NFL Thread 2014-2015

"I didn't alter the ball in any way. I have a process before every game where I pick the footballs I want for the game. Our equipment guys have the process they go through. When I pick them out, they're perfect. I don't want anyone touching them, taking any air out, putting them in, that's what I expect when I take the field. What happened Sunday night was that same process, I didn't think anything of it."

Q: Is tom brady a cheater?

A: "I've never broken the rules, I try and stay within the's a very competitive league...I believe in fair play"

Q: did Bill throw you under the bus?

A: No, I think everyone's trying to figure out what happened...I was surprised as anyone Monday when I figured out what happened.

Q: We've heard people doctor the balls, have you done anything differently than others in the league (i think this is what he said)

A: I can only speak to what I do...i break them in like you would do with a baseball glove...i choose the balls i want for the game and expect them to be that way at the time of the game

Q: How important is it for you to take it head on:

A: I don't think it's taken anything away from our hard work

Q: Would you know the difference between the underinflated balls, did you notice a difference between 1st half balls and 2nd half

A: I wouldn't even think about it, not even an inkling of a concern, never noticed anything

Q: What do you say to skeptics, things happened in the past, etc.

A: Everyone has an opinion, being in the spotlight and open for criticism is part of being an athelete

Q: Are you comfortable that no one on the sideline did anything wrong

A: As far as I know, nothing wrong happened, but I don't involve myself in any of that process

Q: You said you liked underinflated balls so many years ago, explain that

A: I like them the way I like them ,at 12.5, that's how I like to grip them. I would never do anything outside the rules of the play'

Q: YOu never knowingly played with <12.5 lbs of pressure

A: No

Q: Should you have found more information about why they were underinflated

A: Other people have more information, I only know what I"ve gone through and the process I take pregame postgame and prepping for the SUper Bowl. I have questions too but no one can answer those, so i have to focus on what i have to do

Q: You know the feel of a football you like, could you have played in the past with underinflated footballs?

A: WHen im on the field i dont think about that. I have no idea. Monday was the first I'd heard of it.

Q: If someone is found tampering with them, is it important for you that someone is accountable

A: That's not my job, i'd like to know what happened, in the meantime im going to prep for seattle because i can't control what happened

Q: How does it make you feel that they're calling your team cheaters?

A: Part of playing is ignoring outside forces, fans and not fans, everyone's entitled to an opinion. You can just try and be the best person you can be, have a high moral standard, i've always tried to exemplify that

Q: Will this motivate you guys?

A: We have a lot of motivation as a team, we've overcome adversity. The biggest challenges are the best things that happen in life and we've overcome those this year. We can rally around each other and support each other

Q: Did you address the team?

A: That's a personal thing

Q: When you handle the balls before the game is that before the refs test them

A: Yes, i go in there and choose the amount necessary, this game it was 24. When I felt them they were perfect

Q: Were you surprised that they were deflated at halftime?

A: Yes, very surprising

Q: is there a feeling that media is blowing it out of proportion?

A: No, the integrity of the game is very important, it's a very serious issue. Everyone's trying to figure out what happened

Q: YOu laughed this off on monday, today you're more serious. What happened?

A: That was early monday, i was shocked to hear it, I thought it was just sour rage at the time. It turned out to be serious

Q: The second half was delayed to swap the balls, how did the pats not know there was an issue?

A: I don;t think anyone knew there was an issue. They said they were getting the balls and then I had the ball and that was that

Q: but there was good minute delay, no one wondered what happened or asked?

A: i wasn't thinking about that, I was thnking about the game

Q: You don't think you had an unfair advantage?

A: We won fair and square against a great opponent. it was a great feeling after the game, hearing about the football issue has taken away a bit from that but hopefully we'll rally around each other

Q: Is this a moment to say I'm sorry to fans?

A: It's disappointing something like this happens, i'd love to talk about the game, two best weeks of the year for those teams. disappointed we have to have a conference like this. i don't have answers

Q: To fans looking in the camera, what do you say?

A: what do you want me to say?

Q: does the league have a responsibility to handle this? ( i think that's what he said)

A; it's up to the league, they're doing their investigation

Q: are you and bill concerned about this:

A; we're prepping for the game, we had to talk about the issue

Q: did the investigators talk to you about the issue?

