Gaming Nintendo Switch

What's nostalgia or sales figures got to do with it? They are usually decent games and you'll miss out thanks to your insistence on overlooking them because of the characters.

I swear some people limit themselves because of one thing or another rather then just, you know, enjoying games.
What's nostalgia or sales figures got to do with it? They are usually decent games and you'll miss out thanks to your insistence on overlooking them because of the characters.

I swear some people limit themselves because of one thing or another rather then just, you know, enjoying games.

Sales wise I'm asking how big a draw those games are.

As for not playing because of the characters - thats just a lazy assumption on your part. I only play Mario and Donkey Kong because one, theyre the Nintendo games I played when young so the nostalgia appears to me which is something that benefits Nintendo often. Second, there's gameplay mechanics and an expected level of quality with those 2 series which appeals to me.

Theres only so many platformers that I want to play in any given year, particularly paying full price for. There are lots of great ones available from indie devs for much cheaper, so there's little for me with Yoshi and Kirby.
I'm kinda with you guys for the most part. But there are definitely 3rd party games that would work well on Switch and I'd like to have on a handheld.. Crash Remaster, Fifa (a proper version), all Telltale games, Trials, Life is Strange etc. Rocket League was a perfect example.

I have no real interest in Kirby, Yoshi or Fire Emblem. Do many of you guys? Pokemon of course makes sense though I'd love to see them shake up what Pokemon is with a new side edition to the series. Metroid I loved but I don't expect that in 2018 and also we need to know what that game is.
I have a interest in Fire Emblem due to nostalgia and liking jrpgs, but while I found the dynasty warrior approach to be good casual fun, i don't think it's good enough to have me going out of my way to get the next one. It's a good mindless filler between the other games.

Yoshi I know my girl will want, I have some decent memories of playing the Yoshis island game or whatever it was on the N64, so i'll likely want to play it as well. Kirby not so much.
Sales wise I'm asking how big a draw those games are.

As for not playing because of the characters - thats just a lazy assumption on your part. I only play Mario and Donkey Kong because one, theyre the Nintendo games I played when young so the nostalgia appears to me which is something that benefits Nintendo often. Second, there's gameplay mechanics and an expected level of quality with those 2 series which appeals to me.

Theres only so many platformers that I want to play in any given year, particularly paying full price for. There are lots of great ones available from indie devs for much cheaper, so there's little for me with Yoshi and Kirby.

No, it's a perfectly fair assumption considering you named them but didn't actually say any other reason for not playing them. Now you are saying mechanics and expected level of quality which is absurd considering, for example, the Yoshi's Island series are easily some of the best platforming games to date. The original is often held up even above Super Mario World on the Snes.

As for all the games you originally named, are you expecting none of them to come to the switch? A full dedicated Fifa is down to how pissy those twats at EA still are with Nintendo, the Telltale games are already out or being made for the switch and I'd definitely expect a Trials game (tie-in perhaps?) and there's no reason Life is Strange wouldn't come to the system, I reckon that depends on how similar games do though.
No, it's a perfectly fair assumption considering you named them but didn't actually say any other reason for not playing them. Now you are saying mechanics and expected level of quality which is absurd considering, for example, the Yoshi's Island series are easily some of the best platforming games to date. The original is often held up even above Super Mario World on the Snes.

It's fair if you reduce those series to their characters alone, sure.

Is Yoshi often held up above Mario in recent years? Mechanic wise the two are ones that I have played and enjoyed, the last few Kirby's seem to be quite gimmicky from what I recall.

As for all the games you originally named, are you expecting none of them to come to the switch? A full dedicated Fifa is down to how pissy those twats at EA still are with Nintendo, the Telltale games are already out or being made for the switch and I'd definitely expect a Trials game (tie-in perhaps?) and there's no reason Life is Strange wouldn't come to the system, I reckon that depends on how similar games do though.

Nope, I'm not saying they will or won't. I asked if people think they will, because I'd love to see them on there and they'd definitely add value to the Switch's library in my opinion (at least, they would to my Switch library when I upgrade the Wii U). The post was intended to be a positive, saying what do we expect since 3rd parties may have more joy with Switch than Wii U, and that the console has Nintendo's full attention.
Am I correct in saying that the Yoshi games have gone in a different direction to the Mario ones? I watched some footage of a Yoshi game that looked like something Media Molecule created.

Yoshi's Island was awesome, I could certainly go for more of that.
Am I correct in saying that the Yoshi games have gone in a different direction to the Mario ones? I watched some footage of a Yoshi game that looked like something Media Molecule created.

