NBA 2019-2020

See Maya Moore and what she did this past year. That's action, that's what they can do. You and I don't have the resources, money, nor platform to make those changes or heavily influence it. I can only do so much and that starts with my family, friends, and local communities if I see something or come across something and voting.
Organizing the work place has historically brought more positive change than individual activists(Who are of course important). The last giant gains in the U.S. system was in the 60's which started with The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

While yes helping individual prisoners etc is always a worthy goal. The problems facing the U.S. require mass action, current NBA players right now are at the peak of their bargaining power both in terms of the media and their own labour power. And we can do the same by trying to organise our own workplaces or at the very least show solidarity to people who are -

The local community stuff(Which is often based more on a fantasy then anything resembling real life) is imo a load of shite and is mainly used as a way to avoid dealing with the current situation which is part of the American state(The police force)murdering its own citizens. Local politics doesn't have an answer to this('Politics begin where the masses are, not where there are thousands, but where there are millions, that is where serious politics begin".)
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I think this has a slight chance to move the US further to a general strike and I’m all for it.
I think this has a slight chance to move the US further to a general strike and I’m all for it.
I don't think this will have any real impact long term. From the outside looking in, the U.S.A needs too big and too much of a change for any sports boycott to have serious impact. On the short term, it's a good gesture but what happens after that ? When they resume their games and another black man or woman gets killed in similar circumstances ? Because we all know it will happen again and again.

The players eventually have a job to do and that's how they get paid. So if they really feel about something, for example like Maya Moore did in the WNBA, then they quit playing, and use their resources and individual platform and actually do things such as becoming activists in their communities or domestically.

Postponing games, again these are games, doesn't bring change, just a lot of awareness. Awareness is totally fine, but it's the action of doing things as players in their communities to make change. Throwing money at the issues and not 'working' for a day isn't really going to make a difference. It's a societal, cultural, and institutional change. Not playing a basketball game for one night isn't going to change that. It's a respected move by the teams, players and league. But what does it really do in the short-term to long-term when we're talking about the need for societal, cultural, and institutional change? Not much if anything in the grand scheme of it all...because it's a game.
I couldn't agree more.
Never mind the reactions on some Twitter posts, just look at this beauties from the NBA facebook page:

"I hope you all boycott the rest of the season, don't get paid, and get a sense of reality. There are lots of families out there right now struggling, and you get paid millions to play a game."

"This players should be fined by the NBA,they should separate their jobs in our social matters..they are being payed millions of dollars for this job..the NBA should act on this."

"Magic win this game 1-0, and the series moves to 3-2 now? Or you gonna just let them not play when they choose consequence free? Maybe Portland should boycott too, but only until Lillard is healthy."

" LO.L.... maybe they should boycott criminals resisting arrest. At this point they can shut down forever."

"This is not happening because of the police. This is happening because the Democratic Party has failed black people at every level of existence. They are turning to Donald Trump who has done more for them than the last 5 presidents combined so they create this race thing to divide Americans so they can try to win an election. When I look at the incident I see a police officer and a criminal, the color of their skin never even entered my mind. But to racists it was a white cop and a black man. Enough already. Sitting up on your high horse while you pimp clothes and shoes for Nike who uses child slaves and Muslim slaves to make the products. Not another penny until you break ties with Nike and apologize to white people and police everywhere. No socialism in America ever!"

"Many here in Oklahoma feel rules should be made to have a rule to leave politics and black matters and white issues out of sports. As role models they should be supportive of all people and keep all stuff going on off all sports. NBA should have rules and should show all that the game is for all to enjoy."

The world is truly fecked. I honestly can't understand that you're so self-entitled that the only thing you care about is your own entertainment and nothing else. Not one mention of the Bucks actually doing the right thing and standing up after an incident that happened in their own damn State.
Never mind the reactions on some Twitter posts, just look at this beauties from the NBA facebook page:

"I hope you all boycott the rest of the season, don't get paid, and get a sense of reality. There are lots of families out there right now struggling, and you get paid millions to play a game."

"This players should be fined by the NBA,they should separate their jobs in our social matters..they are being payed millions of dollars for this job..the NBA should act on this."

"Magic win this game 1-0, and the series moves to 3-2 now? Or you gonna just let them not play when they choose consequence free? Maybe Portland should boycott too, but only until Lillard is healthy."

" LO.L.... maybe they should boycott criminals resisting arrest. At this point they can shut down forever."

