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Do you want Pogba for £100 million?

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What do you call these types of reactions then?

I call it taking the piss and over-reacting to me simply putting forward an alternative view to the Pogba transfer. Its an alternative view. Not once have I belittled posters that are championing this transfer, not once. But your reaction to my alternative view is to over-react and pull the piss. Maybe the points I am raising are striking a few nerves. Maybe they aren't. Either way I don't give a toss anymore. This is a done deal. I hope he delivers for us in the way most posters on this thread are saying he will. Clearly I don't think he will.
That first one wasn't directed only at you but several posters who argued against the transfer fee. It doesn't say anything about my confidence about how he'll perform here. The second one is admittedly me taking the piss out of your reactions, which I consider over the top. I literally used the same phrases you used, word for word, in earlier posts. You call that post over the top so you indirectly agree yours were too. ;) In any case those posts hardly constitute me over-reacting to "ANY" poster who questions Pogba's impact.

I have no problems with your opinion, rather with the manner in which you are delivering it. I myself do not blindly believe Pogba will be a success here and I have concerns about what role he'll get in our midfield. I will be disappointed but not shocked if he underperforms here, but I think he has the talent to succeed. Most of all I'm glad that the club are willing to show the ambition and attract one of the most sought after young midfielders in the world.
Oh good. We're still discussing at which point of the "world class" stage Pogba is at, and it seems to be between "not quite" and "just about". Pepper in a few "overrated"s and we're back to where we were a month ago. When do the Euros start?
Leave Rory alone!

Honestly though Rory he's a huge signing for us. Whether or not he (currently) has the world class quality needed to 'transform' us is different but the fact of the matter is he's exactly the type of midfielder we really do need.

Of course he's a huge signing for us @LennonNL, that is not in dispute. My issue is with the style of player he is and I don't agree with the view that he's exactly what we need. As I say, this is just my view. Can't understand why I'm being slated for that view. This all kicked off this morning when I prompted a discussion on his marketability. I think the 'brand' Pogba is a huge part of the attraction for United, I really do. I think even for United to hold the world record transfer fee is important for 'brand' United. I guess I'm just not convinced he's the right player for us in footballing terms. Am more than happy to be proved wrong.
That first one wasn't directed only at you but several posters who argued against the transfer fee. It doesn't say anything about my confidence about how he'll perform here. The second one is admittedly me taking the piss out of your reactions, which I consider over the top. I literally used the same phrases you used, word for word, in earlier posts. You call that post over the top so you indirectly agree yours were too. ;) In any case those posts hardly constitute me over-reacting to "ANY" poster who questions Pogba's impact.

I have no problems with your opinion, rather with the manner in which you are delivering it. I myself do not blindly believe Pogba will be a success here and I have concerns about what role he'll get in our midfield. I will be disappointed but not shocked if he underperforms here, but I think he has the talent to succeed. Most of all I'm glad that the club are willing to show the ambition and attract one of the most sought after young midfielders in the world.

We agree on that then. I fail to see how the 'manner' in which I've delivered my opinion should cause such a reaction. Seems to me its only prompts this kind of reaction amongst those who are blindly believing the hype; a marketeers dream. A masterstroke by Woody.
Earlier in the thread he's being compared to the 'big two'. Not directly but as a world star who is moving for a record fee. My point is expectations are already out of control. He's not going to transform us, he'll improve us. And in that sense he isn't all that.

Well, that he is.
If this is done by Wednesday when I'm at OT I may well have to get his shirt from the megastore
While I found the fee amusing when it was first hurled around, I have now come around to the reality that players of the highest caliber, or those expected to reach there soon, do now cost these phenomenal fees. Pogba's natural talent does indicate that he could over the next couple of years hit that sort of level. At the same time, I've not been overly impressed by certain aspects of his game when I have watched him, even if the sample size is small. The main complaint would be that he fades out of games rather than taking charge of them. But then again, that's what we've got one of the games most successful managers for - to take this top talent who is already a quality player, to the next level.

One thing I would say about Pogba is that he never strikes me as a central midfielder. He seems rather uncomfortable and ungraceful doing the things central midfielders do in areas that they do them. He's an attacking midfielder for me. And that's how he should be used. His strengths appear to be his creativity, shooting, touch, skillfulness and strength, all of which suggest a player, whether called a midfielder or an attacker, who is given the license to roam/create/bomb forward/shoot from range/try crazy shit, rather than one of the midfield two. I'd play two more responsible CMs who are comfortable in deeper areas behind/alongside him.
Yeah it will be, but that goes with the territory. Everything points to Pogba being a guy who will thrive on the attention.

He certainly seems like the type who loves attention yes, that's for sure. I'm just not convinced by him though. I honestly don't know what his best position is and I don't think he does either.
He certainly seems like the type who loves attention yes, that's for sure. I'm just not convinced by him though. I honestly don't know what his best position is and I don't think he does either.
Wait you're not convinced by Pogba?
Agreed. We are buying potential. Amazing really for a world record fee and for a player who we knew all about his potential four years ago. A funny old game.
No, we're buying a top player who's very close to becoming one of the best.
Is there actually a debate ongoing as to whether Pogba will improve us? Is that a real thing that's happening?
Is there actually a debate ongoing as to whether Pogba will improve us? Is that a real thing that's happening?

Jesus wept. NO. There is no debate about him improving us. I've already said at least 20 times today I think he'll improve us. The point is expectations about him 'transforming' our midfield are OTT in my opinion.
Is there actually a debate ongoing as to whether Pogba will improve us? Is that a real thing that's happening?
It's the only thing that can keep this thread going so I understand he obv wants that 1k pages to be reached :lol:
Will pogba improve us is this a serious debate he will improve us drastically he was in the world XI he is world class not potentially world class.
Is there actually a debate ongoing as to whether Pogba will improve us? Is that a real thing that's happening?
Yeah, a one man mission to dampen the expectations of a club with a Fellaini / Schneiderlin midfield.
A midfielder who just turned 23 and has world class potential? Why the excitement?