against opposition "control".
If there was any truth to leftist control, this asshole would be out of a job, first for his garbage opinions, and then for this stunt.
That's a pretty fatuous argument. He and his wife have had to hire professional security to deal with the authoritarian leftist loons following them around. Check out his talk with Rubin. Its getting pretty disgusting, especially with the enablers who want to fire people because they have a view they don't agree with.