"I didn't alter the ball in any way. I have a process before every game where I pick the footballs I want for the game. Our equipment guys have the process they go through. When I pick them out, they're perfect. I don't want anyone touching them, taking any air out, putting them in, that's what I expect when I take the field. What happened Sunday night was that same process, I didn't think anything of it."
Q: Is tom brady a cheater?
A: "I've never broken the rules, I try and stay within the rules...it's a very competitive league...I believe in fair play"
Q: did Bill throw you under the bus?
A: No, I think everyone's trying to figure out what happened...I was surprised as anyone Monday when I figured out what happened.
Q: We've heard people doctor the balls, have you done anything differently than others in the league (i think this is what he said)
A: I can only speak to what I do...i break them in like you would do with a baseball glove...i choose the balls i want for the game and expect them to be that way at the time of the game
Q: How important is it for you to take it head on:
A: I don't think it's taken anything away from our hard work
Q: Would you know the difference between the underinflated balls, did you notice a difference between 1st half balls and 2nd half
A: I wouldn't even think about it, not even an inkling of a concern, never noticed anything
Q: What do you say to skeptics, things happened in the past, etc.
A: Everyone has an opinion, being in the spotlight and open for criticism is part of being an athelete
Q: Are you comfortable that no one on the sideline did anything wrong
A: As far as I know, nothing wrong happened, but I don't involve myself in any of that process
Q: You said you liked underinflated balls so many years ago, explain that
A: I like them the way I like them ,at 12.5, that's how I like to grip them. I would never do anything outside the rules of the play'
Q: YOu never knowingly played with <12.5 lbs of pressure
A: No
Q: Should you have found more information about why they were underinflated
A: Other people have more information, I only know what I"ve gone through and the process I take pregame postgame and prepping for the SUper Bowl. I have questions too but no one can answer those, so i have to focus on what i have to do
Q: You know the feel of a football you like, could you have played in the past with underinflated footballs?
A: WHen im on the field i dont think about that. I have no idea. Monday was the first I'd heard of it.
Q: If someone is found tampering with them, is it important for you that someone is accountable
A: That's not my job, i'd like to know what happened, in the meantime im going to prep for seattle because i can't control what happened
Q: How does it make you feel that they're calling your team cheaters?
A: Part of playing is ignoring outside forces, fans and not fans, everyone's entitled to an opinion. You can just try and be the best person you can be, have a high moral standard, i've always tried to exemplify that
Q: Will this motivate you guys?
A: We have a lot of motivation as a team, we've overcome adversity. The biggest challenges are the best things that happen in life and we've overcome those this year. We can rally around each other and support each other
Q: Did you address the team?
A: That's a personal thing
Q: When you handle the balls before the game is that before the refs test them
A: Yes, i go in there and choose the amount necessary, this game it was 24. When I felt them they were perfect
Q: Were you surprised that they were deflated at halftime?
A: Yes, very surprising
Q: is there a feeling that media is blowing it out of proportion?
A: No, the integrity of the game is very important, it's a very serious issue. Everyone's trying to figure out what happened
Q: YOu laughed this off on monday, today you're more serious. What happened?
A: That was early monday, i was shocked to hear it, I thought it was just sour rage at the time. It turned out to be serious
Q: The second half was delayed to swap the balls, how did the pats not know there was an issue?
A: I don;t think anyone knew there was an issue. They said they were getting the balls and then I had the ball and that was that
Q: but there was good minute delay, no one wondered what happened or asked?
A: i wasn't thinking about that, I was thnking about the game
Q: You don't think you had an unfair advantage?
A: We won fair and square against a great opponent. it was a great feeling after the game, hearing about the football issue has taken away a bit from that but hopefully we'll rally around each other
Q: Is this a moment to say I'm sorry to fans?
A: It's disappointing something like this happens, i'd love to talk about the game, two best weeks of the year for those teams. disappointed we have to have a conference like this. i don't have answers
Q: To fans looking in the camera, what do you say?
A: what do you want me to say?
Q: does the league have a responsibility to handle this? ( i think that's what he said)
A; it's up to the league, they're doing their investigation
Q: are you and bill concerned about this:
A; we're prepping for the game, we had to talk about the issue
Q: did the investigators talk to you about the issue?
A: not yet
Q; what convinced you this issue was more serious than you thought
A: i wasn't aware of everything monday morning
Q: what's the biggest problem with it for you
A: the integrity of the game and fair play, we set a good example for younger atheletes
Q: Are you frustrated/surprised by the process
A: I'm not sure if i have a hope, i haven't thought about it. I'd like to play a great game, the nfl would like to figure out what happened. im happy we get to play in the super bowl, disappointed in what happened in the last game but i cant do anything about what happened, i can only do something going forward
Q: The league has not talked to you?
A: no, they may, that's their choice
Q: Do you think that's weird?
A: I'm not sure
Q: you're so familiar with the equipment, how could you not know?
A: i dont think about the footballs after i choose them. You're just reacting to the game, I just assume it's the same that i chose
Q: something about the footballs in practice
A: we break them in in practice. one day a ball might feel good, the next day it might not. lot of variables with mother nature and the balls. Whatever feels good at the moment.
Q: the balls you picked, you didn't notice 15% of air was out of the ball? That's hard to believe
A: I didn't feel any different, i just assumed it was the same thing. When i get the ball i'm reading coverage, throwing, etc.
Q: professional atheletes can tell, basketball players can tell differences in height of rim. you're asking us to believe you didn't notice?
A: It was a wet cold windy night. I don't think about the ball, i just try and throw it. i don't try and squeeze it and determine it, if that's what the colts want to do, that's what they want to do. I did not feel a difference between the first half and the second half.
Q: when you tested the first balls, would you have noticed a difference in inflation
A: I'm not squeezing it, thats not part of my process. feeling leather, etc. I just grip it, don't squeeze it.
Q: you had better numbers in the second half
A: I didn't think any differently in the second half than in the first half. better 2nd half had to do with great execution from players. They say they inflated them, i didn't notice a difference.
Q: Bill said a possible fix could be inflating them a bit more at start, will that take any adjustment
A: I don't think it would make much of a difference. I Didn't feel any difference between 13 lbs and 11 lbs the other night i guess
Q: You were instrumental to allowing teams to bring their own balls. Will you lobby the league to changing rules about this situation
A: If they want to do that, I wouldn't have a problem with that. I think we should be able to break the balls in, everyone has a preference. Some guys like em tacky, some like em new, round/flat, every batch is different. you try and use the ones you like the best. have the most possible consistnecy
Q: Is it possible the refs missed this
A: I'm not a conspiracy theorist, i don't know what happened
Q: who handles the ball after the refs give them back
A: I have no idea, im not a part of that
Q: where do the balls go?
A: if we like the ball at the start, we throw them aside
Q: have the league contacted you or your agent
A: Im not sure, im supposed to talk to my agent after this, that might be what its about, i dont know
Q: talked to other players?
A: I've received great support. I tell them I'm okay, this isn't Isis, no one's dying, we'll get through this and start preparing for Seattle
Q: Think this got blown out of proportion for no reason?
A: the integrity of the game is very important
Q: Have you sought out anyone from the equipment staff?
A: Yeah, they haven't, and they also know how i like the balls, I tell them how great a job they do.
Q: most of the world believes you guys are the most prepared. would you be skeptical with people not knowing abotu this? (weird question)
A: I know what's in my control and out of my control. I just focus on what's in my control and do what I can with that. If i don't know something, I don't know something. I'm comfortable with my process.
Q: when you left sunday, is this the last thing you thought you'd be talking about at this point
A: Yes