A: not yet

Q; what convinced you this issue was more serious than you thought

A: i wasn't aware of everything monday morning

Q: what's the biggest problem with it for you

A: the integrity of the game and fair play, we set a good example for younger atheletes

Q: Are you frustrated/surprised by the process

A: I'm not sure if i have a hope, i haven't thought about it. I'd like to play a great game, the nfl would like to figure out what happened. im happy we get to play in the super bowl, disappointed in what happened in the last game but i cant do anything about what happened, i can only do something going forward

Q: The league has not talked to you?

A: no, they may, that's their choice

Q: Do you think that's weird?

A: I'm not sure

Q: you're so familiar with the equipment, how could you not know?

A: i dont think about the footballs after i choose them. You're just reacting to the game, I just assume it's the same that i chose

Q: something about the footballs in practice

A: we break them in in practice. one day a ball might feel good, the next day it might not. lot of variables with mother nature and the balls. Whatever feels good at the moment.

Q: the balls you picked, you didn't notice 15% of air was out of the ball? That's hard to believe

A: I didn't feel any different, i just assumed it was the same thing. When i get the ball i'm reading coverage, throwing, etc.

Q: professional atheletes can tell, basketball players can tell differences in height of rim. you're asking us to believe you didn't notice?

A: It was a wet cold windy night. I don't think about the ball, i just try and throw it. i don't try and squeeze it and determine it, if that's what the colts want to do, that's what they want to do. I did not feel a difference between the first half and the second half.

Q: when you tested the first balls, would you have noticed a difference in inflation

A: I'm not squeezing it, thats not part of my process. feeling leather, etc. I just grip it, don't squeeze it.

Q: you had better numbers in the second half

A: I didn't think any differently in the second half than in the first half. better 2nd half had to do with great execution from players. They say they inflated them, i didn't notice a difference.

Q: Bill said a possible fix could be inflating them a bit more at start, will that take any adjustment

A: I don't think it would make much of a difference. I Didn't feel any difference between 13 lbs and 11 lbs the other night i guess

Q: You were instrumental to allowing teams to bring their own balls. Will you lobby the league to changing rules about this situation

A: If they want to do that, I wouldn't have a problem with that. I think we should be able to break the balls in, everyone has a preference. Some guys like em tacky, some like em new, round/flat, every batch is different. you try and use the ones you like the best. have the most possible consistnecy

Q: Is it possible the refs missed this

A: I'm not a conspiracy theorist, i don't know what happened

Q: who handles the ball after the refs give them back

A: I have no idea, im not a part of that

Q: where do the balls go?

A: if we like the ball at the start, we throw them aside

Q: have the league contacted you or your agent

A: Im not sure, im supposed to talk to my agent after this, that might be what its about, i dont know

Q: talked to other players?

A: I've received great support. I tell them I'm okay, this isn't Isis, no one's dying, we'll get through this and start preparing for Seattle

Q: Think this got blown out of proportion for no reason?

A: the integrity of the game is very important

Q: Have you sought out anyone from the equipment staff?

A: Yeah, they haven't, and they also know how i like the balls, I tell them how great a job they do.

Q: most of the world believes you guys are the most prepared. would you be skeptical with people not knowing abotu this? (weird question)

A: I know what's in my control and out of my control. I just focus on what's in my control and do what I can with that. If i don't know something, I don't know something. I'm comfortable with my process.

Q: when you left sunday, is this the last thing you thought you'd be talking about at this point

A: Yes
I've read an article saying Goodell should suspend Brady for the SB! No chance that happens, it would be disproportionate to the crime committed.

If it was a team thing, take away draft picks, only because the Pats are repeat offenders if this allegation is proven to be true. If it was just Brady (or another player) then fine them a lot. Suspending players for games is too much.
I've read an article saying Goodell should suspend Brady for the SB! No chance that happens, it would be disproportionate to the crime committed.

If it was a team thing, take away draft picks, only because the Pats are repeat offenders if this allegation is proven to be true. If it was just Brady (or another player) then fine them a lot. Suspending players for games is too much.

The thing that bother me is the "eleven out of twelve ball" thing, from the start i think that it wasn't an organized thing, Brady choose the balls that he liked just by touching them, since he likes them underflated, 11 of them were very underflated, what would be interesting is to know, how were the reserve balls.
The thing that bother me is the "eleven out of twelve ball" thing, from the start i think that it wasn't an organized thing, Brady choose the balls that he liked just by touching them, since he likes them underflated, 11 of them were very underflated, what would be interesting is to know, how were the reserve balls.

