I haven't looked around that much, but I visit ShopTo.net often and their deals are currently:
Black or White 3DS - £115
Red or Blue 3DS XL - £145
Gold Zelda 3DS XL (with A Link Between Worlds pre-installed) - £180
They're all pretty good prices while they're still in the sale (generally beating the average price by about 30 quid). Not sure if any websites will start pumping out deals when we're actually in January, but if they do they'll probably be more expensive deals with games thrown in (which might be of use if they are the games you wanted anyway).
If you're getting a 3DS XL, ShopTo.net sadly don't stock the chargers any more from what I can tell, so you might have to jump to GAME for one. The official Nintendo licensed ones are usually £10~ though, so not too bad.
Edit: Sainsbury's online do the official chargers for £7.99.
Also, just to save people looking, I've checked Zavvi, Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's, GAME, and Grainger Games. None of them can beat ShopTo's prices at the moment.