I'm not clicking on all the links and trash sources, but if I look at just these two:
“Hundreds of thousands of meals that went to al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria”
The article linked explains that "Mahmoud Al Hafyan, who ran the organization’s Syrian division, skimmed as much as $10 million worth of meals funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. The meals were supposed to go to Syrian civil war refugees. Mr. Al Hafyan allowed members of the Nusra Front, an al Qaeda-linked terrorist organization, to collect the meals, U.S. investigators said as they unsealed an indictment last week." So that's not USAID policy, it's an illegal diversion of funds that's facing criminal investigation.
"$6 million to fund tourism in Egypt"
The article linked explains that this is actually development support for the North Sinai region: "The amendment to the North Sinai bilateral assistance agreement supports the Egyptian government’s efforts to spur inclusive economic development in the governorate. Through this agreement, USAID will build on previous investments in North Sinai including the provision of potable water to 300,000 residents and wastewater services to 100,000 residents. New activities under this amendment will provide access to transportation for rural communities and economic livelihood programming for families."
And that,
@Pughnichi, is they your list means nothing as it is. Just in these two examples we see how the headlines complete distort what actually happened. I'm not going to go through all the rest; it's up to you now to do the due diligence on your own post and demonstrate how that list proves anything.