Music Oasis reuniting for tour in 2025?

If it meant selling my left testicle I'd still go and see them I would always regret not doing so.

That's as long as this isn't all bullshit which is still very possible.
It’s always been on the cards and will certainly happen one day. They can’t resist the money and airtime, despite whatever public soap opera relationship they have.

They probably should have done it years ago as I think less people care these days.
They never made it big in the states because they are quintessentially 90's British, and had no intention of being anything else. Just our version of the Dave Matthews Band or Garth Brooks.... who I always see with massive appeal in the States, but couldn't name a single song from myself or generally, most Brits.

No Glasto, no go for me. 2005 and 2008 were fond memories, but I don't need a third go round.

This seems harsh, but is probably bang on. They haven’t really aged that well and you rarely hear Oasis songs in many things that aren’t there as a signifier of “hey guys, this is set in the 90s!” Definitely Maybe is still a great album, but a lot of even What’s the Story sounds quite naff these days.

I mean it’s the right time to do it as we’re entering a period of 90s nostalgia and they’ve got a great setlist for a British singalong, but they never had the musicality to become anything bigger in the US, or even here for any longer than they did. I mean they were still releasing albums in 2008 FFS! but you’d never have known it. Culturally they ended in 1997 (and artistically in 95)
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This seems harsh, but is probably bang on. They haven’t really aged that well and you rarely hear Oasis songs in many things that aren’t there as a signifier of “hey guys, this is set in the 90s!” Definitely Maybe is still a great album, but a lot of even What’s the Story sounds quite naff these days.

I mean it’s the right time to do it as we’re entering a period of 90s nostalgia and they’ve got a great setlist for a British singalong, but they never had the musicality to become anything bigger in the US, or even here for any longer than they did. I mean they were still releasing albums in 2008 FFS! but you’d never have known it. Culturally they ended in 1997 (and artistically in 95)
I hear their songs everywhere all the time. And I'm not some London ponce who is out looking for some new sound either, despite the fact I am exactly that as much as I can be.

I don't agree they haven't aged well though. Who is putting out music better than their last few albums in the same genre right now? Sure, you might come up with 100+ bands we'd all agree might be better in some way or another, but if we all put our preening opinions to the side for one moment and actually look at the songs they put out...

We are living in the age of the likes of Coldplay and Taylor Swift being the biggest artists. At least Oasis were always them.
I dread to think how much tickets for this would cost.
Saw Oasis a couple times, but Always have some trepidation with reunion tours. Occasionally the band is better than you could have hoped for (Bauhaus, The Chameleons, Sunny Day Real Estate). Better to go and feel ripped off than miss out on something that might be amazing.
Oasis nostalgia pension pot tour.

Liam and Noel can feck off, pair of insufferable gowls.
If the rumours are to be believed and Oasis are reforming.
You thought Taylor Swift tickets sold out quick !!
Mind you Glasto , Wembley 10 nights , Spurs , City's ground, massive gigs in Heaton Park are some of the places I have read, there could be upto a million+ for sale.
This will just a licence to print money.
If its true, these could be the biggest gigs of my lifetime !!!

Looks like 27/08/24 8am could be epic or a massive letdown
Seen them twice, both in the States, both underwhelming shows. Like they didn't give a feck.

Some of their stuff is OK, listenable but I wouldn't be like 'let's listen to some oasis'

I heard most of their early stuff before it was released, in post production. I preferred the Roses, although they were never particularly good live either.

Be good to see them in a small venue but I wouldn't go see them in a stadium setting or festival crowd.
If they really hold a concert itd be the first time in my life I want to go. Not as a fanboy but as a rock enjoyer. Just something to remember for the rest of my life. Big music event and all that (never been to one). Problem is the flights to fly there and back will be more expensive than the ticket. Annoys me to no end when the trasport costs more then the thing I want to see.

Teleportation cant come sooner.
I have to admit , I am not a huge fan , but I do like quite a bit of their music.
If it does happen, it has to be one of those times when you have to go.
They have to be in that group, that you if given the chance you must see.
I am not a huge concert person, I have seen Queen with Freddie and seen Billy Joel, they were on my must see list, I Oasis is also on that list.
Haven’t they reported this several times and it always turns out to be bullshit?
That's what I thought as well. They're two muppets with precious egos and if they're in a room together for more than 3 seconds before this reunion, the whole thing will fall through.
full agree , but you have to admit some of their music is pretty epic.

I was never a fan, they have maybe 3 or 4 songs that I'd say I could listen to without turning it off. I was probably about 9 or 10 when they were at their peak and some of the older kids would have the albums and all the Oasis v Blur shit. By the time I figured out what I liked, they were all pretty much finished and I picked up on metal and that was that.

I went to see Stone Roses on their tour a few years ago and it was just a pile of shite, sound was awful and the vocals were weak. This will undoubtedly sell out all over, but the ticket prices will be insane and even just going for the experience, which I expect a lot of people will do, I couldn't justify it.
These c***s reuniting for a big payday is the most predictable thing I've known. I've been calling it for a while.
They never made it big in the states because they are quintessentially 90's British, and had no intention of being anything else. Just our version of the Dave Matthews Band or Garth Brooks.... who I always see with massive appeal in the States, but couldn't name a single song from myself or generally, most Brits.

No Glasto, no go for me. 2005 and 2008 were fond memories, but I don't need a third go round.
You do realise they played Madison Square Garden. I get some people like to play down how big they were as they seem offended by it
You do realise they played Madison Square Garden. I get some people like to play down how big they were as they seem offended by it
I don’t think Oasis are that big outside of the UK. Of course they have a following but they’re not huge IMO
You do realise they played Madison Square Garden. I get some people like to play down how big they were as they seem offended by it

yeah they were pretty big in the states, sold millions of albums and played some big shows.. loads of their tunes were in american movies back then too

just no where near as big as the UK
I don’t think Oasis are that big outside of the UK. Of course they have a following but they’re not huge IMO
That's not true. They are ridiculously big in South America and the far east. Also they were front page news all over Europe, not just England.

I think people have forgot just how easily they sold out world tours over and over. This will be something else if it happens.