Unless someone owns up to it or does a Mangini, it'll be hard to prove this was a planned thing. I'm sure other QBs do it too, so it shouldn't be too surprising.

Most interesting thing for me is the role of the officials. They played an entire half with undersized balls, why didn't they notice the difference since they grab the fecking thing after every down? Would love to hear what they have to say on the matter.
Unless someone owns up to it or does a Mangini, it'll be hard to prove this was a planned thing. I'm sure other QBs do it too, so it shouldn't be too surprising.

Most interesting thing for me is the role of the officials. They played an entire half with undersized balls, why didn't they notice the difference since they grab the fecking thing after every down? Would love to hear what they have to say on the matter.
Refs find Tom Brady's balls faultless under inspection.
Unless someone owns up to it or does a Mangini, it'll be hard to prove this was a planned thing. I'm sure other QBs do it too, so it shouldn't be too surprising.

Most interesting thing for me is the role of the officials. They played an entire half with undersized balls, why didn't they notice the difference since they grab the fecking thing after every down? Would love to hear what they have to say on the matter.

Yeah, i posted a serie of question that i had, and the officials were in it. They should have noticed it, unless it's a common thing then they are used to feel a large specs of pressures and dont pay too much attention to it, and the press and the fans are the only one interested by this kind of things.

And it's different but i ride road bikes and at 10.5 your tires are very hard.
I'm surprised how little interest there is in Lucks balls.

Seriously, if they were fine at HT, how did they start the game? Perhaps maxed like Rodgers, who seems more interested in balls than most.
I'm surprised how little interest there is in Lucks balls.

Seriously, if they were fine at HT, how did they start the game? Perhaps maxed like Rodgers, who seems more interested in balls than most.

Exactly, i also asked this question.
The NFL can't prove anything and there will be no fines or punishment handed down. The balls were signed off by the refs 2hrs before kick off. Unless they can prove someone tampered with them between then and kick off, the case is closed.
The NFL can't prove anything and there will be no fines or punishment handed down. The balls were signed off by the refs 2hrs before kick off. Unless they can prove someone tampered with them between then and kick off, the case is closed.

That is always an issue with any investigation right, if you can't prove it, you can't hand out punishments. Though I do expect some changes in the rules regarding footballs, I expect the league to basically confiscate the balls after they are inspected up until the moment of kick off and possibly even provide the ball attendants for each game.

I would not be surprised to see the NFL start supplying the footballs and telling the QB's too bad, though given how much the NFL loves all its QB to be throwing for lots of yards and lots of TD's that might not happen.
It is getting impossible to have any sort of decent discussion on this in a lot of places. People bring up plays from the 2nd half and just ignore the issue of the balls in the 2nd half being properly inflated. If you like the Patriots you downplay this a lot, if you hate the Patriots a lot of people are going way overboard. Seen people saying it is worse than throwing games for gamblers and worse than intentionally hurting other players (some how using the logic that intentionally hurting a player has no effect on the outcome of a game or the season). Then followed by some comments about Brady being gay and sleeping with Goodall.

All over a rules infringement that in the rule itself says should be punished by a fine and probably did not effect the outcome of the game.

If guilty fine em, take away a few draft picks and move on.
It is getting impossible to have any sort of decent discussion on this in a lot of places. People bring up plays from the 2nd half and just ignore the issue of the balls in the 2nd half being properly inflated. If you like the Patriots you downplay this a lot, if you hate the Patriots a lot of people are going way overboard. Seen people saying it is worse than throwing games for gamblers and worse than intentionally hurting other players (some how using the logic that intentionally hurting a player has no effect on the outcome of a game or the season). Then followed by some comments about Brady being gay and sleeping with Goodall.

All over a rules infringement that in the rule itself says should be punished by a fine and probably did not effect the outcome of the game.

If guilty fine em, take away a few draft picks and move on.

I'm not a Patriots fan but i downplay the story because i'm sure that it change nothing, why ?
Because Rodgers and Brady like two opposite specs and have both the "same" success, they both play in cities where the weather is cold, maybe foxborough is more wet ?
I think that the NFL arbitrary chose a specs of 13 PSI (average) just for the sake of it, it's not based on anything.

