We're another press conference along and once again there was a notable absence of PlayStation Vita. What can you tell me about future support for the platform?
We continue to support it. We like Vita. As we said at E3, there's over 100 games in development. You know, it wasn't featured last night because there's only so much time for these things. PS4 is the priority, we had a ton of stuff to show on PS4 and we just wanted to focus totally on that.
If you start talking about Vita and PS3, the show's two hours long and everybody's unhappy about that. So we kept to the PS4. I will say that every single one of those games you saw last night is playable on Vita using Remote Play, and that feature is very valued and the incidence of it is way greater than what we expected.
The other thing is - and this sort of goes to that higher strategic level - we see the days of the closed vertical platforms of the past as ending, and the kind of silos of yesteryear have been broken down and everything's getting connected. People, whether it's with music or video, want to buy it once and play it on multiple different devices in multiple different places.
We agree with that. Whether it's PlayStation Now or the ability to consume PS4 content on a portable device as well as a television, we think it's the way of the future and that's the strategic path we're following, and Vita remains a fundamental part of that.