Yoshi's Island was awesome, I could certainly go for more of that.
They have a different look, but they're still platformers. Woolly World was great, felt like a proper modern sequel to Yoshi's Island.
They have a different look, but they're still platformers. Woolly World was great, felt like a proper modern sequel to Yoshi's Island.
I think the footage I watched was from the yet to be released sequel to Woolly World. I think.
Oh maybe it was Yoshi I was thinking of as there was definitely something about using wool/string which unravels.

Kirby could swallow stuff maybe?

Not sure, but both seemed to revolve around certain gimmicks. Maybe they're great, just not typically something Id want to spend much money on.

Are they putting many demos on the Switch store?
Woolly World was all wool/yarn, the upcoming Switch game seems to be paper craft type stuff instead.

Maybe? He's been doing that for 25 years :lol:

:lol: - like I said, never played 'em. A 25 year old gimmick is still a gimmick!

Edit: Nevermind, this is what I was thinking of -

Anybody played Sonic Mania or Steam World Dig 2?

Been thinking of buying one of these and can't decide which won. Either of them any good?

I love the old school Sonic games and this one is a throw back to them.
:lol: - like I said, never played 'em. A 25 year old gimmick is still a gimmick!
It's how you get through the games, by gaining the abilities of the enemies you swallow. It's like saying Mario eating mushrooms is a gimmick.

I never ended up getting Rainbow Curse, it'd be cool if that came to the Switch and they could improve on whatever the complaints were.

My bad Olly, Yoshy's Story. :lol:
That's better!

Anybody played Sonic Mania or Steam World Dig 2?

Been thinking of buying one of these and can't decide which won. Either of them any good?

I love the old school Sonic games and this one is a throw back to them.
Haven't played them, but I only hear good things about both of them so you can't really go wrong.
Haven't played them, but I only hear good things about both of them so you can't really go wrong.

I'm gonna end up buying both of them, i know it! :lol:

I loved the first Steam World Dig.

I really don't need a new game. I've only had the Switch for five days and i got Odyssey, Zleda and MK8 to do. I just can't help myself!
Now staple gameplay mechanics are just "gimmicks" :lol: :rolleyes:

I wonder how many games don't have a gimmick then? Neither Halo nor GEOW are exempt I presume, since both do. Hmmm...

Nope, I'm not saying they will or won't. I asked if people think they will, because I'd love to see them on there and they'd definitely add value to the Switch's library in my opinion (at least, they would to my Switch library when I upgrade the Wii U). The post was intended to be a positive, saying what do we expect since 3rd parties may have more joy with Switch than Wii U, and that the console has Nintendo's full attention.

FWIW that question was not meant to be negative either, I was genuinely asking why those in particular since all or most will no doubt appear at some stage. I don't actually think you have strong bias against the Switch either, I just mess with you from time to time.
I'm gonna end up buying both of them, i know it! :lol:

I loved the first Steam World Dig.

I really don't need a new game. I've only had the Switch for five days and i got Odyssey, Zleda and MK8 to do. I just can't help myself!
Too many games is a good problem to have :D

I need to play both of them, they look great.
Now staple gameplay mechanics are just "gimmicks" :lol: :rolleyes:
I wonder how many games don't have a gimmick then? Neither Halo nor GEOW are exempt I presume, since both do. Hmmm...

It was a misunderstanding of the swallowing from an unclear memory. I found the WII U Kirby and posted it in the edit - the rainbow drawing is quite a clear gimmick, same as the wool in the last console Yoshi. Perhaps both were purely spawned out of a need/want to make use of the Wii U gamepad.

Gimmicks arent necessarily a bad thing, you could probably say Cappy from Odyssey is one but it seems they got it right. I think 2d platformers need to be really tight tho so I am always cautious of ones with those types of mechanisms. They can bring something really unique to an old genre, but I'm more inclined to take a risk on those games in the form of indies at £10-20 than spend £40-55 on a big title.

I'm not against the Switch at all - my missus can vouch for the constant hints laid down in the run upto Xmas. The original post was in an attempt to learn some other 2018 predictions than the obvious.
It was a misunderstanding of the swallowing from an unclear memory. I found the WII U Kirby and posted it in the edit - the rainbow drawing is quite a clear gimmick, same as the wool in the last console Yoshi. Perhaps both were purely spawned out of a need/want to make use of the Wii U gamepad.

Gimmicks arent necessarily a bad thing, you could probably say Cappy from Odyssey is one but it seems they got it right. I think 2d platformers need to be really tight tho so I am always cautious of ones with those types of mechanisms. They can bring something really unique to an old genre, but I'm more inclined to take a risk on those games in the form of indies at £10-20 than spend £40-55 on a big title.

