NFL 2024 | Super Bowl LIX

Mahomes was pretty poor all season let’s be honest. He’s still obviously capable of the ridiculous hence the fear of a comeback even going into the fourth quarter but the Chiefs record this season was absolutely not because of him.

I’m not saying he’s done, but it’s certainly not beyond the realm of possibility that he might not reach the same heights again.

I bloody hope.
No way he’s done sadly. It was just a down year, in a season when let’s be honest - he didn’t have a stable o-line, no real running game to support him, and a makeshift wide receiver group.

I think it’s mainly a case of, he’s played at such a high level so far in his career you just expect it to continue every year. But it’s inevitable he would eventually have a down year. What’s quite terrifying is that they still made the superbowl.

Over time, it’s reasonable though to expect his performance won’t continue to be so “wow”. And the intangibles of being able to read defences before the snap and the mental aspect of elite QB play will become more and more important, especially as he grows older and the ability to be so physically electric as a QB naturally subsides.

It will be interesting to see how he develops that aspect of his game. It won’t always be so easy as having a great offensive scheme every year. Or being able to scramble and throw off the cuff dimes over and over again. In seasons like this he will need to learn to beat defences pre-snap - something which I don’t think he’s had to worry about so much so far in his career.

And fundamentally that’s what made great QBs like Brady, Brees and Manning to name a few able to continue being great deep into their careers.

So it’ll be interesting.
Chiefs almost reminiscent of Peps Barcelona. Their Plan A is so good they don't really have a Plan B.