Nolan's Batman

I think inpreferred Begins to TDK actually.
Just seen the dark knight rises... Another amazing movie from Nolan. Loved it.
Begins probably edges it as my favourite too, less overblown production and stuff, so more effort into the finer things, and I'm hoping now he's done with the series, that Nolan quits with the incredible loudness and stuff, but it's what turned into successful to the most in demand director, so maybe he won't.

Sky screening was pretty funny, they made it quite clear they'd be taking phones, and despite my doubts they'd do it, they did, but I didn't take my phone anyway, but plenty got pissed going off. Thought the film was fun as hell really, definitely have the same problems with that I did with TDK and Inception, too loud, too long, some iffy moments etc, but it's still head and shoulders the best summer blockbuster you'll see.
I was very happy with TDKR.

If anyone wants quick spoilers of the ending:

After Batman and Catwoman kill Bane, Batman "dies" flying an atomic bomb out to sea in the Bat helicopter to save Gotham and then they have a funeral, only he doesn't really die because he programed autopilot into the helicopter (it was a running thing through the movie that the helicopter didn't have autopilot) and lives happily ever after with Catwoman in Italy just as Robin (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) walks into the bat cave and presumably gets ready for his movie.

I left out one major twist and character, but that's the gist of it.
I liked it. Not perfect, but very enjoyable and very Nolan-y.

Few issues:

The twist at the end of who Miranda really was greatly diminished the importance of Bane. He turned out to be nothing but a puppet and his death was very anti climactic.
I was very happy with TDKR.

If anyone wants quick spoilers of the ending:

After Batman and Catwoman kill Bane, Batman "dies" flying an atomic bomb out to sea in the Bat helicopter to save Gotham and then they have a funeral, only he doesn't really die because he programed autopilot into the helicopter (it was a running thing through the movie that the helicopter didn't have autopilot) and lives happily ever after with Catwoman in Italy just as Robin (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) walks into the bat cave and presumably gets ready for his movie.

I left out one major twist and character, but that's the gist of it.

Why would anyone want to read the ending for the movie... Would spoil the whole thing :lol:
What major twist and character are you talking about though? I can't seem to remember, probably because I just watched it and it's 4 am.

Edit: and there's the answer thanks to post above... Definitely need some sleep considering I don't remember what happened an hour ago :lol:


That's right. I have two tickets for the Dark Knight. Not just any two tickets, either. Tickets for the 12:01am Thursday night (tonight)/Friday morning IMAX showing. And I want one of those tickets to be yours. What a cool first date, right? I grew up sneaking snacks into the movies, and I hated it - so also let's make it a point to go nuts at the snack bar. Obviously, on me. I would insist. :-)

All I'm asking is that you be cute (be honest, LOL!), cool, and a good catch. Also, you have to be willing to f*ck me. A lot.

Most people are going to write an ad like this and mention how "I expect nothing of you other than the pleasure of your company." Not the case here. You're going to have to f*ck me. Again: maybe a lot. Sorry.


I am not giving this ticket away without getting f*cked.

Not only are you going to have to f*ck me, but you're also probably going to have to s*ck me, bl*w me, and maybe even l*ck my t**nt. I don't know. I haven't figured all that other stuff out yet, but definitely plan on f*cking me.

The length of the f*cking could vary, but I think we'll just say that the MOST I'd require is a f*cking equal to or lesser than the length of the movie. No, not including the trailers and credits - I'm not a CRAZY PERSON! Besides, if I have a lot to drink that night, or accidentally think about my ex-girlfriend, you'll probably only have to f*ck me once. But if, CoinStar willing, I happen to pick up one of those $10 gas station boner pills, we might f*ck for a while.

Also, I'm not looking to f*ck a one night stand, so you're probably going to have to hang out for a bit afterwards. I won't call it cuddling, but, ok, yeah let's just call it that. Eye-gazing isn't required, mostly because I'm usually horribly shameful afterwards and eye-contact makes me feel sick to my stomach, but listening sure as hell is: I'm going to need to tell you a lot about my Mom and my ex-girlfriend.

Ok, but again, The Dark Knight Rises, 12:01am, IMAX, unlimited trips to the snack bar - and all you have to do is f*ck me. I think I'm taking a beating on this, but what can I say....I just want to give back to another true fan like me.

Interested, ladies?
Ten people have been shot dead at a Batman film premiere in Denver, Colorado, according to reports.