I'm not against the Switch at all - my missus can vouch for the constant hints laid down in the run upto Xmas. The original post was in an attempt to learn some other 2018 predictions than the obvious.

Yeah I know mate, I'm just ribbing.

Btw as for the drawing thing, it's been done before in other Kirby games, the Wii U version just follows on from that. I don't think it's fair to call mechanics gimmicks at all though otherwise, like I say, you'll be hard pressed to find a single game that doesn't have a gimmick by your definition. Besides, what exactly is wrong in tailoring games to suit the system? That's where the Nintendo consoles shine! Otherwise we might as well just have another machine exactly like the PS4 or XBone.

But in all seriousness, whilst they might not all be great, you are missing out by not at least trying these games with different ideas. Especially the Yoshi games, they are mostly fantastic platformers and like I say, some even rival the best Mario games.

Wait for it, we are going to get a Weaste-like picture to prove otherwise soon... ;)

Touche, I like dressing up games and genital Pictionary just like Weaste did.

What kind of games do you enjoy?

I enjoy most genres. I have less time for huge long RPGs these days though but otherwise I'm pretty open.

I have a Wii U so can play Mario Kart, Splatoon (I know it's a sequel but a lot of shared content I believe?), Zelda and the other likely remakes (Super Smash Bros, Mario Maker) on there, so Switch at that price (less disposable income due to newborn) is a little harder to justify at this stage than I'd like it to be (typically I like to buy all the new consoles/handhelds for the last few gens).

The predictions and leading questions about third party titles, and what other games that haven't been announced is only to help me justify buying one :)
Touche, I like dressing up games and genital Pictionary just like Weaste did.

I enjoy most genres. I have less time for huge long RPGs these days though but otherwise I'm pretty open.

I have a Wii U so can play Mario Kart, Splatoon (I know it's a sequel but a lot of shared content I believe?), Zelda and the other likely remakes (Super Smash Bros, Mario Maker) on there, so Switch at that price (less disposable income due to newborn) is a little harder to justify at this stage than I'd like it to be (typically I like to buy all the new consoles/handhelds for the last few gens).

The predictions and leading questions about third party titles, and what other games that haven't been announced is only to help me justify buying one :)

Congratulations! Though if anything that justifies a Switch even more, got to get them started early ;)

As an aside, I had to create an American account about an hour ago to download Resident Evil Revelations 2 (why it had to be american, I don't know), and they have the adverts up on there for the new online charges. $20 a year, which seems fair if the service is good (so far Splatoon and MK8 are far smoother than the Wii-U versions, though SP2 suffers from the bizarre way they've done it by region) and the free games are actually oldies you can keep.
Touche, I like dressing up games and genital Pictionary just like Weaste did.

I enjoy most genres. I have less time for huge long RPGs these days though but otherwise I'm pretty open.

I have a Wii U so can play Mario Kart, Splatoon (I know it's a sequel but a lot of shared content I believe?), Zelda and the other likely remakes (Super Smash Bros, Mario Maker) on there, so Switch at that price (less disposable income due to newborn) is a little harder to justify at this stage than I'd like it to be (typically I like to buy all the new consoles/handhelds for the last few gens).

The predictions and leading questions about third party titles, and what other games that haven't been announced is only to help me justify buying one :)
It does seem like the best thing for you will be to not buy one.
I'm assuming you have some gaming-system(s) already, so it's more about wanting more and justifying that to yourself or your partner than having the leap of faith that you'll actually enjoy stuff on it. Since you have a kid on the way it's probably better to save the money and more importantly time that it'd consume. It's not like xbox/ps4/pc games will be dogshit going forward anyway.

My reasoning for buying the system was very much down to me for now not having faith that the future of the ps4/xbox games won't be riddled with lootboxes and figured nintendo either by choice or traditionally lagging behind makes it likely for the switch to be relatively clean of those stuff in comparison.
That and due to my "lifestyle" I have 24/7 to play games on, so for me the entertainment is a necessity and not just for fun.
Seems like Nintendo themselves do a quite competitive bundle on the Switch. You get the console, a game of your choice (in the selection there is Zelda and Odyssey though so i'd choose one of those, not sure which!) and a travel case to store the screen and bits in of your choice (there's like Zelda ones and whatnot), all for £329.99. I can't seem to find anywhere else that gives as good a deal with one of those two games as part of the bundle to be honest. I'll probably pull the trigger on this one in the new year, if i can make up my mind on which game to get with it!
Give it a day or two. Black Friday had them going for £279 with two games (one of which was Mario Odyssey). You can get a decent case for £15.
The "January" sales normally kick in on Boxing Day though, rather than the new year. I can't see too many deals suddenly appearing next week.
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