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How long does it take till Microsoft send you a brand new one?
What are you gunna do now GB?
Replace or convert?
already have a PS3 in the house so no point getting one of them. I really have enjoyed gaming on the xbox though so ill stick with it
hope you get one with improved media outlet, with HDMI port (capable of actually sending more images per second than the PS3).
By the way. I am not a fanboy before any closet PS3 fanboys start. Just thought i'd spread my knowledge.
he's newly promoted, writes game reviews apparently.
Write game reviews? That does not bode well.
Hey everyone, hows things?
I'm a long time United fan, and despite living in London, go to around 5-8 games a year. I actually went to University in Manchester for the pure reason of ease of access to Old Trafford.
Anyway, I have a part time job of writing computer game reviews, so, if you want advice, feel free to ask, and i'll try review or recommend for you.
Hope you are all well, and i'll see you in the forums!
The HDMI output port on the PS3 is actually limited due to the quality of the images lifted from the Blu Ray disks. The higher quality images is currently lost on coversion to the output of the games on the PS3, and the next update from Sony is supposed to help improve this.
The HDMI output port on the PS3 is actually limited due to the quality of the images lifted from the Blu Ray disks. The higher quality images is currently lost on coversion to the output of the games on the PS3, and the next update from Sony is supposed to help improve this.
We'll have to ask Lambs about this, but I would assume that PS3 Game OS has a fuction where you tell it the address of the starting pixel, and maybe the width of each line. PS3 Game OS then sets a couple of registers in RSX and that is it.
Cue muller now to tell us he's under NDA or disappear completely.
Haven't you realised that game magazine writers haven't got a flying feck about what they are talking about.
NDA? Sorry, not sure.
Anyway, during a Rockstar tour and gaming comparison session, this was how it was told to me. Im not sure any of the OTT nerdy bollox you just said, but its how it was explianed to me by Rockstar, and therefore, as simply as I could explain it to others.
Too true. I dont really care about anything else apart from the quality of the game. Just didnt feel like hiding in the shadows and thought i'd express my views and what I know and have been told.
Apparently, your not allowed to have an opinion if your new up here.
Too true. I dont really care about anything else apart from the quality of the game. Just didnt feel like hiding in the shadows and thought i'd express my views and what I know and have been told.
Apparently, your not allowed to have an opinion if your new up here.
You were talking to some Page Ranking bloke wasn't you?
PS3 GTAIV doesn't even render in 720p and has no AA, that's how much a feckup that was. Lets blame it on the HDMI of PS3 being borked.
Uncharted seems to output well enough through it, as does GT5, as does R&CF, as do.......
The trouble is, you made it out as it was you "knowledge", where it was nothing of the sort. It was you playing chinese whispers about hardware, I think we would already know if the hardware was borked on that level. This is the trouble with "games journalists" nowadays, you try to talk a lot about things you know feck all about (you are no different from IGN, 1UP, Katoku, et al. on this, so it's not your fault). Stick to reviewing games and less about talking about hardware. Leave that to the technical websites and publications. The only reason it is even talked about here is because of people like you coming along and spouting total bullshit.
But as much as I love people to have their own free speach etc, dont jump on people for trying to express their knowledge.
Forsomeone trying to make himself out as a "journalist", it might help if you look up the definition of the word "knowledge" in the Oxford English dictionary.
I dont claim to be a "journalist", I "review". Thats what I do.
Now you try to make a deal and you come back again, and again. Why are you so hostile? Were you touched as a child or something?
I have no problem with anyone here, but you apparently dislike people with a small post count and are new? Anyway, would you like to clear the air, or continue this? Cos I will get bored WAY before you will. Plus, as it goes, ironically, I have some games I have to be "journalist" about.
I dont claim to be a "journalist", I "review". Thats what I do.
Now you try to make a deal and you come back again, and again. Why are you so hostile? Were you touched as a child or something?
I have no problem with anyone here, but you apparently dislike people with a small post count and are new? Anyway, would you like to clear the air, or continue this? Cos I will get bored WAY before you will. Plus, as it goes, ironically, I have some games I have to be "journalist" about.
I dislike people that talk bullshit on something where there can be no subjectivity involved and have no proof apart from hearsay and then try to portray such statements as their "knowledge". I couldn't give a feck about your post count or if you were new or not.
Wow. I said something incorrect, have not tried to call any of you liars, have admitted that im wrong, and this is still going on?
Sorry, I read to where you said about hardware and games and started typing - I dont review hardware. I review games on playing quality and how much I enjoy them, thats all. Feel free not to trust my advice - the companies I work for apparently do.
Im sorry for saying something that was now accurate, I completely revoke that. now, feel free to drop it?
Subject change. Do you have Euro 08 on the 360 which you fancy getting rid of?
I do have it, but dont feel like getting rid of it sorry! Its one of the games I had to actually pay for - and im glad I did, is a great football game.