A masked gunman shot dead 10 people and wounded 30 to 40 others at a premiere showing of the new Batman movie in Denver.

Local radio reported people running screaming from the Century Aurora 16 Movie Theater in a mall in the suburb of Aurora.

The gun man reportedly opened fire after 30 minutes of the showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" and also set off a smoke or tear gas bomb.

Brenda Stuart, from 850 KOA Radio, told Sky News: "This started with a midnight showing of the new Dark Knight movie and the theatres were packed that were showing this movie.

"People inside tell us they thought it was part of the movie. They heard what they thought were firecrackers, loud bangs and all of a sudden they saw the bullets flying.

"Police officers are carting the injured to the hospital in their own cars, not waiting for the ambulances."

A makeshift hospital was set up at the mall to treat those wounded in the attack.

Police closed off surrounding parking lots as sniffer dogs were brought in to search for a suspected explosive device.

Sad incident.

Going to see this at 10:30 tonight, can't wait.
Really great movie. This whole series has been really great. Nolan has done really nice work. Probably dark knight was still a little better.
Few issues:

The twist at the end of who Miranda really was greatly diminished the importance of Bane. He turned out to be nothing but a puppet and his death was very anti climactic.
I agree
I can't believe how many gimps there are on the IMDB forums dissecting the ending, convinced that Wayne actually died.
They're dead sure that Alfred just imagined seeing Wayne at the end, because he misses him so much and is old and mental. It's brilliant.
They're dead sure that Alfred just imagined seeing Wayne at the end, because he misses him so much and is old and mental. It's brilliant.

And the whole conversation about how Wayne fixed the autopilot was done to "give the audience hope and something to strive for, just like the people of Gotham".
Very good movie. I was coaxed into seeing it having not seen the two previous ones, as I've never really been into the superhero malarky, but it's very well done by Nolan and I'm going to go back and watch the first two now when I get a chance.
What a film. Just an incredible way to cap off the trilogy. Special mention to Michael Caine, who I thought was wonderful in his "big scene" (I'm sure those who have seen the film will know what I'm talking about). I'll spoiler the rest of what I liked, and the very little I didn't.

Liam Neeson's appearance was a pleasant surprise, as was Cillian Murphy's. I would have liked a reference to The Joker, maybe in the form of a Joker card lying around somewhere, just to show that the character is out somewhere causing havoc where we can't see him. Nice to see Burn Gorman (what an awesome name that is). I loved the Killer Croc reference too.

What I wasn't so keen on was Bane having done all of it for Talia. It's not a really big deal to me, but I was enjoying him in the mastermind role, and that sort of put me off a tiny bit. The build-up to it and the reveal was very well done though, so I can look past it. The other minor gripe was that sometimes Hardy was a bit tough to understand, especially through the megaphone, but I thought he did a great job considering a lot of his face was covered, so again it's something that I don't mind a great deal.
Reading the past two pages has made me look so much forward to Sunday. Sounds like it's a top, top movie.

Watched Begins last night and plan to watch The Dark Knight tomorrow to get in the mood.
Also I don't think there was a single speaking actor I hadn't seen in something else, people from dexter, prison break among others
I thought it was superb - there were some issues but overall I probably thought it was the best of the 3. Although whether it'll hold up after repeated viewings is another matter.

One of my favourite things about the trilogy is that a lot of it is practical effects / stunts. I know Nolan is a huge Bond fan and similarly with them (don't mention the CGI
surfing in Die Another Day), it gives it that 'reality' than CGI doesn't. Not that it didn't have it's fair share.
Just watched it, absolutely loved it, it seemed to fly by fast too

Even on first viewing, The Dark Knight seemed to drag at points. This was what seemed like the 'quickest' 2 hr 40m movie I've ever seen (not that I've seen loads exactly 2h 40m, but you know what I mean).
Surprised everyone loved it so much. I was a little annoyed by the whole thing, lots of unnecessary bits and senseless stuff

Very good, but not as good as the predecessor at all
Not to be a killjoy for the sake of it but I'll be the first to post a 'meh' review then shall I?

It was imo the worst of the three Nolan films (lacked the story arc of the first and the performance of Ledger in the second) and was filled with so many plot holes and contrivances that I thought it was quite average overall.

Things I didn't like ....

