Music Oasis reuniting for tour in 2025?

Who cares? 2 knobheads who were famous for 10 mins decades ago. I wouldn't pay to hear their 5 decent songs that have been played to death since.
2 knobheads, agreed although, surprisingly Liam seems to have turned out to be the more tolerable of the two as the years have passed.

I saw them supporting REM at slane in 1995, just before they got huge and they were brilliant, among the best sets I've seen. Young, hungry with a chip on their shoulder.

Definitely Maybe & What's the Story are great albums. Hit & miss after that in my opinion. But they were absolutely as big as anyone back in the day.

If they do reform (not 100% sure what that even means for Oasis, presumably just Liam & Noel back on stage together) it will be the gig of the year in terms of demand, and they'll have mega bucks thrown at them.
According to the Supersonic documentary, the night before their big US debut performance on TV, they got on it and sniffed what they thought was coke but turned out to be meth. You can watch the performance on YouTube, Bonehead is playing a different song to the rest of the band at one point. Absolute shitshow.
Not really

Really? Wow.

I'd left the UK in 93 and they did get big here, Wonderwall went to #1 and "Whats The Story" did well, but they weren't as big as The Craberries, Live or Alanis Morrisette in that late 95/96 period, who were insanely popular here.

In 96 they played to 500k over two nights in the UK. They were the biggest band around at the time. As far as I recall Live were nobodies (That one and I alone was moderately successful) and Morrisette or the Cranberries were nowhere near as popular as Oasis in the UK and Ireland.
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In 96 they played to 500k over two nights in the UK. They were the biggest band around at the time. As far as I recall Live were nobodies (That one and I alone was moderately successful) and Morrisette or the Cranberries were nowhere near as popular as Oasis in the UK and Ireland.
Jagged Little Pill and Throwing Copper were the biggest albums around then. Oasis would have been next tier down with Silverchair and The Craberries I'd guess.
Jagged Little Pill and Throwing Copper were the biggest albums around then. Oasis would have been next tier down with Silverchair and The Craberries I'd guess.

Yeah it seems like it was only in Australia and Canada for Live. Morrisette was a lot more popular obviously.

If they do get back together it'll be huge.
Oasis never made it in the States because they fecked up playing coked up sets over there and then just flat out refusing to tour over there with any consistency and commit to media duties that'd put them on every talk show and TV on US network.

It's not as though Oasis gave it their best and failed over there. They didn't try at all. In a post Nirvana world, and in a world in which Foo Fighters flourished, Oasis would have been huge in America.

Infact, their popularity has been on the rise greatly over there as a result of Gen Z music reaction channels pumping out music video reactions. They've always had the image and sound to do it...... They just self sabotaged the whole thing because they insisted on being "feck America".
Also Liam being the knob he is and going on a talk show over there saying 'just thought I'd come and say hello before they blow you all up and that' just after September 11th wouldn't have gained him many fans.
They never made it big in the states because they are quintessentially 90's British, and had no intention of being anything else. Just our version of the Dave Matthews Band or Garth Brooks.... who I always see with massive appeal in the States, but couldn't name a single song from myself or generally, most Brits.

No Glasto, no go for me. 2005 and 2008 were fond memories, but I don't need a third go round.
It almost feels taboo to like Oasis as a United supporter, and most other reds will go out of their way to mention how Stone Roses are better.

What bother me slightly is that they're the most vocal sort of City supporters and they hate United, as you'd expect. It does feel wrong, especially when City have them blasting out at the Etihad most weeks. It's almost like listening to YAWN, but not quite as extreme as that :lol:

I was going to watch a Noel gig on youtube the other day, but straight away noticed a big image of Pep on the stage. Not watching that. Why doesn't he have a big shrine of the owners in their royal thrones on stage?

Saw Oasis twenty years ago and thought that was enough. Love their first two albums, but nothing really good after that.

I'm really surprised anyone cares. Besides, it's only City. I'd probably understand it more if it was Liverpool, but who gives a feck about City?
Saw them a few times in their pomp at all sizes of venues, they were always great in the 90's.

In the 00's with a stadium drummer and Noel beginning to phone in the guitar parts, also Liam's voice on the way out...still up there for the songs and atmosphere of the crowds, but increasingly lacklustre. I'm sure I'll try for tickets for a reunion just to be there, but I'm not overly bothered by the reunion.

They will, however, be mega concerts all over the world including the USA. But they are especially huge in South America and the far East as well as obviously Europe, so any worldwide tour would be insane.
Who cares? 2 knobheads who were famous for 10 mins decades ago. I wouldn't pay to hear their 5 decent songs that have been played to death since.
You might have misjudged just how popular oasis were. At least, in the UK.
Who cares? 2 knobheads who were famous for 10 mins decades ago. I wouldn't pay to hear their 5 decent songs that have been played to death since.
Watch their documentary 'Supersonic' and you will get an idea of how massive they were in UK/Ireland. It is a great watch, very funny and engaging even if you don't like them I reckon.
I always enjoy a Wibble wind up :lol:
Well maybe just a bit. Although they really weren't that insanely big here. It might sound bizarre but Live and Alanis Morrisette really were much bigger. If I mention that Celine Dion out sold them would a) people lose their minds or b) is it a National embarrassment or c) both?
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Well maybe just a bit. Although they really weren't that insanely big here. It might sound bizarre but Live and Alanis Morrisette really were much bigger. If I mention that Celine Dion out sold them would a) people lose their minds or b) is it a National embarrassment or c) both?
Alanis was big everywhere for the Jagged Little Pill album, but Oasis were huge enough in Australia to do stadiums over there too.

In any case, they will play stadiums all over the world now if this does happen. People will go mad fer it! As I said above though, as much as I enjoyed seeing them live (they really are up there and I've seen most of the biggest bands around past and present), I'm not overly enthused with the prospect of seeing them now. But the kids will love it.
I’d definitely try and go but I bet tickets would be obscene.
Alanis was big everywhere for the Jagged Little Pill album, but Oasis were huge enough in Australia to do stadiums over there too.

In any case, they will play stadiums all over the world now if this does happen. People will go mad fer it! As I said above though, as much as I enjoyed seeing them live (they really are up there and I've seen most of the biggest bands around past and present), I'm not overly enthused with the prospect of seeing them now. But the kids will love it.
They were big for a very brief period but disappeared quote quickly as well. Rare you hear anything apart from Wonderwall.

I wouldn't bother seeing them unless they played a small venue. I'm totally over concerts above about 5k, or 10k at a stretch.
They were big for a very brief period but disappeared quote quickly as well. Rare you hear anything apart from Wonderwall.

I wouldn't bother seeing them unless they played a small venue. I'm totally over concerts above about 5k, or 10k at a stretch.
With the venue sizes, it depends.

I'm still young enough to get right down the front and enjoy that rush. Most recently saw Tenacious D and Blink 182 and was right in the thick of it both times at the 02 London (urgh shit arena though), although they aren't exactly as rowdy as some of the crowds. The Oasis crowds will be jumping non-stop through the entire set though, I'm not sure my knees are up to seeing them again that close :lol:
If it meant selling my left testicle I'd still go and see them I would always regret not doing so.

That's as long as this isn't all bullshit which is still very possible.