I'm sure the mods get paid. Who the hell would put up with all that shit for free?

Niall offered to double what he currently pays me
I'm sure the mods get paid. Who the hell would put up with all that shit for free?
Nonsense! They aren't forced to do it, and it's a good gig to have. Plenty, and I include myself, would love to be in such a position
It's way overrated.
Is any of this going to materialise then?
General's rubbish as well. Full of gay e-flirting. A new forum could actually have football and general talk. Just one forum.
Don't bank on an invite mind...once my superb idea is put into practise
I think it is a bit like being a politician. Anyone who wants to be one should never be allowed to be one.
Except I never realised it was rated at all.
I agree with this forum thing.I'd actually post a bit more there...the football forums full of random tits who can't handle a different point of view.
If there be such a forum in the near future, I'd like to be in it please.
For me the Mods do a difficult job well. OK occasionally all/some/a few of us /me don't like something a Mod does and we moan about it but things on the Caff now are much better than they were.
Which brings me to my second point - time does lend a certain enchantment to the past, and that IMO does apply to some former Caff posters/postings. I've been visiting/posting on the Caff for over 5 years now and enjoy it more now than when I first joined.
My recollections are of some threads/posts, before the Caff introduced quality rules, that were truly horrendous and bannings were routine. Certain former "quality "posters were banned regularly for OTT posts Came the revolution and the Caff decision to take on board on more stringent rules was vindicated and the place became and still is immeasurably better for it.
Of course there are still some idiotic posts , posters some that have been highlighted above. However, in general, the main fault in the Caff now may be much more to do with the number of members introduced over the last 12 months., than with the quality of posting .
Moving on to a suggestion for an elite Forum - IMO the only elite forum that justifies itself is the one for Mods. If there was such an animal on the Caff for certain members each one of us would claim that his/her contributions somewhere on the Caff deserved elite status and inclusion. In any case that too, if formed, would probably end up as a smaller copy version of the current Forums. Life tends to be like that.
It appears from what I've read above the direction/action the Mods are going to take will direct the Caff forum into a more pleasing environment for all of us . Hopefully posters will heed the Mods messsage and infraction points will be less necessary
It's your mother's fault.i don't know why, but everytime someone says that the caf is now a shitty place and that it used to be great a couple of years ago i take it personaly, as if it was my fault
and i want to punch in the face of everyone agreeing with that point of view
i don't know why, but everytime someone says that the caf is now a shitty place and that it used to be great a couple of years ago i take it personaly, as if it was my fault
and i want to punch in the face of everyone agreeing with that point of view
Excellent post that topper, enjoyed reading it.
I'm glad to have someone say that they prefer the present to the past in regards to the Caf. I feel the same way actually, I used to lurk alot and didn't sign up for years, and I don't feel the site was any better back then either. Perhaps it had more regular posters who were funny, but that soon became annoying anyway.
I reckon there are some quality posters around at the moment anyway. Not always the most regular ones, but still quality all the same.
marcos....I fully understand that and feel the same.
I'm a relatively new poster, and feel that when others say the Caf used to be much better, and the new posters are rubbish etc that they mean me and others. I don't know whether they mean me in particular or not, but it does annoy me if I'm honest and I feel like it's my fault.
I think they mean GuusHuddink, NewtonFC, Ekeke, Stroker10 etc. . .and the legion of LFC posters who haven't really got much to offer, other than green smilies.
I see. I don't know many of the posters that you have named above, but why aren't they just banned if they are known for being rubbish?
I think it is a bit like being a politician. Anyone who wants to be one should never be allowed to be one.
Yourself and Marco are good additions.
I've only come to notice these idiots after posting the football forums. They've spoilt the place, frankly. . . they and others like them are either 12 years old or simply spasticated. Can't really debate with them. . .because they mainly post inane drivel.
I guess, it's down to the age of your average Redcafe poster, really.
marcos....I fully understand that and feel the same.
I'm a relatively new poster, and feel that when others say the Caf used to be much better, and the new posters are rubbish etc that they mean me and others. I don't know whether they mean me in particular or not, but it does annoy me if I'm honest and I feel like it's my fault.
i don't know why, but everytime someone says that the caf is now a shitty place and that it used to be great a couple of years ago i take it personaly, as if it was my fault
and i want to punch in the face of everyone agreeing with that point of view
Punch me. Go ahead big shot. Give it your best.
I take it back
Marcos, didn't your mother tell you that you should never him a woman?
Luckily I saw it coming and I wisely removed my false teeth.
i didn't him her
but i spread her teeth all over the place
RE opposition fans. Most them aren't very good. They've helped spoil the football forum. Jazz, Spammy and a couple of others are the only decent ones. The rest write out incoherent sentences followed by a million green smilies.
Hey, Jason.
Whilst reading through this thread I noticed you saying about being particularly ill recently - is that a recent deterioration or just describing your longer-term meds etc. situation?
If it's a recent problem now somewhat in remission then congrats - I often disagree with you - but wish you better.
Probably. You should have stayed though. For what it's worth, I thought you did a good job.
marcos....I fully understand that and feel the same.
I'm a relatively new poster, and feel that when others say the Caf used to be much better, and the new posters are rubbish etc that they mean me and others. I don't know whether they mean me in particular or not, but it does annoy me if I'm honest and I feel like it's my fault.
I think they mean GuusHuddink, NewtonFC, Ekeke, Stroker10 etc. . .and the legion of LFC posters who haven't really got much to offer, other than green smilies.