"This is not happening because of the police. This is happening because the Democratic Party has failed black people at every level of existence. They are turning to Donald Trump who has done more for them than the last 5 presidents combined so they create this race thing to divide Americans so they can try to win an election. When I look at the incident I see a police officer and a criminal, the color of their skin never even entered my mind. But to racists it was a white cop and a black man. Enough already. Sitting up on your high horse while you pimp clothes and shoes for Nike who uses child slaves and Muslim slaves to make the products. Not another penny until you break ties with Nike and apologize to white people and police everywhere. No socialism in America ever!"

"Many here in Oklahoma feel rules should be made to have a rule to leave politics and black matters and white issues out of sports. As role models they should be supportive of all people and keep all stuff going on off all sports. NBA should have rules and should show all that the game is for all to enjoy."

The world is truly fecked. I honestly can't understand that you're so self-entitled that the only thing you care about is your own entertainment and nothing else. Not one mention of the Bucks actually doing the right thing and standing up after an incident that happened in their own damn State.
Well Twitter and FB are basically the same - filled with morons screaming and shouting.
More or less, but that's massive portion of your population... shutting down isn't gonna down well, especially if ends up hitting all sports.... NFL nutters will go insane.
Never mind the reactions on some Twitter posts, just look at this beauties from the NBA facebook page:

"I hope you all boycott the rest of the season, don't get paid, and get a sense of reality. There are lots of families out there right now struggling, and you get paid millions to play a game."

"This players should be fined by the NBA,they should separate their jobs in our social matters..they are being payed millions of dollars for this job..the NBA should act on this."

"Magic win this game 1-0, and the series moves to 3-2 now? Or you gonna just let them not play when they choose consequence free? Maybe Portland should boycott too, but only until Lillard is healthy."

" LO.L.... maybe they should boycott criminals resisting arrest. At this point they can shut down forever."

"This is not happening because of the police. This is happening because the Democratic Party has failed black people at every level of existence. They are turning to Donald Trump who has done more for them than the last 5 presidents combined so they create this race thing to divide Americans so they can try to win an election. When I look at the incident I see a police officer and a criminal, the color of their skin never even entered my mind. But to racists it was a white cop and a black man. Enough already. Sitting up on your high horse while you pimp clothes and shoes for Nike who uses child slaves and Muslim slaves to make the products. Not another penny until you break ties with Nike and apologize to white people and police everywhere. No socialism in America ever!"

"Many here in Oklahoma feel rules should be made to have a rule to leave politics and black matters and white issues out of sports. As role models they should be supportive of all people and keep all stuff going on off all sports. NBA should have rules and should show all that the game is for all to enjoy."

The world is truly fecked. I honestly can't understand that you're so self-entitled that the only thing you care about is your own entertainment and nothing else. Not one mention of the Bucks actually doing the right thing and standing up after an incident that happened in their own damn State.
I keep track of Clippers page and posts like that are swarming the place. From all lives matter to the likes of the post above. Marxist agenda, African americans being the biggest racists, leave politics, stick to basketball, obvious Trump fans or guys with Trump profile pictures. Absolute madness.

What is fantastic is how the guy connected them playing in Nike and socialism. My head hurts.
Well Twitter and FB are basically the same - filled with morons screaming and shouting.
I've found Twitter to be a lot more poisonous and hateful than Facebook but maybe that's just my impression.

More or less, but that's massive portion of your population... shutting down isn't gonna down well, especially if ends up hitting all sports.... NFL nutters will go insane.
Not gonna lie I'd personally be absolutely gutted if the NFL season gets cancelled. But I'm a white male living in Europe, I'm in no position to criticize any decision they make, just gotta accept it and sympathize with them if they feel that is what's necessary to bring change to their situation.

It's a bit like the CTE discussion in the NFL - you know that you don't have a leg to stand on if they should ever cancel the sport because it's the right thing to do, but I don't think it makes you a bad person per se if you're gutted that it would be cancelled.
Their season is not ‘officially over’, it doesn’t work like that. If they don’t make a collective decision to cancel season, they will continue to play - including those who have voted to leave.
Ya just saw it was more of a "poll" like decision but they are meeting this morning to come with a definitive answer.

I would be very surprised if the season continues, LeBron is the face of this league and if he and the two best teams in the league want out I feel the others will follow.

Hope I am wrong though.
Never mind the reactions on some Twitter posts, just look at this beauties from the NBA facebook page:

The world is truly fecked. I honestly can't understand that you're so self-entitled that the only thing you care about is your own entertainment and nothing else. Not one mention of the Bucks actually doing the right thing and standing up after an incident that happened in their own damn State.

