@Murder on Zidane's Floor
Yup, it is quite known in Barcelona concerning the amount of side-deal bullsh# Rosell and his junta had to go through to get Neymar, which pissed off Santos, spanish goverment, brazilian goverment. The whole deal has lead to Rosell being convicted, Bartomeu probably with a future of ending up being convicted, bunch of Neymar's assets and income from Brazil are frosen, and on top of it; there are many rumours of Douglas, and other of Neymar's friends being part of the deal to get Neymar, and to please his father (hm, the rumour of their Paulinho interest does make sense now, doesn't it). On top of it all, back in 2014 some of the crazy deals from Neymar gate started to sip out to the press, one of them being his father specifically ordered to have an orgy in London Trafalgar Square, as part of the deal with Rosell and barca. Then the pictures started to show up at Barca forums, with his mouth covered in lipstick marks from kisses, as he is all happy and hugging around a bunch of male looking bimbos - hence why Neymar's father has been nicknamed as transvestite lover around some of the not-so-Neymar fanatics cules.
All the economical headache that Neymar and his father has given the club every summer, it is understandable that many cules wants Neymar out after this summer, which has been a ridiculous soap opera. There are few small pictures put up around Camp Nou from yesterday, calling Neymar a traitor, and it feels like the overall sense is that Neymar is gone.
The common notion however, is that Neymar and his father got something on the current Barca board, hence why they can feck around with Bartomeu and co. And it takes two to dance tango, the current barca board brought this on themselves, since they agreed on all the ridiculous fees and side deals that Neymar and his father wanted. Doubt they (Neymar&co) could pull off the same thing against Nasser and co though...