Gaming Nintendo 3DS vs PS Vita thread.

This throat looks like it can be cut! Would you like to use cut?

The XL has been teasing me for a while, but I can't justify it when I have a 3ds and want a Vita too, but why should I sully a brand new pokemon on a small screen?
You know what? i totally could get one. I have a cheque for £200 which has been in my wallet for like 3 months, that'd cover it. God damn, i get nervous when i spend money.

I wish I had £200 cheques lying around :(

The XL has been teasing me for a while, but I can't justify it when I have a 3ds and want a Vita too, but why should I sully a brand new pokemon on a small screen?

Yeah I want one too but since I have a 3DS already I'd rather buy games instead.
I want a game about Pikachu, Butterfree and Beedrill as some sort of torture team, I think they have the skills to really make a go of it.
It's PS+ fault.
Indeed. I basically don't buy Vita games these days, I only have three physical games left and all of them will probably come to PS+ within six months so I'll sell them anyway.

The only title I have bought at full price lately is Killzone, apart from that I've used various discounts on LBP, Resistance, Sly Cooper, Moto GP, F1 etc. and got all the PS+ free titles. Lately while browsing the PS Store I've noticed that there are basically only 5 full games that aren't indie that I don't yet have!

And a year back I was telling you I'm not interested in digital games, hah!
PS+ is one of the major reasons i'm going to get a PS4. It's amazing on the Vita.
On PS3 too. My console is basically loaded with games, I have about 40 on my HDD I think and I only paid anything for 2 or 3 (and those were small amounts thanks to discounts).

I wonder if they'll announce November IGC games next week.
BTW my Pokemon X should be dispatched tomorrow with expected delivery on Thursday if recent record of the carrier I opted for is anything to go by. Good days!
On PS3 too. My console is basically loaded with games, I have about 40 on my HDD I think and I only paid anything for 2 or 3 (and those were small amounts thanks to discounts).

I wonder if they'll announce November IGC games next week.

Yep, i've been watching enviously as the PS3 gets all the PS + goodies and i'm stuck with my 360 doing jack shit :lol:
Yep, i've been watching enviously as the PS3 gets all the PS + goodies and i'm stuck with my 360 doing jack shit :lol:
For latecomers it's an amazing deal, someone who might have picked PS3 up a year ago would have got so many top games for free they wouldn't have to buy anything bar the odd game. I sold my 40GB one to a mate 3 or 4 months ago to replace it with 500 GB because I badly needed space and I've almost filled it up completely by now. Anyway, I let him use my PS+ subscription on the account I've left so he basically gets all his gaming for nothing. I don't think he's bought a single game so far apart from FIFA14.

It used to be quite poorly advertised though, I didn't realise it allowed you to acquire games for free until I accidentally stumbled across a free digital version of Sleeping Dogs in February while looking for a demo. I looked it up and bought a subscription 2 minutes later.
Anyone ever have issues with the rear touch pad on the vita?

Mine only works sometimes, usually fixed when I restart the console.

I got it for free through a thing in work so I can't even send it back to the shop. Will probably have to send it back to Sony direct.
For latecomers it's an amazing deal, someone who might have picked PS3 up a year ago would have got so many top games for free they wouldn't have to buy anything bar the odd game. I sold my 40GB one to a mate 3 or 4 months ago to replace it with 500 GB because I badly needed space and I've almost filled it up completely by now. Anyway, I let him use my PS+ subscription on the account I've left so he basically gets all his gaming for nothing. I don't think he's bought a single game so far apart from FIFA14.

It used to be quite poorly advertised though, I didn't realise it allowed you to acquire games for free until I accidentally stumbled across a free digital version of Sleeping Dogs in February while looking for a demo. I looked it up and bought a subscription 2 minutes later.
Yup! I had a PS-3 since they came out, and didn't have PS+ until it was suggested in the Vita thread I started. Didn't know exactly what it was, or how good....
Anyone ever have issues with the rear touch pad on the vita?

Mine only works sometimes, usually fixed when I restart the console.

I got it for free through a thing in work so I can't even send it back to the shop. Will probably have to send it back to Sony direct.

Mine works fine if that helps.
Yup! I had a PS-3 since they came out, and didn't have PS+ until it was suggested in the Vita thread I started. Didn't know exactly what it was, or how good....

I missed Red Dead Redemption and Mortal Kombat due to my lack of awareness. The only title I've not picked up from the free library so far was Hitman, mainly because I'd already completed it a week before it went free (and sold the physical copy) so was a little pissed off at first and then was left with no PS3 for a while as I traveled so couldn't make a purchase. I don't mind since I probably wouldn't touch it (or so I try to convince myself, I'd play online a lot I imagine.
No touch pad problems here, though I rarely use it. Killzone is probably the only game I actually like using it on tbh. That and penos in Fifa 13 because they're hilariously easy.
You don't shoot with the rear touch pad in FIFA? It's ridiculously easy so I've promised myself not to use it much but I find it so enjoyable that I keep doing it anyway. If they make it a feature for the Remote Play then I already know I won't be using a pad for FIFA tournaments!
You don't shoot with the rear touch pad in FIFA? It's ridiculously easy so I've promised myself not to use it much but I find it so enjoyable that I keep doing it anyway. If they make it a feature for the Remote Play then I already know I won't be using a pad for FIFA tournaments!
Nope, it was way too easy. Though I often sneak it on for shootouts.....

I can't see them allowing it for remote play, it'd be completely broken.
So, i started FFVII on the Vita tonight. I've never played an FF before and i only played (what seems like) the very beginning bit of this one but i can already feel myself getting sucked in. Had to stop there as i didn't want to get too involved because i've got some bits i need to do tomorrow and only after i've done all that i can get to playing again. I did briefly try to play it on PC and really, between the PC one and this one there is no comparison. It's just way better on Vita.