Nolan's Batman

I actually thought Bane was much clearer than I was expecting, after they obviously touched his dialogue up after the trailers. There were about two instances I think where I couldn't hear him but just worked out what he said a second later.

I can't believe I've gotten this far in without mentioning that I want to do terrible things to Anne Hathaway. Overacting/too campy? It's Catwoman.

I found him too loud, sounded too much like a voice over
I personally think the ending would've been slightly better if..

It had cut to the "Robin Rises" moment in the Batcave just after Alfred smiles and nods, without actually showing Bale & Hathaway.

That's just my sensibilities though. I had no problem with it.

I thought they were just going to show Alfred nodding and ending it, and we'd basically end up with the exact same ending as Inception had. I'm rather glad they didn't do that.
I thought they were just going to show Alfred nodding and ending it, and we'd basically end up with the exact same ending as Inception had. I'm rather glad they didn't do that.

Same here, or he would take a second look and see nothing
I thought they were just going to show Alfred nodding and ending it, and we'd basically end up with the exact same ending as Inception had. I'm rather glad they didn't do that.

Well that's the thing, I can definitely see why he didn't. But then I didn't have a problem with Inception either. It certainly ended on the right shot though.
Inception ended like it should have, I don't think that something similar for this would've been warranted, not after 3 massive films.
I'd agree that the ending for this was perfect too. Wouldn't have asked for anything different.
I absolutely loved it. Even more so than the other 2 (TDK got screwed because of the amount of hype I heard before going to watch it.)

Obviously there are going to be logical inconsistencies, unless you thought you were watching a CCTV footage of a store. It was a movie, a superhero one on top of it. At least they weren't as glaring and as stupid as some other movies.

Anyways, long story short, I loved the entire franchise for introducing the emotional aspect and non conventional approach to 'inner demons' of superhero plot line. This one just swept me away with the entire drama, momentum and grandiose to it.

9.5 on 10 for me. I had goosebumps somewhere during the movie.
I absolutely loved it. Even more so than the other 2 (TDK got screwed because of the amount of hype I heard before going to watch it.)

Obviously there are going to be logical inconsistencies, unless you thought you were watching a CCTV footage of a store. It was a movie, a superhero one on top of it. At least they weren't as glaring and as stupid as some other movies.

Anyways, long story short, I loved the entire franchise for introducing the emotional aspect and non conventional approach to 'inner demons' of superhero plot line. This one just swept me away with the entire drama, momentum and grandiose to it.

9.5 on 10 for me. I had goosebumps somewhere during the movie.

Before and just after he jumps in the pit for me, the swell in the score helped. And the burning bat symbol bridge.

Loved the movie. Sad that it's the end though.
I absolutely loved it. Even more so than the other 2 (TDK got screwed because of the amount of hype I heard before going to watch it.)

Obviously there are going to be logical inconsistencies, unless you thought you were watching a CCTV footage of a store. It was a movie, a superhero one on top of it. At least they weren't as glaring and as stupid as some other movies.

Anyways, long story short, I loved the entire franchise for introducing the emotional aspect and non conventional approach to 'inner demons' of superhero plot line. This one just swept me away with the entire drama, momentum and grandiose to it.

9.5 on 10 for me. I had goosebumps somewhere during the movie.

The thing is though, for me they were. I've listed a load and more keep coming to me the more I think about it and read this thread.

Someone said earlier in the thread why did they leave the police underground? An even better question is why were they all clean shaven and ready to fight after 5 months of solitude.

Another bit that actually spoils Banes cool speech about being raised in darkness - he wasn't. The prison was lit better than the bat cave because the whole point of it was to allow the inmates to see daylight. Not to mention the fact that we find out he wasn't the kid anyway.
Yeah its nit picky but when they all add up it just amounts to an average dumb action film and I thought that Nolan was better than that.

I think when the hype has died down and people re watch it, there might be a lot more that see this as the weakest of the trilogy. Still a good trilogy mind.
Alot of people are flipping at the end anyway, but why should Nolan care....another billion dollar film in the bag with mostly great plaudits and a few critics. You can't not have a backlash in this era, it's impossible.