Had a couple old military pals post sentiments similar to those comments but more covert, i.e. "blah blah blah... except the NBA, you lost a fan... blah blah blah."

What said persons do not realize is they practically said "shut up and dribble."
This is fascinating. Really interested to see what happens next - what a moment it would be if they cancel the season. Imagine if that then spread to other sports?

On a personal level, I'm gutted as I've only just fecking got into basketball, but, I think it would be an incredible action if the players took a united stand here, which would come at significant personal cost.
I wonder how long they can do it for? Just considering their sponsorship, contracts etc as this money comes with a commitment so I am curious as to how long they can not play and continue getting paid or breach of contracts/commitments. This will shape how effective this strike may be. Some of these guys recently signed 170 million dollar deals.
Looks like the NBA is aiming for the playoffs to be restarted. They don't seem comfortable with the notion that the NBA season could be cancelled.

I wonder if the players are necessarily keen on cancelling the season, too, given the financial implications.
Organizing the work place has historically brought more positive change than individual activists(Who are of course important). The last giant gains in the U.S. system was in the 60's which started with The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

While yes helping individual prisoners etc is always a worthy goal. The problems facing the U.S. require mass action, current NBA players right now are at the peak of their bargaining power both in terms of the media and their own labour power. And we can do the same by trying to organise our own workplaces or at the very least show solidarity to people who are -

The local community stuff(Which is often based more on a fantasy then anything resembling real life) is imo a load of shite and is mainly used as a way to avoid dealing with the current situation which is part of the American state(The police force)murdering its own citizens. Local politics doesn't have an answer to this('Politics begin where the masses are, not where there are thousands, but where there are millions, that is where serious politics begin".)

You say local politics don't have an answer, yet you say the police force is murdering its own people....police are local community and are part of those communities. And police have direct ties to local government.

It all goes hand in hand. NBA players and all pro sport athletes play and represent a city....a local community, a market. LA, Milwaukee, Miami, Detroit, etc. The players also represent their colleges and high schools.

I agree that the problems are a mass scale in multiple sectors. But NBA players have to understand, which they are, that their platform gives them the opportunity for change....but they have to dedicate themselves to change pretty much every single day. Political areas and work forces that are predominantly white that contribute to systemic racism are at work everyday and they outnumber NBA players..but everybody comes from a community. But the real life education and book education and the implementation of change starts when you're young and it has to be everywhere.

So when young men of color see older men of color in positions of power or industry, then it gives them hope. You cannot be if you cannot see it. At the end of the day, too many people of color are not respected and are perceived as different in a non respected way. Then they are treated differently. It has been a vicious cycle that has to change, but change has to be made at the very beginning and at the local levels in unison with state and federal level because change cannot happen if everyone isn't pulling in the same direction no matter if you're the superstar or the 12th man on the last bench seat.

These are the guys that are still commenting on NBA-related posts year in, year out, because there's no way they will actually stop watching because of this. And it even looks like the first and third reply are just the same guy with different accounts too :lol:

These are the guys that are still commenting on NBA-related posts year in, year out, because there's no way they will actually stop watching because of this. And it even looks like the first and third reply are just the same guy with different accounts too :lol:

Yeah, pretty sure the first and last are bots....or think reeeeeeallly similarly.

Edit: Damn it, you added that last part in an edit. :D

Restarting tomorrow. I hope they have some plan towards the future in place then though, because otherwise not playing for 2 days straight and not coming out of it with anything useful won't have been worth it...

Doesn't paint the greatest picture if I'm totally honest. Feels like some are just fed up being in Orlando.

Doesn't paint the greatest picture if I'm totally honest. Feels like some are just fed up being in Orlando.

That is completely understandable. They’ve been locked in hotel facilities for the last 6-8 weeks without their families or really anyone other than their teammates and staff. This after months of being restricted in what they can and what they cannot do.
That is completely understandable. They’ve been locked in hotel facilities for the last 6-8 weeks without their families or really anyone other than their teammates and staff. This after months of being restricted in what they can and what they cannot do.
Yeah of course it is understandable, but like @Zoo said, maybe some of them used the Jacob Blake thing because they just wanna go home and that wouldn’t be good. As in they wouldn’t have boycotted any games if they were at home under usual circumstances instead of in the bubble.

That they’re fed up of being there, I can understand. Hopefully the family being there now will make things a bit better again.
Yeah of course it is understandable, but like @Zoo said, maybe some of them used the Jacob Blake thing because they just wanna go home and that wouldn’t be good. As in they wouldn’t have boycotted any games if they were at home under usual circumstances instead of in the bubble.

