nasty little twerp with crazy bitter-man opinions
This is one of the reasons why advanced stats and sports shouldn't mix.
They've already mixed in one category: things you understand far less than you think you do.
This is one of the reasons why advanced stats and sports shouldn't mix.
You need to look at things beyond surface level. Why don't we just rank everyone by how many points they scored and be done with it?
A basketball team has equal possessions to their opponent. They win the game by scoring more points with those possessions. Therefore, the teams that use their possessions more efficiently win the game.
21 points on 17 shots, 5 free throws and 2 turnovers per game is not impressive. Let's call that 21.5 possessions. So 0.98 points per possession. Al Horford averaged 15 points on 13 shots, 2 free throws and 1 turnover. Let's call that 15 possessions. So 1.00 points per possession.
So they are basically the same offensive players. Horford also averaged another assist and another block per game. Horford also played better defense. And he did this whole making 63% as much money as Bosh did.
Who is the better player? I didn't even use any complicated math there. You don't have to look at things so analytically all the time but if you want to be taken seriously you should not be so quick to dismiss things you don't understand. It makes you look like a Luddite.
They've already mixed in one category: things you understand far less than you think you do.
We are talking about an unhealthy Bosh, did you watch the heat this season?
when you start over complicating stats then it becomes a problem, Ed Davis is a better shooter than Klay Thompson?
Why choose Russ when you can settle for Dragic or Wall and take as many shots as you want?
You don't understand what you are talking about. Please do some reading before just lashing out. We use math all the time to understand the world around us. We use it to predict the weather and build bridges and fly planes. There's nothing magic about basketball that makes it unique.
For the record, Ed Davis almost never shoots outside of the restricted area. That's why his shooting percentage is high. He knows his limits and he doesn't take shots he can't make often. He's a valuable player. But nowhere near as valuable as Klay Thompson. Thompson can shoot from anywhere on the court and create his own shot and do it at a very high efficiency. You are looking at the stats without context. Why do you think I separated each graph I made by position?
Because Russ is a winner. KD probably likes going into a play-off game knowing that Westbrook will do anything he can to win. The other two are good at what they do, but they don't have Russ' mentality. I am not so certain that Durant would be a better fit with Wall or Dragic. They might breeze through most of the East, but not sure they could get over the final hurdle.
Spoken like a true OKC fan, are we just going to ignore the fact that KD and Russ might not be able to co-exist anymore?
Not saying advanced maths isn't used in certain areas, and I'm definitely not just lashing out, i mentioned Bosh's average PPG and RPG for the 44 games he played and you dismissed it citing his low TS% as one of the reasons he isn't playing at an all-star level(lower TS% than Dieng and Kelly whats his face), using a stat that is by all means correct but is too advanced and artificial that it doesn't actually take a lot of things into account, how does one take something that rates Howard,Yao Ming,Bosh,Maggette (TS% of course)etc higher than Jordan,Bird and Dr J seriously? according to your TS% 2 missed free throws is equivalent to a missed shot irrespective of who rebounds the ball, it overvalues FTs and always assumes the average.
You certainly cant compare playing basketball to building bridges or flying planes or predicting the weather, you walk into a gym where a pickup game is going on and you see two blokes, one with a computer (calculating TS%) and one with his eyes fixed on the players, who do you approach to break the game down for you? Mr advanced metrics or the one actually watching every play ?
Whats next advanced formulas in football too? to tell us Hazard is more efficient than Messi and Ronaldo?
This is so tedious. If you had taken 30 seconds to google or literally read what I posted on this very page, you would know that you can't compare TS% across positions. "Too advanced"only if you are a simpleton. You also can't compare TS% across eras of the NBA. It should be used to compare players playing the same position in the same year. Use it to compare Ty Lawson and Eric Bledsoe. Not Tyson Chandler and Bob Cousy.
True Shooting Percentage is very simple, if you aren't doggedly determined to misunderstand (like you are).
Did the ball go in or not? Yes or no.
If the shot was a 2 pointer, it counts x2.
If the shot was a 3 pointer, it counts x3.
If the shot was a free throw, it counts x1.
Your posting the formula and acting all confused was excruciating too. You can draw that up for points per game as well.
PPG = ((FT*1)+((FG-3FG)*2)+(3FG*3))/GP OMG MATH IS SO HARD
"Too advanced and too artificial", but hey use what helps you i guess, the TS% is good but it doesn't tell you half the story, combining the TS% with the overall stats makes more sense, especially when you're trying to tell me a player had a bad season, but the TS% alone? acting like its the stat of all stats?when comparing players dont you have to at least establish a theory by watching the game, before moving on to stats? before bringing your advanced metric into play?
"Lebron was the best SF in the league this year"
"nonsense his TS% was lower than Pierce,Casspi and Carroll's"
This whole paragraph is crap. I'll read the rest but first I had to respond to this. First, NO ONE TRIED TO USE TS% ONLY. No one! When I dismantled your argument on Bosh, I used blocks and rebounds and assists! What are you talking about?
Who said it was the star of all stats? Anyone? No! No one said that! Who says casspi and Carroll were better than lebron? I sure as hell didn't. I think lebron is the best player in the league.
Can you at least try to argue against things I've actually said? That's not too much to ask.
And whats with all the name calling? cant argue for 2 seconds without somehow being offensive? am i hurting your feelings..solely because i dont agree with your pretentious stats? "i mean you know we use this type of maths to build bridges, fly planes and predict the weather,thats what we do so if you disagree with it then you know" what the feck has that got to do with basketball? am i some how wrong for not trusting a stat that has Tyson Chandler 3rd on the all time list and rates Yao Ming higher than Dirk?
I mean what do i know i dont build bridges now do i, i just watch basketball.
Dismantled? okay Eboue.
You didn't even respond to the Horford/Bosh part. Go on then.
We are talking about an unhealthy Bosh
Charles Barkley was right.
Why dont we bash every other injured player who averaged 21 and 7?
"Charlie Barkley re-signed with TNT after he couldn't find a GM job"
The nerds have won. Thick buffoons who refuse to understand math like Barkley have lost.
I found that odd too. I've rarely seen that be questioned.Why wouldn't they be able to co-exist? They both see each other as crucial pieces of the puzzle in winning a championship, they seem to get on quite well, they trust each other.
Charles Barkley was right.
Yup, nothing to do with his bad attitude and his running mouth.
I'm not bashing him. I'm pointing out that he wasn't as good as Horford last year and takes up much more of the cap than Horford and has worse health than Horford and is older than Horford.
And yet you aren't talking about Horford as a free agent draw?
Show me a single successful gm hired in the last few years that doesn't believe in analytics. The war over stats has already been fought in front offices and boardrooms and coaching circles. It's only fans who refuse to come around.
Also, I was looking at stats regarding 3 point shooting trends over time, would teams now just shoot teams from the 80's/90's off the court or would these teams adapt?
In a 7 game series? The modern team would dominate. If they had a few seasons to adapt, it would be close.
Magic Johnson and Larry Bird played in the 1979 NCAA championship game. It's one of the famous games of all time. You can watch it in full here. It's cool to watch 2 inner circle hall of fame players but it's also amazing how the spacing how was lacking.
rofl. The east has been such a wasteland in the LeBron era. Like 3 of that 7 is Chicago all banged up too.