I don't think it's gonna change much after the hype has down, the huge majority of this films audience doesn't give two craps about the holes and stuff, they just want to be entertained. I think it'll end up being the consensus second best, with TDK first and BB harshly in last, despite it being the best film of the three, though still flawed.
I mentioned it in the movie review thread, but did anyone else notice some striking similarities to the movie

Gangs of New York?

Batman & Bane as Amsterdam Vallon and Bill the Butcher, the whole lower class uprising against higher class, the one gang sitting on the steps of City Hall and the cops marching towards them together and then the brawl, I was haflway expecting a military bombardment of the fight. . .

There were several other small things; Gotham/New York, etc.

Not that it took anything away from the movie, just wondered if anyone else noticed.
Alot of people are flipping at the end anyway, but why should Nolan care....another billion dollar film in the bag with mostly great plaudits and a few critics. You can't not have a backlash in this era, it's impossible.

I don't think it's gonna change much after the hype has down, the huge majority of this films audience doesn't give two craps about the holes and stuff, they just want to be entertained. I think it'll end up being the consensus second best, with TDK first and BB harshly in last, despite it being the best film of the three, though still flawed.

Yeah. The 1st half of BB is still the highlight of the series for me.
I don't, I don't think she's ever had on screen chemistry with anyone ever, and when the main focus of your character is to be a love interest to be the main character, that's not a good thing.
I don't, I don't think she's ever had on screen chemistry with anyone ever, and when the main focus of your character is to be a love interest to be the main character, that's not a good thing.

I just love her, feck chemistry.
Ha! That reminds me. They went with Maggie Gylenhaal as the Rachel pic in this one didn't they? Unintentionally amusing moment.
The funniest line of that movie was when joker said "hello beautiful". Thank God I wasn't drinking anything in the theatre, wouldn't have looked good.
I absolutely loved it. Even more so than the other 2 (TDK got screwed because of the amount of hype I heard before going to watch it.)

Obviously there are going to be logical inconsistencies, unless you thought you were watching a CCTV footage of a store. It was a movie, a superhero one on top of it. At least they weren't as glaring and as stupid as some other movies.

Anyways, long story short, I loved the entire franchise for introducing the emotional aspect and non conventional approach to 'inner demons' of superhero plot line. This one just swept me away with the entire drama, momentum and grandiose to it.

9.5 on 10 for me. I had goosebumps somewhere during the movie.

During the Bane Batman fight on the steps of City hall, just as Bane gets a shot to the mouth, you sit there and think "hold the phone, he's hurt here" and Batman starts pummling away at him, I felt like jumping out of my seat exclaiming "He's winning!! He's beating him!! Go on Batman!!" :lol:

In a film full of cool scenes, that was the best for me, cool as feck!
I don't really care much about the effects tbh. Is there even a cam torrent out of it? PM me if anyone knows.
Paying to see movies

Have fun trying to understand any of the dialogue on a cam version though.
A much better film than The Dark Knight imo, Ledger aside that film had far too much filler,
The funniest line of that movie was when joker said "hello beautiful". Thank God I wasn't drinking anything in the theatre, wouldn't have looked good.
The bit when he walk out of the hospital dressed as a nurse trying to use the detonator was hilarious

The joker in TDK is one of my favourite characters of all movies
When Batman's talking to people who know he's Bruce Wayne, why does he still use the silly Batman voice? There's even one point in this where he talks to himself in the silly Batman voice.

Man has issues.

I went to see this again today. Mate had a last minute pull out and I thought why not. It drags a little when you've already seen it IMO. Because it is a very, very long film. I didn't think there was any significant down grade in appreciation though. I think Bruce Wayne is better in this than in the others. He's not likeable in TDK, and over-eggs the twatty playboy angle. In this he's quite charming. Catwoman should've been in it more. Whoever said she's too over the top must have missed the one with the face painted clown dressed as a nurse. My appreciation of Hathaway has gone up a lot.

