Have to admit the Pokémon Direct was a little bit disappointing, but that's more down to fan's expectations and going into muppet mode. Anything other than the sequel to Sun & Moon on Switch was going to be a let down because of it, hence the reaction. However, everything Nintendo did makes some kind of sense.
Pokkén was always coming to Switch, and I expect by March 2018 we'll also see Mario Maker and Smash Bros. come to Switch, mostly ports of the Wii U versions but upgraded a little. Nintendo seems to be using this first year of Switch to re-hash a lot of the more successful Wii U titles that not enough people got to play due to poor Wii U console sales. I feel like a lot of Nintendo fans did take the punt on Wii U and if you're one of these people, this first year of Switch is a bit 'samey' due to the number of games releasing that have a similar experience available on Wii U already. I expect to see a handful more ports if I'm honest as well, but for the large portion of people who skipped Wii U, this is all new so it makes a lot of sense.
As for "Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon", as I said in a previous post I expected these to release on 3DS as well as Switch regardless, so while a bit disappointing that there is no Switch version, it was still to be expected IMO. Nintendo are just releasing the New 2DS XL (which if I didn't have a Switch I would've probably invested in). 3DS has a good line-up this year, but Pokémon will be what tips it over the edge and keeps the machine relevant. So, it's hard to blame Game Freak / Nintendo for going with the install base over the new console at this stage - especially when another version of the older hardware is releasing. Not to mention, it's a budget machine at about £129.99. If parents can't get their kids a Switch for Christmas, or if they deem it too expensive / high tech for a child and don't want them taking it everywhere and risking breaking it, the new 2DS with Pokémon makes far more sense. I'm sure we'll see some kind of even more cost-effective bundle involving the New 2DS XL and Pokémon once they release in November.
Despite all this, the initial snippet of Ultra Sun and Moon looks disappointing as well. Obviously, we'll have to wait for more information on them, but by the sounds of it they'll feel like a re-skin of a previous game more-so than ever before. I didn't enjoy Sun & Moon as much as I wanted to and going back to playing my 3DS after using the Switch a lot is going to be painful

My guess now is that maybe they will rush into the next Generation on Switch, even though I wouldn't expect it to release until Nov '18 or Feb '19~.
Lastly, Gold & Silver on 3DS VC is cool - I just hope when they give us the Switch Virtual Console, it has everything currently available on the 3DS's. I'd rather own these games on the Switch instead of the 3DS now, but it looks as though Nintendo are going to heavily support 3DS until at least the end of this financial year. I just hope it doesn't hurt them in the long run, considering they seem to manufacture far more gaming hardware at the moment than everyone else, it may hamper the Switch production if anything (which they can't afford to do if they want to hit this 16-20m Switch consoles by March).