Nfl 2010-2011

They're really making a big deal out of all the non-actual-game stuff, aren't they? Contrast it to the Champions League, where they basically run around with a couple of big banners, players walk out, players shake hands, game on. Though I suppose it's the American way of doing everything, everything is an occasion.
Usher Slash and Black Eyed Peas halftime...... I say at least 40 minutes long
How's this work then? I understand they have four tries to.. get somewhere or other. Does the play stop if the guy holding the ball goes to the ground?

Four tries to get ten yards. Play stops when any body part besides the hands touches the ground or the ball hits the ground on a forward pass.
Just turned on BBC, that twat is presenting again.

Why can't they just have Carlson and Barber (not sure which one it is) on their own?
Right, that will probably keep me entertained for the duration.


Edit: Wtf? Are they seriously having a break? It just started!

Possession changed, everytime the other team gets the ball or someone scores, expect an ad break.
Gotta love the packers nickel coverage....what do you guys think?