Since it's a breach of the rule they should be sanctioned but in essence, it's silly.
The NFL can't prove anything and there will be no fines or punishment handed down. The balls were signed off by the refs 2hrs before kick off. Unless they can prove someone tampered with them between then and kick off, the case is closed.
What is this based on?
Investigation ongoing. This is going to drag on and on it seems.
Ooops just really and I mean really pissed off my nephew. He has been ranting about the Patriots on Facebook, then goes into this thing about the NFL being fixed posting videos from Youtube to prove it. I asked him why he watches the games then? Why does he so passionately follow the Bills, even spending a lot of cash going to several games each year? I told him and this is what pissed him off, if you honestly believe it is fixed, then you are a moron for watching the games, let alone having a favorite team or spending cash to go to games. Simple logic really.

He did not take this well
NFL just announced that investigation is ongoing and they are reviewing a lot of evidence including video evidence. Uh oh......

Wonder what the chances are that they will find evidence of a ball attendant tampering with the footballs but not be able to find any connection to any players or coaches asking him to. Key being not find the evidence, not that there is no connection?

Any video evidence is probably not going to be very helpful for the Patriots, that would be my guess.
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It's just embarrassing for the Patriots. I don't know a huge amount about their history or fans but ffs, they're a good team, just win somewhat fairly and stop being so unlikeable.
It's just embarrassing for the Patriots. I don't know a huge amount about their history or fans but ffs, they're a good team, just win somewhat fairly and stop being so unlikeable.

The win was fair, Indianapolis got destroyed in the second half with regular balls.
What are they going to do even if they find out the Pats did something? Disqualify them and play the Colts in the SB?
I don't know much about coaches but it seems that the Broncos have a dream team in Kubiak and Dennison, what are your thoughts about that ?
I agree. I'm a member of Pats group on Facebook. Its horrendous reading some times. Some of the most stupid people on earth are members of that group.

Must be a Boston/New England thing, off the back of unprecedented success in all sports by one city for about 10-15 years. Red Sox fans big themselves up as some opposite of the Evil Empire, aka New York Yankees, while conveniently forgetting that Boston often had the second/third highest payroll in the sport. They were basically Evil Empire Jr.

Patriots fans come from the same set. I don't really much care about the deflate-gate stuff as I really don't think it produces wins whereas the illegal filming/taping of opposition practices is clearly a tactic that can and did alter games. Just ask Marshall Faulk. I'm sure the same Boston/NE fans will just argue it's sour grapes from Faulk, whereas neutral fans like myself (I rooted for the Pats in that game, for the record) can without bias see both sides and give Faulk's sentiment some support from his view. The NFL didn't help by destroying tapes without allowing the public to see them. What's there to hide, NFL?
Must be a Boston/New England thing, off the back of unprecedented success in all sports by one city for about 10-15 years. Red Sox fans big themselves up as some opposite of the Evil Empire, aka New York Yankees, while conveniently forgetting that Boston often had the second/third highest payroll in the sport. They were basically Evil Empire Jr.

Patriots fans come from the same set. I don't really much care about the deflate-gate stuff as I really don't think it produces wins whereas the illegal filming/taping of opposition practices is clearly a tactic that can and did alter games. Just ask Marshall Faulk. I'm sure the same Boston/NE fans will just argue it's sour grapes from Faulk, whereas neutral fans like myself (I rooted for the Pats in that game, for the record) can without bias see both sides and give Faulk's sentiment some support from his view. The NFL didn't help by destroying tapes without allowing the public to see them. What's there to hide, NFL?

Faulk's a bitter, miserable fuc*er who can't get past his hatred for the Patriots. Granted, what they did wasn't right but quelle surprise they weren't the only ones at it (Bill Cowher admitted as much in fact) and I dare say Mike Martz wasn't averse to it either. The difference is the Patriots were caught.

And just to add to the argument: 90% of sports fans who have a vested interest in a particular team are absolute fuc*ing idiots.

And I'm one of them.

p.s.- anyone on the NFL network's an absolute ball bag. Michael Irvin's on there for fu*k's sake. He's incoherent on a good day.
Basically telling the league to prove it. That doesn't sound like something a man would say if he or his team had something to hide.
I think this is all very clever, deflate-gate, ballghazi, psi-gate, whatever. It's a brilliant cover for what's really going on.

Belichick controls the weather to his advantage.
Anybody gonna watch the Pro Bowl?

Most likely, yes. Never plan on watching it but always tune in for at least the first half. It's the most meaningless game ever, but it's (american) football!