That they’re fed up of being there, I can understand. Hopefully the family being there now will make things a bit better again.
I sure hope that the players realise the voice that they have in the NBA. It seems like the lesser players don't feel as empowered as the bigger names are when it comes to tackling personal issues. If they do speak up, then I'm sure the NBA would act on their concerns.
I sure hope that the players realise the voice that they have in the NBA. It seems like the lesser players don't feel as empowered as the bigger names are when it comes to tackling personal issues. If they do speak up, then I'm sure the NBA would act on their concerns.

It's a totally mixed bag in terms of who is empowered and who isn't because it's about status and trying to get that money but also just security. The bench guys only have a certain amount of years in the league and they need to maximize their money. They don't know anything else and they have to scrap for themselves and stay in the bubble and hope to play.

These are athletes and they all have egos and have all been told yes or have done what they can on their own terms for most of their lives. Just the way it is for elite athletes especially NBA players.

The older players or players that are well-rounded and understand quicker than others that the NBA and sport have given them a unique platform 99% of the population doesn't have. So it's not just speaking out or acting like they did yesterday and today, but having the media outlets like ESPN, TNT, etc. show the players in the communities and show that they are trying to influence change in society...not just showing the games. But that's still conflicting because sports is a distraction, it's entertainment. There has to be an understanding that if you're affording these players this enormous platform, do you cover and write and support their actions for greater/better societal change? If it's more than just a game (now), then show us and educate us on a broad scale that isn't restricted to just the games, show us what they are exactly doing and how they're going about societal change.

These are the guys that are still commenting on NBA-related posts year in, year out, because there's no way they will actually stop watching because of this. And it even looks like the first and third reply are just the same guy with different accounts too :lol:

Are those adults? I'm baffled how an adult would have a player's picture as a default. Has to be a kid or bot account. Surely.
Are those adults? I'm baffled how an adult would have a player's picture as a default. Has to be a kid or bot account. Surely.

You don’t follow many people I take it? Or well keep your social circle to a very high level .... loads of adults do it - on twitter and facebook.
It's a totally mixed bag in terms of who is empowered and who isn't because it's about status and trying to get that money but also just security. The bench guys only have a certain amount of years in the league and they need to maximize their money. They don't know anything else and they have to scrap for themselves and stay in the bubble and hope to play.

These are athletes and they all have egos and have all been told yes or have done what they can on their own terms for most of their lives. Just the way it is for elite athletes especially NBA players.

The older players or players that are well-rounded and understand quicker than others that the NBA and sport have given them a unique platform 99% of the population doesn't have. So it's not just speaking out or acting like they did yesterday and today, but having the media outlets like ESPN, TNT, etc. show the players in the communities and show that they are trying to influence change in society...not just showing the games. But that's still conflicting because sports is a distraction, it's entertainment. There has to be an understanding that if you're affording these players this enormous platform, do you cover and write and support their actions for greater/better societal change? If it's more than just a game (now), then show us and educate us on a broad scale that isn't restricted to just the games, show us what they are exactly doing and how they're going about societal change.
It also depends on what the NBA does for them whilst they play. The players can only do so much from the bubble. If the NBA can give them assurances that they'll do more for social/sociopolitical reforms, then all of this won't be for nothing.
It also depends on what the NBA does for them whilst they play. The players can only do so much from the bubble. If the NBA can give them assurances that they'll do more for social/sociopolitical reforms, then all of this won't be for nothing.

Oh for sure! The bubble was necessary for them to play and to keep them safe. Hopefully the players are able to meet in the bubble and talk and plan things out for when they get outside the bubble. Would the NBA have a smaller schedule but then allow for the players to engage in societal change workshops or programs around the country that is part of their job as an NBA player?
Happy to see that the nba is coming back!

Curious to see where they go from here though as this is far from the end of the story.
Oh for sure! The bubble was necessary for them to play and to keep them safe. Hopefully the players are able to meet in the bubble and talk and plan things out for when they get outside the bubble. Would the NBA have a smaller schedule but then allow for the players to engage in societal change workshops or programs around the country that is part of their job as an NBA player?
I think we've got our answer here.

This is another huge development. Hopefully the NBA follow suit to make this possible.
Random question but i was just flicking through channels and LAL vs POR was on; are my ears deceiving me or is Nate Burleson commentating on NBA??

Not expecting people to know this exact case as it’s obviously not live, but does he do it?
Rockets really went off in the third quarter. Outscored them 37-18.

Both PJ and Schroeder ejected for a weak headbutt and a punch in the balls.
Morris out and George already at two fouls. Looking good for the Mavs so far.