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Haynesworth stomped on a guy's unprotected head.
i know!?
Haynesworth stomped on a guy's unprotected head.
i know!?
No protection for Smith at all. The pressure on the Qb by the Ravens has been spectacular.
I'm saying that seems a bit worse than what Suh's stomp (though driving the guy's face into the ground could make up the difference).
it was one incident and of course it's worse. what i'm saying is with all of suh's previous bullshit, the face-to-face warnings from the commissioner, and now this, he should get what haynesworth got. this guy has to learn.
I can see that. Maybe in my mind Suh's previous offenses plus today's isn't worse than stomping on a man's head with your cleats. Maybe I just really really hate the idea of stomping on a man's head with cleats on.
come on...i'm not downplaying that. i'm saying the cumulative affect of his previous offenses, his lack of remourse, lies he's telling, warnings, fines, and this incident, calls for an equal response from the league. this guy either doesn't get it or he doesn't care. the league needs to make him understand/care.
Jets limp past the Bills, 2 terrible drops by Buffalo in the final drive. Indy are still perfect.
Pats need to win to keep up with the Ravens for the number 1 seed.
A Bills WR taunted Burress during his endzone celebration, the same idiot then lost the Bills the game by dropping 2 catches in the final drive
From reddit. Apparently Tebow hit the circle button by accident
Tebow wins, stupid cnut. I don't know why but I really hate him.
Poor Dan Orlovsky, went 0-16 with the Lions and heading that way with the Colts.
just showed the stats pats without brady and colts without manning. FFS is there another one man team out there. if i owned them i'd fire the coach and hire manning to do both. are there other players on the colts out that are big difference makers?
I made the same point earlier in the thread, Pats won 11 games without Brady the Colts can't win a single game. Manning's an elite player but the likes of Saturday, Reggie Wayne, Garcon, Vinatieri, Freeny & Mathis are still active. I guess this shows how clueless their coach is.
It's interesting they're talking about whether the Colts will draft Luck or not. Manning's been cleared to intensify his training but everyone is hyping Luck as the next big thing, someone you can't pass up on. Apparently Peyton is not in favour of them drafting the kid.
as a giant fan i wonder how the team would fair without eli (i call him stevie wonder)? so there are no other big time colts out. 11 wins usually gets you in the post season right?
Yeah 11 wins is usually enough for the playoffs.
Playoffs!? Playoffs!? - the great Jim Mora 10 yrs on!
Had to look it up on Youtube but that is apt for this Colts team.