Could we possibly ban people who obviously set out just to flame? The Moderators here seem very liberal (and I mean that in a good way), which is often the best method because it allows people to express their views without worrying about a ban or somesuch.
However, when an infestation of idiots does take over, sometimes a more hardline is what must be done. I know that when I moderated a forum the rule, however unfair, was always old > new, and if someone came in who caused absolute chaos, even if they didn't deliberately and maliciously set out to do so, they went.
And Weaste, rather than giving people rep points to promote them to different "levels", so to speak, couldn't we give them negative rep points? Some things which are said can spark a fair amount of controversy, but arn't necessarily bad. It would be easier to give someone a "point" every time they write a post that isn't funny, insightful, clever or relevant. Accumulating points would, at certain levels, then lead to a warning (including an amusing and derogatory tagline), a temporary ban, a longer temporary ban, and then a permanent ban. Points could fade over time so that a tiny bit controversial poster doesn't get banned after six long years of service
Sorry for the length, by the way. Just thought I'd throw it out there.