I agree that the first half of Begins is the strongest of the trilogy though. The second half is a bit of a cluster feck of bad action editing and murky surrealism. Also Katie Holmes's confused face is incredibly annoying. She looks like she's having a stroke.

Well, I finally watch it this morning, managed to get to my IMAX showing at 9:30 this morning... thankfully as I originally thought my mate had booked it for 9:30pm, thank feck he text last night :lol:

The film was, without bias, a lot better than I imagined it could be. For some reason after watching BB & TDK last weekend I put myself into doubt that TDKR couldn't possibly reach the heights of the previous two. I rarely
doubt Nolan's quality touch for film making and now I know I possibly never will. This has something else, a flowing plot that connected with the audience much more than TDK had. I'm not bashing TDK, it's still very much a 9/10 movie for me, but TDK was, I now have to say, majorly reliant on The Joker to act as the "glue" at times. Heath's performance was unprecedented, no doubt about it, but without him the plot wouldn't of grasped us as much as it did. TDKR proves it's not just villain reliant, but more a perfect blend of the finer points of BB & TDK that made us love them today. Plus, even though we all love a good villain, the film is about the titular character and I have to say Bale stepped it up a gear this time and this was certainly his best performance as the caped crusader.

Now, I wish I hadn't read previous posts, but here... we... go:

Batman begins was 8.5
The Dark Knight was a 9
Dark Knight Rises was a 7\\

Great film, felt it just fell short of TDK though. I didn't particularly like anyone's performance.
I always find Bale underwhelming, I couldn't hear what Baine (Tom Hardy) was ever saying.
Anne Hathaway (Catwoman) over acted for the entire film. Michael Caine was insufferable. The rest were all a bit meh, it's fortunate that it was so well written.
Joseph Gordon Levitt (Blake) was pretty good though I thought. He's good in all his films.

I agree with all your points in the spoiler.

As for the introduction of Robin - it would have been better if you saw the name on the paper/bag, or someone bumped into him and he dropped it, they picked it up and said there you go Mr. Robin after looking at it.

Would have been perfect if his name was revealed to be Dick Grayson.

He didn't need to be named Dick Grayson, or someone like Jean-Paul Valley for instance, at the end of the day it wasn't about 'Robin' becoming/being the Robin we all know in the comics, it was a clever way of describing John Blake as a sidekick to Batman without having to don him in spandex and a shitty mask - which Nolan never wanted to. Bruce Wayne seen him as his prodigy and acted like a mentor to him at times, firstly restoring his faith about Batman after his 'inspirational pep talk' and showing that Bruce's/Batman's/Gordan's ideals still exist in Gotham and of course the line regarding wearing a mask to protect those closest around him. So, without sounding like Cpt. Obvious, there was never any intention for Robin to be 'Robin', Bruce wants him to don the Batman outfit, not another one. The newly setup Bat Signal and handing over the Batcave to Blake is the sure fire sign of that.

I was pretty chuffed with that outcome as I called Blake as a Jean-Paul Valley character when the first trails hit, I thought they were going to throw him off as Robin, but felt pretty smug about it when the above happened.

The part where Bane revealed the truth about Dent though, nothing happened as a result. JGL got mad at Gordon for a bit, but not really, and it didn't really change things in Gotham. Clearly it wasn't part of the plan either, so what was the deal?

It was nothing to do with the prisoners or the plan at large imo, but more to break the soul or faith of the Gotham civilians. After believing that Dent was the "White Knight" for 8 years and exiling the true hero of Gotham for a cover up, then telling them what really happened with Dent that day, would have been enough to break the last pieces of hope hat Gotham had left. Especially after Batman was 'hounded' and cast out again upon his return, the civilians would of thought there true savior was gone for good.

As for the Gordon thing..

The public reveal was more about clearing Batman's name than anything else. The public needed to know he didn't do it to make him a hero again....And to go back to Excal's "we didn't take anything on faith in TDK" thing, I never got why anyone needed to blame Batman anyway. They could've just blamed it on the Joker or any number of things surely?

