Gaming Nintendo 3DS vs PS Vita thread.

Yeah, I did have a look at prices and they've definitely gone back up from the seemingly ever-dropping prices they were at a while back. Probably to do with said new release.
I think i'll manage to resist for the moment actually. Mainly because i just got a Vita and just got myself going in FFVII and wouldn't want to abandon it for Pokemon straight away. I think i'll more then likely be getting one in the future though, most definitely.
Yeah, I did have a look at prices and they've definitely gone back up from the seemingly ever-dropping prices they were at a while back. Probably to do with said new release.

It has to be one of the most desired Christmas gifts this year. That's why they've probably nailed it with the 2DS release, however ugly it looks it still plays all the 3DS games and is much cheaper.
BTW 2DS is released tomorrow in the UK and it sells for £109 brand new, might be a good value for some.
Because it's digital-only on the eShop :(
A shame, I'm running out of space on my SD Card having put Lego City, Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem on it. Any word on the price?
I think i'll manage to resist for the moment actually. Mainly because i just got a Vita and just got myself going in FFVII and wouldn't want to abandon it for Pokemon straight away. I think i'll more then likely be getting one in the future though, most definitely.

BTW 2DS is released tomorrow in the UK and it sells for £109 brand new, might be a good value for some.
Waiting for the 1DS(1S?).

Seriously though, despite how daft it looks, seems to be a good machine.
Waiting for the 1DS(1S?).

Seriously though, despite how daft it looks, seems to be a good machine.

I've come to tolerate it. I still don't like the design, they could have done much better but the idea behind it is very good IMO. They've released loads of great games on 3DS lately but for obvious reasons don't want to drop the price of a standard one or an XL, some people are obviously a bit reluctant to the idea of spending around £150 on a handheld so they've put in this little thing that will soon cost £99 or less in retail and plays the exact same titles. It's a good move and they'll sell plenty of them during the Christmas period, anyone who wants to buy a handheld as a gift will go for it.
Two hours in and I can't believe how good this still is. I literally just run around skilling up my Pokemons, it's so enjoyable. I've already got one badge and six Pokemons.
A little bit about FFX/X-2 HD and FFXII

- Will there be any new features to take advantage of the connectivity of PS3 and Vita, both individually and with one another?

Well there will be no features that let you connect with other players online but it will be possible to use the PSN’s cloud saving functionality to carry over save data between the PS3 and PS Vita versions. This means that if you have both versions then you can play at home on the PS3 and then continue your game when you are out using the Vita.

- If it proves successful, are you likely to do the same with other games?

We’d love a Vita version of Final Fantasy 12… I am also hoping that this HD remaster will open up some great possibilities in the future.

- PlayStation 3 seems logical, but why did you think Vita would be a good fit for the games?

The gaming scene has changed quite a bit from 10 years ago and today’s younger generation who grew up with smart devices now carry these devices around with them to play games whenever and wherever they want, not just when they go outside but also at home, wherever they may be in the house as well. Even when they are in the toilet!

One of the appealing things about the PS Vita is that it allows for this kind of play style. In addition to that, another advantage is that it has a wonderful LCD display that can hold up to the PS3 in terms of graphical quality.
There'll be literally nothing left for Square Enix to milk at this rate. All this time spent shitting about with HD remakes and spin offs could've been put towards releasing Kingdom Hearts 3!
They aren't what they once were, that's for sure :(

Unrecognisable. No KH games in an entire generation (7 and a half years!) and just one main series FF title. A shite one at that. How can a company like that deteriorate so quickly from even the PS2 days, when you had games like the Kingdom Hearts series, FFX and Dragon Quest 8?!

I'm thinking the Square Enix developers and the writers of the last 4 season of Dexter are the same people.
Unrecognisable. No KH games in an entire generation (7 and a half years!) and just one main series FF title. A shite one at that. How can a company like that deteriorate so quickly from even the PS2 days, when you had games like the Kingdom Hearts series, FFX and Dragon Quest 8?!

I'm thinking the Square Enix developers and the writers of the last 4 seasons of Dexter are the same people.
How they fecked FF, I'll never understand.

Still, Konami are worse with Suikoden. They don't even have to make new games, or HD remakes, just make the cnuting cnuts available.
How they fecked FF, I'll never understand.

Still, Konami are worse with Suikoden. They don't even have to make new games, or HD remakes, just make the cnuting cnuts available.

It's as if the genre has been intentionally ruined. :(