The worrying thing about this exercise is not the sale of a few thousand tickets at inflated prices during the season, because it is well known that United is such a well supported club that it's match going fans are, and have been for years, 'sitting ducks'.
It is what is to follow next season and thereafter where the 'clouds' for match-going fans, will become darker.
I half expected a increase in ticket prices on a regular basis the moment the Glazer's took over, and was mildly surprised when it didn't happen.
Amorin is right when he implied that everything going forward is going to be different about the club, what happened in the Ferguson era has now gone, for good (effectively SAF himself), a new era begins, this is the start.
Therefore to all fellow fans who are ST holders, or other regulars who entertain the hope of getting to see a few games live at OT every season I say, "buckle up and try to enjoy the ride."
The 'Super League' idea has not gone away, there is still no sign of a football regulator and we are being 'fattened up' for the launch; probably around 3-5 years away, may depend on other things, e.g. like a new 100,000 capacity stadium?