First time I read that about letting the Joker take the flack for Dents crimes it made so much more sense to me too.

But when I grasped the incident that happened at the end of TDK, the police had Dent, Gordon and Batman surrounded during the stand off. SWAT had seen the Joker apprehended by the Batman, who also disobeyed Gordon before hand, so they knew the Joker was out of the picture. So, mixing all the police force surrounding the building who knew exactly was in there and the SWAT team targeting the Joker, together there were too many people to cover up the whole incident. Even if they did try, somebody would of slipped up claiming the true events. It was easier to pin it all on Batman, however illogical it seems.

Yeah, that was odd. I assumed, as probably everyone else did that..

The hobbling around on the cane we saw in the trailers came after the back break. There was a nice realistic bit about cartilage damage from years of doing all this stuff, but then it sort of hamstrings the rest of the film in a way. If after 8 years he hasn't recovered from this shit, it seems odd that he can get himself back into peak fitness in 5 months - overcoming that AND the broken back - by doing press ups in a prison. There didn't seem to be much space for any cardio. Wouldn't he have tried to do this earlier. Just for comfort's sake?

Have to admit, however good physical shape Bruce was in, that scenario was pretty unrealistic and my only true gripe with the film. I think it was the rations bit that made it even worse.

Yep. Another potential plot hole for me:

When Fox was told that Wayne installed auto pilot on the bat plane, which plane was being examined? The one Batman flew out was destroyed in the nuclear explosion. Are we to assume that, in between saving Gotham, Wayne installed auto pilot on ALL models of the bat plane. We saw the main plane was hidden on the roof of a building. Where were the other models hidden? Bane got his hands on all of Fox's stuff except the planes.

I can't be 100% on this, but will try and make note on a second watch, but I'm pretty certain that the auto pilot feature that Batman 'fixed' was a software update, hence why it was rolled out across all the other 'Bats'. Also, when Fox first introduces the Bat to Wayne, the rest of the Bats can be seen in Pieces around them, I don't think they were fully constructed yet besides the one Batman had and that would make more sense for the updated auto pilot to be software related.

I'm still trying to work out if...

The plot holds up post the Talia reveal... I mean

- Why did she sleep with Wayne, a man she supposedly hates? She already had his company... it's not like he didn't trust her at that point.
- Why did she let Catwoman break out Fox and Wayne?
- Why did she let the resistance get as far as it did? She appeared to be on the inside track about most of the goings on with it...

#1 - As mentioned by others, in the comics Talia has a thing for Bruce and I think that was the reasoning behind her sleeping with him. It really doesn't make sense from film viewer though, she didn't need to sleep with him, she had the board and the device and didn't need Bruce to trust her. So we'll just leave it that she was a bit of a kinky bitch.

#2 - Catwoman was with Bane for all she knew, the last time she known about Catwoman was probably her leading Batman to Bane's 'lair'. Talia had posed as Tate for so long it would of been a random situation for her to break character in and probably trusted Catwoman was still in with Bane at the time.

#3 - She was the inside man with the resistance, she was feeding the intel to Bane and no one suspected it to be her. Also, she used the opportunity with the Geiger counter to plant a tracker on one of the trucks that blatantly wasn't containing the device.

I thought they were just going to show Alfred nodding and ending it, and we'd basically end up with the exact same ending as Inception had. I'm rather glad they didn't do that.

Exactly what me and my mate questioned on the way out, he classed the ending as "Slutty" :lol: and thought the ending should of finished how you mentioned above rather than seeing Selina & Bruce. But once I mentioned the similarity between that & Inception's ending he agreed it wouldn't of been right, it ended perfectly imo, even if I did feel slightly emotionally drained after what had transpired in the 30mins before.

Another bit that actually spoils Banes cool speech about being raised in darkness - he wasn't. The prison was lit better than the bat cave because the whole point of it was to allow the inmates to see daylight. Not to mention the fact that we find out he wasn't the kid anyway.

