I disagree with him. Don't want to talk about him personally because his analysis is always centred around an attempt to put Lebron in a better light, and in this case all hardcore Lebron fans are trying to belittle the triple double because Lebron was expected to be the player to do it but he failed, so now of course it's "not important, who cares".
My answer to these people: in reality, the triple double
is a big deal in the NBA. It's pointless to argue "but why, because round numbers? ...etc.) because all of that is retrospective analysis. The triple double is an established milestone in our age, and it is one that is very difficult to achieve in a single game, let alone average one for a season. It's a bar that has been set long before this season, and Westbrook has cleared it, you're not gonna move the bar now that somebody you don't like has cleared it.
All the other arguments are also weak imo:
- But he has the perfect team for him to do it: Well he didn't ask Durant to leave and leave him and his franchise for dead. Beside countless players were in the same situation, even Lebron had many years in Cleveland where he was the whole team, but still no player could do it.
- But he's shooting a low percentage, and a lot of turnovers: Well Harden is only shooting a little bit better (Precisely Westbrook is shooting 42.39% and Harden is shooting 43.99%, so the difference is less than 1.6%, and it's not like Harden is clearing any bar with his under 44% shooting). As for the turnovers, Harden is number one in the league with most turnovers per game!
- But he's not guarding his man, he's padding his stats...etc.: One stats answers all that. They're 32-9 when he gets a triple double. They're +11 and he's taking a bad team to the playoffs single handedly. He's not hurting his team to get these triple doubles. Stop digging deep in the stats just to find something to justify your inability to accept giving it to him. "he's leaving his man open", but they're winning! He must be doing something more important right (which you're hiding) for his team to have such a record. Besides, it's not like Harden is known for his defence.
And apart from the triple double, there many other things that makes Westbrook deserve the MVP this year. His clutch performances, he's leading the league in scoring, taking a bad team to the playoffs, reviving a franchise after Durant left them for dead (you can't underestimate how important Westbrook has been for the OKC fans and their franchise this season), how hard he plays every game, the fact that he played in every single game in the regular season this year... He just had an unbelievable (historic) season individually and it reflected positively on his team. In ten years we won't remember what Harden or Lebron or Kawaai did in the regular season this year, but we'll be talking about Westbrook's season for years to come.
Also, the MVP trophy is not "who's the best player in the league generally". It's who had the most spectacular and effective regular season this year. In my opinion, it's Westbrook, by some clear margin now.
(By the way my post is directed at those analysts obviously, not you
