In a well-ordered universe...
Typical Packers fan... from Wisconsin or that country to the north, aka Northern Michigan or Lower Peninsula... fat... bad fashion... loves cold weather... probably works in a factory or store... drunk or recovering drunk... loves cheese and brats... has a small penis or hairy twat (hair keeps you warm).
Typical Steelers fan... from Pittsburgh or your city (bandwagon)... obnoxious... half fat, half ugly, some sort of hybrid... often sports a shitty stache that spells MACHISMO in Pittsburgh... probably works in the mines or drives a bus... has a weird voice (mainly the PA natives)... the female "fans" outside of Pittsburgh are 6000x sexier than their home-based fans.
Typical Steelers fan... from Pittsburgh or your city (bandwagon)... obnoxious... half fat, half ugly, some sort of hybrid... often sports a shitty stache that spells MACHISMO in Pittsburgh... probably works in the mines or drives a bus... has a weird voice (mainly the PA natives)... the female "fans" outside of Pittsburgh are 6000x sexier than their home-based fans.