He wanted Bruce to believe he was the child that raised from the pits of hell, if it was found out the child was a girl then he would of shown through Bane's character and known deep down he was actually weaker than he thought. For all we know, Bane was actually born there or spent most of his life there, he did look after Talia for quite a few years after all.

My final thing:

Why are people claiming Talia & Bane were lovers... It was certainly more a Brother / Sister relationship or even Father / Daughter. I think the fact Talia just says "Goodbye my friend" to Bane towards the end pretty much sums up that they were never much more than that.

Now are the Nolan's going to make Batman vs. Superman or JLA! :nervous::lol:
It was damn entertaining but as we all like to talk about things we disliked in films we liked...

As has been said many times, Bane's death was a real let down. I didn't have a problem with the Talia stuff though. Some people have said that it showed he was just a puppet but that's not at all how I saw it. I assumed he was still the mastermind behind it all, but just that he did it all for her.

Did they actually explain what Bane's mask does?

Another part that annoyed me was when Talia died, but just because I don't think the whole utter last words, close eyes then die thing has ever looked good in any movie ever.

Finally the bomb/batcopter thing reminded me of Angels and Demons, which is not something you want to be associated with.

I thought it took a while to get going. About a third of the way through I was feeling a bit underwhelmed but the rest was great.
Just went back to watch Begins and TDK. I'd agree with what a lot of people were saying that this film was on par with Begins, if maybe a bit better, while TDK was undoubtedly the best of the lot.
Oh man, just got back from watching the movie. What a finish to the trilogy! Unbelievable. Nolan is my favorite director. Great cast, good acting and nice storyline.
Anyone else disappointed with the complete snub they gave the Joker? I understand Nolan must have been very attached to Ledger and there's a lot of emotion involved but, purely from a cinematic point of view, he was an incredibly important part of that world Nolan created and needed to be acknowledged. He was the reason Rachel died and Harvey Dent became Two Face. He made Batman the broken man that he was at the start of the movie.

So many things were referenced from the earlier movies, it just seemed strange to completely ignore him and act like he never existed. Gotham was in complete chaos and anarchy, just the sort of circumstances Joker could have used to his advantage. You can only assume he was locked up in a prison somewhere in Gotham like Scarecrow.

Even a small throwaway reference would have been nice. Something like Alfred mentioning him when he brought up Rachel and how he's locked up somewhere far away.
Anyone else disappointed with the complete snub they gave the Joker? I understand Nolan must have been very attached to Ledger and there's a lot of emotion involved but, purely from a cinematic point of view, he was an incredibly important part of that world Nolan created and needed to be acknowledged. He was the reason Rachel died and Harvey Dent became Two Face. He made Batman the broken man that he was at the start of the movie.

So many things were referenced from the earlier movies, it just seemed strange to completely ignore him and act like he never existed. Gotham was in complete chaos and anarchy, just the sort of circumstances Joker could have used to his advantage. You can only assume he was locked up in a prison somewhere in Gotham like Scarecrow.

Even a small throwaway reference would have been nice. Something like Alfred mentioning him when he brought up Rachel and how he's locked up somewhere far away.

I heard they intentionally didn't make any Joker references simply out of respect for Ledger and his memory... So one man's snub is another man's way of honouring I suppose...

Elsewhere... I think don't think enough praise has be given to Morgan Freeman, who has played an excellent "part of the furniture" role in all 3 of the films.
tbh, I'm not really spoiling on this as it's not a spoiler, he's made it clear all along Joker wasn't going to be referenced as he really wanted him to return. But i did find it a shame they didn't mention him at all, but it's a shame Ledger died in the first place so eh.

Watching it though, and looking back at just how many stories they crammed in(none of which you can really take out), and the fact they wanted Joker around(who you simply don't waste on a minor cameo, why bother?), I do believe Jonathan probably wanted to make 4 films, but then they decided just to merge all the non-Joker shit together into this one big epic clusterfeck of an awesome film. Splitting stuff into 2 is the cool thing now, they probably would of done that, ending the first part with the
broken back