Bomb on a timer (yawn).
Bane going from a badass with no conscience to a lovesick henchman. What a lame way to go out too.
Stupid prison pit that a 6 year old could escape from but nobody else.
In fact that whole prison bit was like a cross between Rocky (should have had a training montage) and the Karate Kid at times with it's Mr Miyagi-esque cod psychology.
Telegraphed and actually quite pointless plot twists. We all knew that Cotillard was gonna be Talia but why was she keeping up the pretence after the bomb was removed? Did they expect Batman to return??
The whole Harvey Dent reveal? Who cared?
The fight scenes were terrible choreographed and stagey.
Alfred disappearance half way through the film.
The whole idea with 3 trucks travelling around the city guarded by 1 man on a turret gun. Just wtf?
The romance between Tate and Wayne. Didn't buy that at all.
A protruding vertabrae can apparently be healed with a strict bodyweight training routine and minimal food and water. Someone should have told Christopher Reeve.
Nobody dies that we actually cared about. Matthew Modine did but who gave a shit about him? Not even Mrs Modine.
Gordons convenient letter that he carried around in his pocket. Also, the villains couldn't find the bat cave after they got rid of Wayne? Really?
I realise after typing that, that it sounds like I hated it but I'd still give it a respectable 7/10. It didn't drag for a near 3 hour film. It just left me feeling a bit flat.

Also re: the end .....

Was anyone else getting an Inception vibe there? I thought they were gonna pan to a top spinning on the table. A great ending would've been Leonardo Di Caprio waking up and the credits cutting to Inecption 2 rather than TDR.
Surprised everyone loved it so much. I was a little annoyed by the whole thing, lots of unnecessary bits and senseless stuff

Very good, but not as good as the predecessor at all

Bastard. You beat me to it.

I hope I've listed most of the annoying stuff. Feel free to add to it.
Agree with all that Cassius. I'm just on the iPhone drinking pints so I didn't have the energy to post it myself
Well Cassius you do have some good points there.

But I think some of your questions can be answered.

Talia doesn't pretend. It happens very subtly. While Gordon is before scarecrow and the judge scene, Bane brings Talia aside. And then Catwoman helps Wayne escape. Then when the fire batman symbol is up does Bane realize batman is alive (I guess Talia realizes at the same time). And then the only point Talia meets Batman is when he kicks bane inside and hands the gun to talia and when Batman's concentration is on Bane she stabs him.

The whole harvey dent reveal is why everybody celebrates Batman in the end. They have a statue of him. They don't think of him as a killer anymore.

If you've read the comics you would know that Talia and Wayne have this thing going on.

Finally about the Batcave, it might be safe to say Bane thought the armory (lucius' R & D place) was his HQ.

I just count you unlucky as you were unable to enjoy what a nerd like me is fortunate to watch in his lifetime. (Huge Bat fan)

It is a super hero movie afterall.
Probably partly down to me being a huge Batman geek (comics, games, films) but I loved it, thought it was fantastic, visually, the story, the score was phenomenal and the sheer audacity of some of the scenes Nolan put together was baffling. The last 30 minutes or so in particular were fantastic.
Well Cassius you do have some good points there.

But I think some of your questions can be answered.

Talia doesn't pretend. It happens very subtly. While Gordon is before scarecrow and the judge scene, Bane brings Talia aside. And then Catwoman helps Wayne escape. Then when the fire batman symbol is up does Bane realize batman is alive (I guess Talia realizes at the same time). And then the only point Talia meets Batman is when he kicks bane inside and hands the gun to talia and when Batman's concentration is on Bane she stabs him.

The whole harvey dent reveal is why everybody celebrates Batman in the end. They have a statue of him. They don't think of him as a killer anymore.

If you've read the comics you would know that Talia and Wayne have this thing going on.

Finally about the Batcave, it might be safe to say Bane thought the armory (lucius' R & D place) was his HQ.

I just count you unlucky as you were unable to enjoy what a nerd like me is fortunate to watch in his lifetime. (Huge Bat fan)

It is a super hero movie afterall.

Pretty much what I just said in my post, I think it's one that the huge Batman fans will love more thank most.
Probably partly down to me being a huge Batman geek (comics, games, films) but I loved it, thought it was fantastic, visually, the story, the score was phenomenal and the sheer audacity of some of the scenes Nolan put together was baffling. The last 30 minutes or so in particular were fantastic.

I was like this the whole time
